Head Gear Reviews by Pars
  1. Meze 11 Neo

    4.00 star(s)
    I just got a pair of these, and wanted to post some brief impressions. Build quality is very good, particularly for a sub-$100 product. Packaging is great, and matches the photos provided by other. Sonics: Slightly bright, or maybe a better way of saying this is slightly lacking in bass. I have been using these on the train with an iPhone 7. I finally broke down and selected the Bass Boost EQ. With this on, and the volume increased some to compensate, they are perfectly adequate and sound quite good. Material I have been listening to is mostly...
  2. Rotel RCD-991

    4.00 star(s)
    The Rotel RCD-991 was the successor to the previous flagship RCD-990 player. The 991 differed mostly in the transport used; the previous 990 uses a Philips CDM-9 Pro, whereas the 991 uses a Sony KSS-213. The Philips used in the 990 is perhaps a better sounding pickup, but suffered from reliability and availability problems (try finding one now).   The player operates smoothly and quietly. All function are accessible via the front panel; most can also be accessed via the remote control. It also offers the ability to adjust dither; a feature that I...