Head Gear Reviews by o0genesis0o
  1. FiiO FH15

    4.00 star(s)
    If Forrest Gump were a fan of In-ear Monitors (IEM), he would say, “Life is like an IEM from the FH line of FiiO. You never know what you’re going to get.” Whilst the FD line (FiiO’s Dynamic Driver IEMs) is predictable with a Harman-inspired tuning, and a varying degree of a treble peak at 5kHz, the FH line (FiiO’s Hybrid IEMs) is pretty much a wildcard. There seems to be no pre-defined target for this line, and thanks to the flexibility of a hybrid multi-driver configuration, FH IEMs can be anything. Sometimes they surprise you in a good way (FH9)...
  2. AFUL Acoustics Performer 5

    4.50 star(s)
    We, audio geeks, like to think that we are immune to superficial characteristics such as appearance when it comes to audio products. Yet, sometimes, appearance is all we have in the current IEM market, where new products pop up everywhere, like mushrooms. The appearance was the initial spark of my interest in AFUL Performance 5 (P5). Not only it looks great, its shells greatly resemble another iconic IEM with TOTL performance. When more information arose about all the patents underlying these IEMs, I knew I wanted to get my mitts on a pair. So...
  3. Fiio FW5

    4.50 star(s)
    Recently, I managed to complete my dream portable head-fi setup, consisting of an excellent music player (M6U), a nice pair of earbuds (FF5), and excellent IEMs. The whole setup can be packed neatly in my briefcase and follow me everywhere. I must have spent much time listening to this incredible setup, right? Not quite. Most of my listening in the last few weeks was done with a pair of True Wireless Stereo (TWS) IEMs from Fiio. And no, it was not just for writing this review. Let’s talk about Fiio FW5. Forewords This review is based on a...
  4. Fiio FF5

    4.50 star(s)
    Last year, I had a chance encounter with the modern flathead earbuds in the form of Fiio FF3. That unassuming piece of head-fi gear ended up receiving the first ever “seal of approval” from me thanks to a combination of headphone-like presentation, unmatched comfort, and affordability. Still, FF3 was far from perfect. Great DIY earbuds such as TGXear Serratus showed that earbuds can match the bests of IEMs, and Fiio’s earbuds still have quite a bit of work ahead of them. After many delays, Fiio’s answer in the form of FF5 is finally here. Can it...
  5. Shanling M6 Ultra

    4.50 star(s)
    What’s the point of digital audio players (DAP) in this day and age? That question has haunted me since I realised that the “bricks” that many at my local hi-fi store use are oversized MP3 players (no, sorry, DAPs). Why would anyone want a device that cannot stream online music or has an obsolete Android version? Sound quality? What’s the point, given that perfectly measured DAC/amp dongles exist? Despite my scepticism, I couldn’t help but yearn for one of those bricks. Recently, I acquired a portable DAC/amp unit and was sure that the madness over...
  6. DUNU Talos

    3.50 star(s)
    Few IEMs captured my imagination more than the famous planar-BA hybrid from Dunu. I waited and waited for a chance to source the IEM. Meanwhile, I looked at the graphs and read all reviews, imagining how these IEMs sound. I even prepared a little joke for the day when I would review them. Finally. Finally. I have laid my hands on Talos. How do they sound? Forewords This rapid-fire review is based on a sample by Addicted to Audio (A2A). The sample was returned to the store after the review. It retails at A2A for AUD $339. You should treat this...
  7. ACMEE Magic Sound 4S

    3.50 star(s)
    What do you think about when you hear the name “ACMEE?” I personally fondly recall the Looney Tunes of the old: Fortunately, the device we discuss today is not a wacky invention from Acme cooperation but a DAC/amp dongle called Magic Sound 4S from ACMEE, a Chi-Fi manufacturer established in 2014. Is 4S any good? Let’s find out. Preambles: I use the term “source” to denote a DAC + Amp combo. Sources do not make sounds. Therefore, when I say sources “sound” a certain way, I talk about the change they make to my IEMs and earphones. I want my...
  8. NF Audio RA10

    3.00 star(s)
    Are modern IEMs becoming too large? One of the most common feedback I receive when giving purchase advice is, “thanks, but these IEMs are too big.” As IEMs pack more and more drivers to (try to) achieve a better sound quality, comfort takes more and more of a backseat. In the current landscape, your choices of small IEMs are limited to a few options, from Shure, Westone, and the famous Sennheiser IExxx series. This gap in the market is why I find NF Audio RA10 interesting. Let’s talk about these tiny IEMs. Forewords This review is based on a...
  9. Topping G5

    4.50 star(s)
    The first time I visited a hi-fi store, I saw a person holding a big “brick”, either a digital audio player or a portable amplifier, in his hand to listen to IEMs. I didn’t know what or how expensive it was, but that person seemed to enjoy using it. So I wanted a “brick” for myself. As I got deeper into this audio hobby, like some (many?) newbies, I went through the phase of parroting: “Apple dongle is all you need.” Yet, the “brick” was always in my mind, despite how illogical it seemed. One thing led to another, and now I’ve also got an audio...

    4.00 star(s)
    Why? That was my question when I heard about the latest dongle DAC/AMP from Hidizs, the XO. Why do they release another dongle when they already have the excellent S9 Pro? Why do they reduce the output power compared to S9 Pro? Why do they make RGB light strips the key selling point? I was not left wondering for too long. Now that I have spent a solid amount of time with XO and run it through all kinds of A/B tests, let me tell you about this colourful dongle. Preambles: I use the term “source” to denote a DAC + Amp combo. Sources do not make...
  11. TGXEar Serratus

    4.50 star(s)
    Reviewers are good at picking apart head-fi products. How do they fare when they build head-fi products themselves? Pretty well, apparently. If you have been around head-fi communities recently, you would no doubt hear about the DIY flathead earbuds from tgx78, a long-term and well-known head-fier. Leading the pack is Serratus, flathead earbuds that, according to feedback from the community and reviewers, can trade blows with multi-kilo buck IEMs. I have been daily-driving Serratus for a couple weeks to answer a burning question: does Serratus...
  12. Fiio FD5

    3.50 star(s)
    Welcome to another rapid-fire review where I share impressions of audio gear as fast as possible. Today, we talk about my (ex-)darling, Fiio FD5. Forewords I purchase this unit on my own. I have no affiliation with or financial interest in Fiio. This unit costs me AUD $460. You should treat this review as the subjective impressions of an audio geek rather than an “objective truth” about the IEM. Your experience with any IEM would change depending on your DAC/AMP, music library, ear tips, and listening volume. I rate IEMs by A/B testing them against...
  13. FiiO JD7 - Dynamic Driver IEMs

    4.50 star(s)
    What do you think when you see yet another set of IEM tuned according to Harman In-ear Target? My first thought is, “what’s the catch?” I have yet to hear a set of Harman-tuned IEMs that does not suffer from a boring flat soundstage or blurry musical notes (a.k.a., “low resolution”). Therefore, when Fiio asked me to review JD7, the flagship of their budget IEM range with a Harman-inspired tuning, I had little expectation. So, how is JD7? Spoiler: I bought a replacement cable and upgraded my portable DAC/AMP to pair with JD7 after spending a few...
  14. Smabat M4

    3.50 star(s)
    Do you want to build and tune your own earphones to create your unique sound? Do you like to share that unique sound with others? This ability has been limited to handy DIYers and influential audiophile reviewers. However, Smabat has been trying to change this situation with modular IEMs and earphones. The idea is that you can buy the main body unit and a couple of different drivers and filters to put together a unique pair of IEMs or earphones. The assembly process can be done without soldering. I love the idea. However, can the idea stand up to...
  15. Hidizs S9 PRO Balanced & Single-Ended Mini HiFi DAC & AMP

    4.00 star(s)
    Among all the reviews I have written, the one you are reading is one of the hardest for me to write. Why? Well, you see, I'm a stubborn guy. When I started the head-fi hobby, Internet people told me that all modern audio sources sound the same and amplifiers are unnecessary for portable gear. I held onto that belief for the longest time and repeated the dogma, "Apple dongle is all you need." However, my belief began to waver as I experienced more pairs of sources and transducers. The little dongle DAC/AMP we discuss today might be my tipping...
  16. Shanling UP4 2022

    3.50 star(s)
    Bluetooth DAC/AMP combos always feel oxymorons to me. You buy external DAC/AMP to maximize sound quality. Yet, you use a lossy connection (Bluetooth) that reduces the sound quality you seek to improve. Still, I use Bluetooth DAC/AMP combos because they are small, do not drain the phone's battery, and sound decent with a good Bluetooth codec like LDAC. Can UP4 (2022 version) up my Bluetooth DAC/AMP game? Let's find out. Before we geek out, I would like to address casual listeners who stumble across this review (welcome!): UP4 is a convenient and...
  17. FiiO FH3

    2.50 star(s)
    Welcome to another rapid-fire review where I try to share impressions of audio gear as fast as possible. Today, we talk about Fiio FH3, the first "audiophile IEM" that I have ever bought. In some sense, this IEM was my "first love" and the starting point of my whole IEM review hobby. How does it stand up to my scrutiny nowadays? Summary for casual listeners: FH3 makes a good first impression with crisp sound and deep bass. Upon closer inspection, FH3 starts falling apart in tonality and soundstage imaging. This IEM is definitely not for me, but it...
  18. Hidizs MD4 4 Balanced Armature Drivers

    4.00 star(s)
    Beyond tonality, what makes a pair of IEM or headphones "good"? For some of us, it's all about that bass. For others, it's all about "timbre." Personally, I look for the elusive "resolution" and "soundstage." Whilst good tonality is getting cheaper with every new IEM, the same cannot be said about resolution and soundstage. Can Hidizs MD4 change that? Let's find out. Forewords This review is based on a review sample sent by Hidizs (Thank you!). I treat review units as long-term loaned units, meaning I can use them, but they still belong to the...
  19. Nicehck YD30

    3.00 star(s)
    Hi, welcome to my first rapid-fire review, where I try to get the point across about a certain IEM or earphones as fast as possible. A way to reduce the mountain of review backlog, if you will. Please do leave a comment to give me feedback on how to improve these rapid-fire reviews. Today, we talk about a pair of (very) budget earbuds from Nicehck, which I bought from Aliexpress for AUD $16. Can it stand up to my scrutiny? Forewords I purchase this unit on my own. I have no affiliation with or financial interest in Nicehck. I rate IEMs by A/B...
  20. FiiO FF3

    4.50 star(s)
    Once in a while, you come across a piece of equipment that completely shifts your perspective. My first shift was when I listened to Fiio FD5 for the first time and realised that "high-end" IEMs make a lot of sense. That's when I decided to write head-fi reviews and name my blog "In-ear Gems". My second shift was when I sat down for my first "critical listening session" with FF3 - the latest flat-head earbuds from the venerable ChiFi manufacturer Fiio. Forewords I purchase this unit on my own. I have no affiliation with or financial interest in...