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    • nuxos
      nuxos reacted to 1oad3r's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
      Hello friends. I wanted to provide some thoughts having owned and used these now for over 2 years - time flies! I still absolutely love...
    • nuxos
      nuxos replied to the thread Sennheiser HD 660S2 thread.
      Another album and sound that gives me chill at every occasion is the original soundtrack from "The Mission", and particularly "Fall".
    • nuxos
      nuxos reacted to Plieb's post in the thread Sennheiser HD 660S2 thread with Like Like.
      Wow! You are 100 percent correct on all your observations of this recording. Listening via my ndh30 on a singxer amp. As good as it gets.
    • nuxos
      nuxos replied to the thread Sennheiser HD 660S2 thread.
      Just wonderful timbers all accros this recomposed version of Four Seasons. The balance, the extension, the separation, everything is...
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    • nuxos
      nuxos replied to the thread Sennheiser HD 660S2 thread.
      IMO yes! It is especially interesting if you are looking for an all-in solution with a ton of power. It has so many options yet I only...
    • nuxos
      nuxos replied to the thread Sennheiser HD 660S2 thread.
      I did a quick shooting with my camera and natural light on my desk :) Sorry for my message length and hope you enjoy them !
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    • nuxos
      nuxos replied to the thread Sennheiser HD 660S2 thread.
      Power wise, the K5 Pro was already a beast and enough for the S2. The K9 amp is even more powerful and would allow to drive crazy...
    • nuxos
      nuxos replied to the thread Sennheiser HD 660S2 thread.
      After a couple of months enjoying the HD660S2 with the Fiio K9 Pro (ESS), it was time to deliver my humble feedback to the thread :)...
    • nuxos
      nuxos replied to the thread Sennheiser HD 660S2 thread.
      Finally received my custom cable, my very first one by the way :D
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    • nuxos
      nuxos reacted to MattTCG's post in the thread Sennheiser HD 660S2 thread with Like Like.
      The s2 is certainly one of the few headphones that I have no desire to mod or change in any way honestly. The sound signature is simply...
    • nuxos
      nuxos replied to the thread Sennheiser HD 660S2 thread.
      I have the 660S2 and the K9 Pro since a couple of weeks, it's just fantastic! They make a great combinaison. The K9 Pro is big step...
    • nuxos
      nuxos replied to the thread Introducing MOMENTUM 4 Wireless.
      Right cup is the sensor to detect the head and used in the smart pause function :)
    • nuxos
      nuxos reacted to ericpalonen's post in the thread Introducing MOMENTUM 4 Wireless with Like Like.
      FWIW, a 5-band is in development along with some other sound cool personalization features. Glad you're enjoying the sweet and buttery...
    • nuxos
      nuxos reacted to Bansaku's post in the thread Introducing MOMENTUM 4 Wireless with Like Like.
      Well, it's been a few days and I am really loving the Momentum 4! I won't get into too much detail as I want to keep the good stuff for...
    • nuxos
      nuxos replied to the thread Introducing MOMENTUM 4 Wireless.
      Indeed it was Sidetone! I had a call earlier and put the option at 0%, ANC was working perfectly during all the call. Thanks :)
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