Recent content by nutsnut
  1. nutsnut

    Philips Fidelio X2?!

    On my 2nd pair of x2's,the first had a really loose headband, Driver rattle in the right cup and an imbalance to the left cup. The 2nd pair are perfect and sound awesome through my jdl chu Moy amp.
  2. nutsnut

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part XIII]

    New to these parts, but thought i'd post my listening set up.
  3. nutsnut

    SanDisk 32Gb MicroSDHC

    I dont mind if they are class 2, sure it may take a little longer to transfer my files to them. But for music playback, it wont really matter.
  4. nutsnut

    Headphone Cable, Hidden or On Show

    May seem like a strange question, and couldn't find a more fitting section of the forum to post it in. I always wear my Headphones than put the cable inside my jacket to my DAP in my jacket or trouser pocket, so the cable isn't on show and free to dangle. However recently, for some reason...
  5. nutsnut

    A warning to Archos 5 160gb owners

    Ahh I see, I had an Archos 705 which had a removable battery.
  6. nutsnut

    A warning to Archos 5 160gb owners

    Could you have not removed the battery to shut it down?
  7. nutsnut

    Clip Vs Fuze?

    Hi guys, Still havent bought one as i've just bought an amp its complicated matter further. Still think i'll go for the fuze, but will decided onced the amp is here.
  8. nutsnut

    Clip Vs Fuze?

    Mee too, just scouring ebay at the mo, seeing if some sellers will confirm wheters its version 1 or 2. If not i might just get the clip+.
  9. nutsnut

    Clip Vs Fuze?

    Fuze it is then, with custom line out. Should prevent the need to purchase an amp for a little longer.
  10. nutsnut

    Clip Vs Fuze?

    Ok, so it looks like the Fuze so I can rockbox it. Can anyone verify that the link i provided is for the V1 fuze?
  11. nutsnut

    Clip Vs Fuze?

    Sansa Fuze 8gb MP3 Player Black: Electronics & Photo Is that the V1 or V2 version, is there any way of telling? Which version is better overall. Sorry for the numerous questions, just want to buy the right thing.
  12. nutsnut

    Clip Vs Fuze?

    Cheers toast, I'm a shuffle/repeat listener through all my songs, I dont select anything purposefully. So far, everything is pointing towards the clip other than the DIY line out function on the Fuze.
  13. nutsnut

    Clip Vs Fuze?

    Thanks for your prompt replies, I was hoping the Fuze would have some sort of advantage to make the addtional £10 a must. What is the headphone out like on both units? Is there much advantage in custom making a Line out for the fuze? If not, i guess its the Clip that will be purchased.
  14. nutsnut

    Clip Vs Fuze?

    Hi Guys/Gals I'm after a new MP3 player but don't have a great amount to spend. After reading a lot of thread on these forums a lot of people recommend the Sansa clip and the Sansa Fuze. For The 8 gig version there is only £10 difference between the models, the Fuze obviously being the...
  15. nutsnut

    A mobile phone with good sound / interface?

    After having owned the Nokia 5800, then replaced with an Iphone 2G, and Now a HTC HD2 I would say the nokia is Leagues ahead in term of music quality. Infact, when I replaced the Nokia I had to buy a dedicated MP3 player (my last one broke, and the Nokia was more than good enough especialy when...