Recent content by neonjung
  1. N

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread

    I wouldn't worry one bit about recessed upper mids and highs, at least not with my ears and this particular pair of LCD2F that I have. I have a very analytical ear though. Depending on the track, I'm often finding I need to cut 1 kHz a little bit, sometimes 3-6 k. Not much though, so it's...
  2. N

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread

    Great idea. There is a Richer Sounds just down the road from me and they have a bunch of different amps in, I know for a fact they have the Mojo in, so I could have a listen to them through that. Also thanks for the R2R info, very useful!
  3. N

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread

    Thanks for the swift reply! So would you say that the harshness I'm hearing around 1 and 6 kHz will most likely be due to the cheap DAC/amp in my audio interface? I've read that, if you were to create an analogy for the R2R, that it would be more like listening to vinyl, or something analog as...
  4. N

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread

    So I just bought a pair of 2018 Fazor, new headband LCD-2's and they sound great, especially in comparison to the LCD-2Classics that I bought and promptly returned; the Classics were extremely dull, unnatural sounding and grainy by comparison. That's not to say that these new fazor LCD-2's are...
  5. N

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread

    Helloooooo, pretty close to investing in the LCD-2 but I have a couple options and I'm not sure which to go with. I can get brand new Bamboo with latest headband for £820 (usually £899) OR I can get Aluminium Refurb with old headband for £750. Anyone think of any reason I should choose one over...
  6. N

    Are my Classics distorting?

    Yeah I suspected my amp isn't sufficient to do cans like these any real justice. I just didn't expect for the 600's to not distort when using the same amplification though. I've ordered an NFB 11.28 so that should fix things and I guess if not then I'll return them.
  7. N

    Are my Classics distorting?

    HI there, I'm new(ish) to the world of headphones and I'm noticing some unexpected results from my newly purchased LCD-2 Classics. So I'm listening to a favourite track of mine by Aphex Twin, Produk 29, and the huge bass in the track is distorting when playing at full volume. My dac and...