Nabooh's latest activity
  • Nabooh
    Nabooh posted a comment on classifieds listing Hifiman Arya V2.
    No problem, I bought mine today ;)
  • Nabooh
    Hi, I just bought the Arya today! It's kind of a blind purchase, because I never heard them before. But I know my taste in headphoness...
  • Nabooh
    For those interested in replacing the ugly and flimsy headband...
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  • Nabooh
    Nabooh replied to the thread Best game soundtrack?.
    For a more recent title: Death Stranding (thanks Kojima) mades me discover a lot of good groups, mainly Low Roar. And I just loved how...
  • Nabooh
    Actually playing Scarlet Nexus on PS5. God I missed a good anime game so much, and this one seems one of the best I played so far. My...
  • Nabooh
    IMO, this headphone is a beast for every multiplayer games I played, and everything that need depth and precision in sound. But I have...
  • Nabooh
    I have also been struggling, both on my PS5 and Serie X, to get a proper way to drive Hifi Headphones... The easiest way would probably...
  • Nabooh
    Nabooh replied to the thread Focal Clear headphones.
    I know, I also don't listen at high volume, and enjoy my Clear way more at decent volume. I enjoyed the Elex a lot, but living in...
  • Nabooh
    Nabooh reacted to Ichos's post in the thread Focal Clear headphones with Like Like.
    Allow me to still think that the Elex is just a touch more clear and resolving. It is aided by the sound scape that is positioned more...
  • Nabooh
    Nabooh replied to the thread Focal Clear headphones.
    The Elex ( which is just an Elear with clear pads BTW ), is more fun and punchy, but it lacks the detail and clarity of the Clear. And...
  • Nabooh
    Nabooh posted a comment on classifieds listing Hifiman Arya V2.
    Hi! I'm in France, and I would be very interested by those Arya. I'm actually selling my Clear and some other stuff, and I was looking...
  • Nabooh
    Nabooh posted a comment on classifieds listing Hifman Sundara.
    Hi, I might be interested. Are you in the EU?
  • Nabooh
    Nabooh replied to the thread New Member Introductions thread.
    Hi Everyone! My name is Alexandre, 29yo, from France! I started my hifi journey almost a year ago, with a simple Beyerdynamic DT770...