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      N1tro replied to the thread Topping A90.
      No need, asked a few people it's how tyhe song is mastered. Vocals aren't centered thus giving off the vibe right side is louder. Focal...
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      Yep i realized and it sucks. Once you notice it with a good pair of headphones you cant ever forget it's not centered. It's very...
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      Really is a shame, because as we have come to find out using headphones regardless of equipment price and it does nothing but annoy you...
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      N1tro replied to the thread Topping A90.
      I don't know if my A90 has a channel balance issue or i'm going crazy right now. I feel as if the right side is louder in my headphones...
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      I have to say, i found this very amusing since i was just googling this problem. I'd rather not create a new thread while an older...
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