Head Gear Reviews by mvvRAZ
  1. FiR Audio M5

    4.50 star(s)
    I generally have a safe approach to buying audio gear - I mainly go for well known brands and models that have been around for some time, that have been reviewed extensively, with their issues, strengths and weaknesses identified. The first time I took a leap of faith was on FiR as I have been speaking to Bogdan Belonozhko for a while and he's given me a lot of confidence in their brand. Boy am I glad that I did though. Anyways, a couple of days ago I received the FiR Audio M5, a TOTL tri-brid IEM by Bogdan Belonozhko himself. FiR is a relatively...
  2. Noble Audio Sage

    3.50 star(s)
    Prelude: I got the Sage about 6 months back, as my first proper HiFi purchase. It arrived a week or two later, and honestly, unboxing it was the best part of the experience. Noble really has it down, they come in a big, beautiful box, with as many accessories as you can hope for, boxes, pouches, eartips, the whole experience. I was as happy as a kid on Xmas day. During this review I am using a Mojo and an upgrade Han Sound Audio cable, the Muse II The design is beautiful, as are most if not all Noble designs, they really do a good job at giving...
  3. Campfire Audio IO

    4.50 star(s)
    I only had about half an hour with the IO at the Munich High End a few days back, so take this review with a grain of salt. I am currently using the Andromeda S as my daily driver, and absolutely in love with its sound signature, intensity and neutrality/naturality. Now, the IO is considerably lighter and as such, somewhat more comfortable as well. It instantly found itself at home in my ears (i didn't even have to change the tips or play with those, just pop and in they went). Their design is also absolutely gorgeous, in a dark red with gold...