MusicC's latest activity
  • MusicC
    MusicC reacted to csch92's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    Go to your nearest hifi store qnd try them your selt. I prefer my 109 over the 660s 2 But every ear is different. Some find their...
  • MusicC
    MusicC reacted to marekm's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    The fact that you managed to buy something cheap and are happy with your choice is fine and may influence your perception of quality...
  • MusicC
    MusicC reacted to Dragonmilenario's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    Sometimes, we get so used to something that it’s hard to switch things up. This could be one of those times. But honestly, no matter how...
  • MusicC
    MusicC replied to the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro.
    Trust me, coming from an FiiO E10K , K5 Pro was a huge improvement for me ! I know there are better gears around but below 90€ (the...
  • MusicC
    MusicC replied to the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro.
    A very good gear maybe, but how much better than my HD650 / FiiO K5 Pro combo ? :wink:
  • MusicC
    MusicC replied to the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro.
    At first, I was very interested in these headphones. At first. Then, as I read this thread, I realised that a lot of people here were...
  • MusicC
    MusicC reacted to Tada's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    The HD600 is a reference for neutrality so any colored headphone, such as the 109 PRO, will be complimentary. It will handily beat the...
  • MusicC
    MusicC replied to the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro.
    Hello everyone, I'd like to hear the honest opinion of those who possess both the Meze 109 Pro and the legendary Sennheiser HD600 (like...
  • MusicC
    MusicC reacted to ThanatosVI's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    Yeah Hifiman has ultrastrong price/performance Ratio especially now around christmas.
  • MusicC
    MusicC reacted to kellustzall's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    Unless they get a pair of Edition XS on sale and maybe a Yulong AIO system. There's no competition with Hifiman about values.
  • MusicC
    MusicC reacted to ThanatosVI's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    There will be a noticeable difference. However at that price point it's hard to give recommendations. If the reviewer honestly meant...
  • MusicC
    MusicC reacted to kellustzall's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    I bet whoever said that was probably thinking about your wallet. I guess his or her point of view was like "headphones will make biggest...
  • MusicC
    MusicC reacted to Zap67's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    I find differences on the bass, for the better, going from Luxury Precision W2 131 to Mojo 2
  • MusicC
    MusicC replied to the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro.
    I suspected it a little , I asked the question because I heard on a Youtube review someone saying that the use of a dedicated Amp/DAC...
  • MusicC
    MusicC replied to the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro.
    Hi , For those who own these heaphones, anyone can tell me if there is a significant difference in terms of sound quality between using...