Recent content by msullivan
  1. msullivan


    Quote: Availability: On Order And I can't afford to spend a penny over 100. Hardcore budgeting.
  2. msullivan


    Well, I was sold and went to purchase a set of AD700, but anywhere with a reasonable price (100 and under shipped) was out of stock... in fact, I didn't see any websites in stock. What's the second choice?
  3. msullivan


    How does the AHD1001k stack up against the A/AD-700?
  4. msullivan


    What is the difference between the AD700 and the ATH A700 besides the second being closed? Are there any recommendations for (specifically) a circumaural set of closed cans in this price range?
  5. msullivan


    And you would say that they're better than the Bose around-ear? Significantly? I only ask because the closest thing to a high-quality set of cans I've ever heard was the Bose around-ear, and I fell in love with them. I was going to buy them for myself for Christmas, but ended up doing...
  6. msullivan


    I've actually head the AT AD700 a lot. How are those two comfort-wise?
  7. msullivan


    Well, I was specifically talking about the around-ear cans, not the IEM, and chinesekiwi lives in NZ, not I.
  8. msullivan


    Well, my budget before this week was $200, but due to some unforeseen expenditures, I'm down to around $100. I listen only to classical music, and I listen for long periods of time, so comfort is a factor. I live in a dorm, but in a single room, so while noise is an issue, open is a possibility...
  9. msullivan


    I know that Bose is kind of a maligned brand in the high-fi world, but from what I know, most of its stigma is related to price. How would you all feel about Bose cans if you could get them at a reasonable price? I ask because, as a military dependent, I can get Bose products at a discounted and...
  10. msullivan

    is this real? are these akg k 702's?

    vBulletin should have a "like" feature like in Facebook so I can like your post HD-5000.
  11. msullivan

    is this real? are these akg k 702's?

    just received confirmation of cancelation :/
  12. msullivan

    is this real? are these akg k 702's?

    I just received notification that my order was shipped to the warehouse-- so at least I'm caught up with you guys. Apparently they had to verify my address. They wouldn't have shipped to the warehouse today if they weren't shipping it, yeah?
  13. msullivan

    is this real? are these akg k 702's?

    I'm giving this a bump for all of us who're excited to find out tomorrow whether we get these cans.
  14. msullivan

    is this real? are these akg k 702's?

    Mine went through but still just says processing-- no "sent to warehouse" on mine.
  15. msullivan

    is this real? are these akg k 702's?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Chone they probably wont even charge anybody until it's shipped. we probably won't even have to make a phone call about it if it doesn't go through. there were probably only 15-20 to sell, they might go through, might not. :/ I was already charged for...