Recent content by moran679
  1. moran679

    AKG K240DF quick first impressions... Now with pics!

    Sorry to be dragging this thread out of the grave, but I was wondering if there's any point in buying a pair of Sony MDR-7506 if I have the K240-DF and an amp to drive them? Also, does anyone know when they stopped making the K240-DF model with the small 3.5mm jack?
  2. moran679

    AMP for a pair of AKG 240 DF

    I think I'll buy one then. Thank you very much, you've been a great help.
  3. moran679

    AMP for a pair of AKG 240 DF

    Xonar Essence STX looks pretty interesting. I think it would make a better choice over a headphone amp since I use my onboard sound card (which is not all that good, to be honest). Do you think that it will be enough to drive my headphones? (or at least as good as one of the amps you've recommended)
  4. moran679

    AMP for a pair of AKG 240 DF

    Hello, I currently own a pair of AKG 240 DF (2x 600ohms) that are connected to my PC. I need a headphone amp since my sound card is too weak to handle it. I'm looking to spend a maximum amount of about $150, any suggestions?