Recent content by moons
  1. moons

    How many of you have tinnitus?

    Many factors would cause tinnitus. One of them could be using headphone. In many cases, I heard, tension or imbalance of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) is a critical trigger. I'd be interested in how many of you would have your tinnitus reduced or gone away by massaging the SCM.   There...
  2. moons

    FLC Technology FLC8 and FLC8s Impressions Thread

    I was just wondering how loud is the harpsichord in your FLC8s? In this record, harpsichord starts to play at 16:35.   The harpsichord is too loud in my FLC8s - louder than violin and cello. I'm using filter combination for classical music. Just checked with...