Mmmazzotta99 posted a comment on classifieds listing Chord Mojo.Thanks
Mmmazzotta99 posted a comment on classifieds listing Chord Mojo.Would love to buy this if it’s available??
Mmmazzotta99 posted a comment on classifieds listing Chord Mojo.Is this still available?
Mmmazzotta99 posted a comment on classifieds listing Chord Mojo.Still available?
Mmmazzotta99 posted a comment on classifieds listing Chord Mojo - Like New Barely Used.Still available?
Mmmazzotta99 reacted to megabigeye's post in the thread Question: Fiio Q5s & BTR5 bluetooth mode & drive capabilities with Like.Oh yeah. Apple computers support SBC (which is no longer listed in the FiiO apps) and AAC. Stick with AAC. Windows computers generally...
Mmmazzotta99 reacted to megabigeye's post in the thread Question: Fiio Q5s & BTR5 bluetooth mode & drive capabilities with Like.You're welcome! I updated my last post to answer that part of your question.
Mmmazzotta99 replied to the thread Question: Fiio Q5s & BTR5 bluetooth mode & drive capabilities.Appreciate it. I have it plugged into the 3.5mm now and it works. Thoughts on Select Bluetooth codec? They have about 6 options
Mmmazzotta99 replied to the thread FiiO Flagship Portable High-Fidelity Bluetooth Amplifier BTR5 is available now!.Had a Btr5 question.... hooking up a btr5 to a vintage stereo system (speakers amp and preamp)? Is there a way? Is it advisable? Also...
Mmmazzotta99 replied to the thread Question: Fiio Q5s & BTR5 bluetooth mode & drive capabilities.Had a Btr5 question.... hooking up a btr5 to a vintage stereo system (speakers amp and preamp)? Is there a way? Is it advisable? Also...
Mmmazzotta99 replied to the thread DROP + THX Panda Announcement.I see that the panda has far surpassed its indigogo target of $50,000 and is now one of the best indigogos ever. I wanted to hear what...