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      MF309 reacted to haasaaroni's post in the thread HD58X upgrade to Clear with Like Like.
      There have been reports that they can have the issue as well, but I haven't experienced it first-hand in any Clear I've personally tried.
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      MF309 replied to the thread HD58X upgrade to Clear.
      Yea it's the known issue with Elex's - Just wondering if the Clears are affected too
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      MF309 replied to the thread HD58X upgrade to Clear.
      So I ended up getting a second hand pair of Focal Elex's. Definitely a noticeable step up for sure! Biggest differences are the...
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      MF309 reacted to Coolmoose's post in the thread HD58X upgrade to Clear with Like Like.
      From my experience, the clears have more slam, impact and treble (brighter). Some people find the clear to have a metallic treble, but I...
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      MF309 reacted to PurpleAngel's post in the thread HD58X upgrade to Clear with Like Like.
      I own the HD58X, great for music, but my $179 Drop/Hifiman HD5XX are an improvement. https://drop.com/buy/drop-hifiman-he5xx
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      MF309 replied to the thread HD58X upgrade to Clear.
      The closest store for me that carries decent gear is about 2.5hrs away, I will try and get a day where I can do it buts that's few and...
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      MF309 reacted to Coolmoose's post in the thread HD58X upgrade to Clear with Like Like.
      Having owned the Clear for several years, I can attest to their value as a potential upgrade from the 58X, particularly considering...
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      MF309 replied to the thread HD58X upgrade to Clear.
      So it's sounding like what I didn't want to hear... When I first got the 58Xs there was a bit of wow with the openness as they were my...
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      MF309 replied to the thread HD58X upgrade to Clear.
      Moneypit: I'm looking at the OGs not so much worth, the cost is fine. It's more of a question if it's a noticeable wow upgrade and that...
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      Hi all, I have had my 58Xs for 4.5yrs now with Dekoni Elite Velour pads with braided single ended cable powered with a cheap smsl...
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