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      krenzler reacted to 4udio7ool's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      My understanding from the text is that this is a FR graph compensated to a "front oriented diffuse sound field". In other words...
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      krenzler reacted to SHAMuuu's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      Yes the audioquest engineer really put a lot of work into his creation, and it was very sad they discontinued it. i would imagine they...
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      krenzler replied to the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1.
      Can't help but think of when the Audioquest Nighthawk came out. Many people really disliked it but for those who liked it, it was...
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      krenzler reacted to Nirvana Woman's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      I'll never understand why people get offended when someone doesn't like something they like. It's just one's opinion, you're neither...
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      krenzler replied to the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1.
      Considering how relatively many (in this "little" thread) are mentioning a lack of adjustability as a real problem (especially given how...
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      krenzler reacted to buidoimiennui's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      I understand and can imagine this. The habit of focusing on devices distracts us from the main thing, which is enjoying music. That's...
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      krenzler reacted to tommo21's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      I collect a small amount of headphones, iem's, dac's and amps. My goal is not to have things that sound similiar, but rather different...
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      krenzler reacted to Trinkle's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      FWIW a review. It has CSD which I was interested in as one of Axel's main goal was to reduce resonance...
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      krenzler reacted to maegnificant's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      You wouldn't believe how many people wore the NDH-30 the wrong way around... Even reviewers IN THE VIDEO they made about it.
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      krenzler reacted to zilax002's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      On one hand, "is the cable pushed in all the way?" is a somewhat obnoxious response. As is, "if you don't like it try X and Y amp (that...
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      krenzler reacted to julian12's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      My comment about Taylor Swift being in the other room was without the jack being fully inserted. I know this is a subjective hobby but I...
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      krenzler reacted to Luckyleo's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      I was thinking the exact same thing!
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      krenzler replied to the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1.
      I think Mr. Grell needs to consider putting a slip in the box (as the first thing you see) with some text explaining the importance of...
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      krenzler replied to the thread Unveiled: Meet the HD 620S.
      English subs are available.
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      krenzler reacted to hottyson's post in the thread Unveiled: Meet the HD 620S with Like Like.
      You can't get more clueless than Joshua Valour in the headphone hobby. I can't understand why anyone would bother to watch his videos...
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