kodreaming's latest activity
kodreaming replied to the thread Stax SR-009 Channel Imbalance Trouble / Driver Problem?.Curious did you get your 009 back? As much as I am annoyed by Stax's ridiculous attitude toward repairing given it is a wide spread...
kodreaming reacted to boxster233's post in the thread Want a Chance to Invest in a Headphone Manufacturer? with
If they are the OEM and are designing for other companies under white label, then this could have no impact on brand and create new... -
kodreaming replied to the thread Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A.Really want to try this now. All these TOTL headphones using planar really only provide marginal "improvements" to the last...
kodreaming replied to the thread Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A.You either need a special amp or a speaker amp for this. You can't just plug in to your computer.
kodreaming replied to the thread If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you....What are some new generation of IEMs worth trying for ER4P fans? Say less than 1K
kodreaming replied to the thread Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A.Thanks. Gonna go for it when another used pair come up!
kodreaming replied to the thread Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A.Is SR1a structurally sound? (Weird/dumb question) I am thinking about buying one used as I loved K1000 when I tried it a few years back...
kodreaming replied to the thread Schiit Ragnarok Amplifier.I owned a few amps in the past but most of time I don't find they make a meaningful difference, but for some reason, I thought Rag 2 I...
kodreaming replied to the thread Have good DACs become considerably cheaper in 20 years?.How does switching cause loss? In my naive mind, you have exactly same setup and all you do is unplug the cable from device A and put in...
kodreaming replied to the thread Have good DACs become considerably cheaper in 20 years?.Haha I know. But wonder if enthusiast with no monetary incentives don't do more of this. Guess people don't want to burst their own bubbles.
kodreaming replied to the thread Have good DACs become considerably cheaper in 20 years?.I just don't know why audio reviewers don't do all single blind test. Problem solved...Guess that will shrink the entire audiophile...
kodreaming replied to the thread Myths and realities about Chinese amplifiers from Opera Audio ..Can someone provide a tl;dr? I have no idea what this thread is about and what's with all the Russian text? I thought it is about poor...
kodreaming replied to the thread AKG K812 Pro.Really needs to get a pair to try this out. Still listening to my k701 after all these years.