Recent content by klass339
  1. klass339

    AKG 375 vs Yamaha-EPH 100 vs Audio Technica ATH-CKM1000

    Anyone else tried the k374/k375? How do they sound compared to the eph-100? Have seen the Amazon and Japanese reviews and although they seem good, i'm still not yet convinced i should buy these. After having the eph-100 as my first high performance in-ear headphones (which sadly broke) don't...
  2. klass339

    Denon AH-C360 or Klipsch Image S4

    Hi guys,   So i'm deciding to buy a new set of in-ear headphones and have already ordered the Klipsch Image s4, but two months after posting the order and retail store that sells it haven't brought them yet (i am not from US).   So meantime i started checking other options for in-ear...