Kitarist's latest activity
  • Kitarist
    Kitarist replied to the thread Which DAC + AMP to buy?.
    I was looking at THX 789 is this worth a buy ? Some say it can compare to A90 but its a little bit different
  • Kitarist
    Kitarist replied to the thread Which DAC + AMP to buy?.
    Well i'm open to other stuff also but its interesting why some people say SMSL and Topping are garbage is it because they are both China...
  • Kitarist
    Kitarist replied to the thread Which DAC + AMP to buy?.
    I'm from Europe so its hard to get Schiit. What else do you think its worthy to check out? :)
  • Kitarist
    Kitarist replied to the thread Which DAC + AMP to buy?.
    Well i like them for their measurements but thats about it. When you talk about different sound signatures of amps and especially DACS...
  • Kitarist
    Kitarist replied to the thread Which DAC + AMP to buy?.
    Audio GD looks really neat was always interested into buying one but then i saw some poor measurements on audiosciencereview forum so...
  • Kitarist
    Kitarist replied to the thread Which DAC + AMP to buy?.
    Do you have any other amps in possesion that you could compare to and is it worth a buy? Also which DAC are you using these days? :)
  • Kitarist
    Kitarist replied to the thread Which DAC + AMP to buy?.
    Yea i heard some good reviews about D30 pro also. How did the A90 sound? Most people say its great but i also saw some not so good...
  • Kitarist
    Kitarist replied to the thread Which DAC + AMP to buy?.
    Hmm was also Thinking of getting a top of the line Topping A90 since a lot of people say its so great. But really cant decide on a DAC...
  • Kitarist
    Kitarist replied to the thread Which DAC + AMP to buy?.
    I'm curious what is the best buy from 500 to 1000 EUR AMP+DAC. I love details and i mostly listen to Rock, Blues and some Classical...
  • Kitarist
    Kitarist replied to the thread Which DAC + AMP to buy?.
  • Kitarist
    Kitarist replied to the thread Which DAC + AMP to buy?.
  • Kitarist
    Kitarist replied to the thread Which DAC + AMP to buy?.
    I have several headphones i would just like overall opinion.
  • Kitarist
    Hey guys i'm buying a new DAC AMP combo it can be all in one unit or 2 units. I was looking at these: Topping DX3 Pro+ Topping E50 and...