Recent content by Kerubin
  1. Kerubin

    Will I benefit from getting a o2 amp for my HD6XX when I already own the e10K?

    Final question (sorry about the spam), am I correct in assuming that the Modi 2 won't make too much of a difference over the e10K? Thank you in advance for all the help will definitely be picking up the o2 up from Massdrop now:thumbsup:
  2. Kerubin

    Will I benefit from getting a o2 amp for my HD6XX when I already own the e10K?

    Not too good with all this technical talk but I get the general gist of what you're saying, so I need more power which the O2 will give. Another question since I see you own the HD650 as well, would you say that the O2 hits the sweet spot in terms of value to sound because I can afford to spend...
  3. Kerubin

    Will I benefit from getting a o2 amp for my HD6XX when I already own the e10K?

    Been reading around and have been hearing a lot of mixed responses on whether the e10K can run the HD6XX so it has me questioning whether its worth the 93 USD to buy the o2 amp and run it through the e10K. Is the change so minimal that I should just wait to upgrade to something higher end...
  4. Kerubin

    Discolouration of Headphones that Aren't Black?

    I'm thinking of getting the M50X in blue however i'm worried that the tan colour scheme that covers the headband and ear pads might get darker from sweat overtime as you see with white headphones. Does anyone have experience with headphones that aren't the standard black and how was the colour...
  5. Kerubin

    Is the Audio Technica M50x overhyped?

    Yeah ill probably go with the M50x then because they're pretty much the only headphones that are easily available in Australia.  I've heard people saying that the white pads on the m50x are a nightmare but the blue ones have tan pads. Do u think they'll still have the darkening in colour that...
  6. Kerubin

    Is the Audio Technica M50x overhyped?

    I'm looking to upgrade to some decent headphones as i've been using my se215's for everything recently. The M50x seem to be everyone's favourite for 200 dollar and under headphones. Is it overhyped or is it really as good as people say? Also the blue version looks really cool but does synthetic...