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    • J
      julianmuc replied to the thread Aune M1P.
      @AuneAudio - I am sorry, for me the scanning is a big problem. In my case it renders the device useless. I took the M1p to a trip for...
    • J
      julianmuc replied to the thread Aune M1P.
      I would try with a different card to check if it works then. Please also check the total length of the file path (folders+ file name) -...
    • J
      julianmuc replied to the thread Aune M1P.
      Today I found out that a favorite entry becomes unplayable when the connected track was renamed - this means that, as expected, the...
    • J
      julianmuc replied to the thread Aune M1P.
      Yes, I'm aware that the M1p lacks a SQL database but can still read the FAT directory structure. I haven't found any documentation...
    • J
      julianmuc replied to the thread Aune M1P.
      I just received my M1p which I was able to test on the HighEnd in Munich. The sound it produces with my Hifimen Sundra and also the IEM...
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