JetPistol's latest activity
  • J
    JetPistol reacted to PACSman's post in the thread Beyerdynamic Xelento! with Like Like.
    Sorry to be late responding: I suggest the AZLA SednaEarfit XELASTEC tips. They run large (normally I wear large but the ML XELASTEC...
  • J
    JetPistol replied to the thread Beyerdynamic Xelento!.
    I recently got my pair of Xelento Remotes and so far I'm really enjoying them (picked up for 530 € during Amazon sale). It's a fine...
  • J
    JetPistol replied to the thread Beyerdynamic Xelento!.
    I'm planning to get a higher end set of IEMs. Xelento Remote seems to be a solid pick from what I can read here. Can these be concidered...