Recent content by JBassFox
  1. JBassFox

    Official Schiit Vali 2 Thread

    Out of curiosity to anyone with a pair of 600 ohm Beyers, how high do you set your volume pot? Is it normal to crank it almost all the way to get a nice loud listening experience? I know the 600s require more juice, I just didn't think it'd be this much. Edit: Nevermind. No idea what changed...
  2. JBassFox

    Valhalla 2 vs Vali 2

    Hi everyone. I couldn't really find too many details on the differences and advantages between the two, so I'm asking for your help. I'm still pretty new to higher end audio. I have a pair of DT990s, and it's finally time to get an amp and DAC to pair with it. After debating whether I needed a...
  3. JBassFox

    Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)

    Because they were on sale, I don't think they'll do an even swap (it was a sale on Focus Camera's eBay store). I would've bought the 250s originally, but they're still about $250+ (I don't want the clamping of the pro versions) and $150 seemed too good of a deal to pass up on the 32s. If I can...
  4. JBassFox

    Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)

    Assuming I get a Vali, I'll probably get the second generation model so I can potentially experiment with different tubes. My last question is this: I got the 32 ohm DT990 Premiums because they were on sale for $150. I keep reading however that the 250ohm version is better when both are amped...
  5. JBassFox

    Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)

    I honestly didn't know how good the X7 would be outside of gaming. It's also a little out of my price range as well. I'm definitely looking into a Vali 2/Modi 2U combo now, but still want to see if there are any other options before I buy the 2. I really wish there was a way to try all of these.
  6. JBassFox

    Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)

    Are tube amps good for gaming? Your honestly the first person I've heard suggest that. I saw the X7, but I also want to use this set up with other things outside of gaming and it also seems too bulky.
  7. JBassFox

    Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)

    Sorry, I should have mentioned that I was specifically looking at the Magni 2 Uber and Modi 2 Uber. Do you have any good suggestions of other amps and DACs for those warmer sounds? I'm looking for a pair no more expensive than $300, which I believe is the price of the Magni 2 Uber and Modi 2...
  8. JBassFox

    Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)

    Hey Mad Lust. Thank you so much for all this info. I have a pair of 32 ohm 990s coming in the mail soon and I wanted to get a good DAC and amp to go between the headphones and my PS4. I see you give a lot of praise to the Modi/Magni combo. Does it pair well with DT990s when gaming? I've seen a...
  9. JBassFox

    DT990 32 ohm amp advice

    So after doing a bit more research, I'm sold on buying both a DAC and amp for my 990s. My only question is what DAC/amp combo pairs best with the 990s? The Schiit stack looked appealing, but I've heard some say tube amps might be better to warm the trebles since the Schiit stack is pretty bright.
  10. JBassFox

    *Official Schiit Magni/Modi 2 ( Uber ) Thread*

    Does anyone use the Modi/Magni 2 Uber stack with DT990s? I have a pair of 32 ohm premiums coming in and I'm highly considering buying this stack.
  11. JBassFox

    DT990 32 ohm amp advice

    Hello everyone. So I recently jumped on a chance to get the Beyerdynamic DT 990 Premium 32 ohm for fairly cheap. Only problem is, I currently have no amp outside of a mixer amp I have for PS4. I will primarily be using these headphones for gaming on my PS4, watching tv/movies on that and an...
  12. JBassFox

    Beyerdynamic dt990 32 ohm vs 250 ohm?

    Sorry to bring up an old topic, but I just jumped on the 32ohm version of the DT 990 Premiums and I have no idea what amp I should get. I hear they have some pretty intense highs, so I'd like to find an amp that'll tame those highs and not break the wallet too badly. Ideally I'd like to stay...
  13. JBassFox

    ATH-M50 vs DT-770

    I should probably note that it was the M50S, not the regular M50. I just noticed the other topic comparing the two.
  14. JBassFox

    ATH-M50 vs DT-770

    I'm not going to lie. I wish I could've kept those M50s. The sound was absolutely phenomenal, even better than the DT770s I bought. The DT770s are just too damn comfortable though. Maybe if I get some spare cash, I'll try to seek another pair.
  15. JBassFox

    ATH-M50 vs DT-770

    It might just be me, but I had the chance to take home an M50 for a couple days, and I felt like I could hear tracks that weren't present when listening my DT770s. Could it just be that the DT770s haven't been broken in enough yet?