Recent content by Jay28
  1. Jay28

    Custom cables?

    I meant the additional attachment cable that comes with the Shure SE530s. A custom length one. If that made any sense.
  2. Jay28

    Custom cables?

    I have the Shure SE530s and the cables that comes with it is either too long or too short and its extremely tedious to wrap the cables around my iPhone in order to not look douchey with all that wire hanging out. It has been pissing me off lately when I have to constantly wrap the cables around...
  3. Jay28

    Deal on for $200 at Logitech

    But they aren't certified sellers meaning you lose your warranty.
  4. Jay28

    Get the most out of my Shure SE530

    Is there anything better then 320kps for the iPhone or thats the limit? Also what does the amp actually do to improve the music experience?
  5. Jay28

    Get the most out of my Shure SE530

    I have been debating for a while over whether or not should I get the Shure SE530 and I finally gave in to temptation. After ordering them I read reviews online that average everyday music-goers can't take full advantage off it unless they have Amps which helps or something along that phrase...
  6. Jay28

    Difference in SQ Between the Bose QC2 and QC15? Worth Upgrading?

    Quote: Originally Posted by HighLife All highs? All lows? Must be BOSE!!! No seriously....Bose headphones are mediocre at best...i mean, they are OK, dont get me wrong..however, for the money you can do MUCH MUCH better. Ive never heard any HUGE difference between the QC...
  7. Jay28

    Difference in SQ Between the Bose QC2 and QC15? Worth Upgrading?

    Bose offer's a one year warranty and it has never let me down. Every time my in-ear Bose headsets breaks by accident or intentionally I can just go to the Bose store and they would give me a brand new one without checking the damage. Only thing I really like about Bose and its pretty convenient...
  8. Jay28

    Shure SE530 on Amazon - Amazing price!

    so are these included with warranty and the price tag sounds too good to be true.
  9. Jay28

    New to audio need advice! Plox!

    My first pair of really decent IEMs was Bose and it was due to the fact that it was pricey and pretty hyped so I end up getting Bose-in ears and boy there was a huge difference from the Apple and ten dollar head sets I bought. So after months of using them I started to crave for better headsets...