Recent content by jasgre2000
  1. jasgre2000

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Got my HD 650s today, and boy ... they are amazing.  Obviously, they aren't burned in yet, but there is a very noticeable difference between the HD 650s and the HD 555s I have had for a while.  The HD 650s are so much more clear.  Have no regrets at all.  Now I just need to get a better amp.
  2. jasgre2000

    The Deals Thread (CLOSED! See the last post for the link to the new thread)

    Thinksound MS01 on sale for $79.99 on a lightening deal at Amazon:  ...
  3. jasgre2000

    The Deals Thread (CLOSED! See the last post for the link to the new thread)

    Sennheiser CX 880 on sale for $49.99 on a lightning deal on Amazon right now (for a limited time)  ...
  4. jasgre2000

    The Deals Thread (CLOSED! See the last post for the link to the new thread)

    Pulled the trigger on the HD650s.  I'm excited.  Now I need an amp (only have the E7 right now).  That might have to wait a bit though.
  5. jasgre2000

    The Deals Thread (CLOSED! See the last post for the link to the new thread)

    I have the HD555s and I love them.  Are the HD650s a significant upgrade?
  6. jasgre2000

    The Deals Thread (CLOSED! See the last post for the link to the new thread)

    That HD650 deal is so tempting.  Still debating whether I can justify spending that much right now though.  Has anyone seen them that low in the past?
  7. jasgre2000

    The Deals Thread (CLOSED! See the last post for the link to the new thread)

    Can anyone tell me about the ATH-ES7's here?  Is this a great deal?  Are they a good headphone?  Are they open or closed?
  8. jasgre2000


      I am a Sennheiser fanatic!  Before I got my HD238s, I had no idea how amazing music through a quality set of cans could sound.  When I my HD238s became incapacitated in a tragic accident, I immediately began to look for my next set of Senns.  I went with a set of HD448s.  I have had them for...
  9. jasgre2000

    Help fixing HD 238 plug

    I bought a set of Sennheiser HD 238s over a year ago.  I really liked them a lot.  Unfortunately, while using them on a plane I accidently bent the plug and it broke.  I figured I could replace it with a plug from Radioshack and a soldering iron.  I have tried a couple times now and have had no...
  10. jasgre2000

    Review: Fiio E7

    I have HD448s and I love to listen to classical music on my Macbook Pro and iPod.  Will the E7 make a significant difference?