hazmat reacted to msing539's post in the thread Beyerdynamic DTX 501p cushion change - how? with Like.It's just like the one with the notch, only it requires more elbow grease. Insert on one edge and start rolling. It'll either slip on...
hazmat replied to the thread Beyerdynamic DTX 501p cushion change - how?.Yes. My Alessandros (Grado) where the foam just wraps around the earphone parts and my AKG K550 where it has a notch that you slide the...
hazmat posted the thread Beyerdynamic DTX 501p cushion change - how? in Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors.Hi. I'm trying to change the cushions on my headphones but had no idea how. It seems the flap on the back of the cushion has to go...