Recent content by Gtrx
  1. G

    DIY Cable Gallery!!

    How has the cable held up?
  2. G

    diy repairs

    I had to do the same exact thing for my resin iems and gr07c's. For gr07c's, I rubbed iso around the seam and then hit it with a heat gun from far away to soften the adhesive and started prying apart the shell. It came apart and I found out that my driver was dead and the wire had detached...
  3. G

    Suspiciously AKGish drivers on aliexpress?

    Have you tried them? How do they sound?
  4. G

    A "better" fuse holder (?)

    Changing the fuse and getting sonic differences sounds like a bunch of bullcrap to me. A fuse is pretty much just a resistor which doesn't introduce any type of noise into the circuit, just resistance (very low resistance at that). Even if it somehow magically introduced some noise into power...
  5. G

    Bad experience with Lunashops / Eachdiy

    Wow that is extremely crappy. Good thing is, if you payed with paypal you can file a charge back within 180 days and most likely get your money back.
  6. G

    IEM cable wiring question

    Crosstalk at such low frequencies will be pretty much non existent. I think that mics aren't included in "audiophile" cables as they are just not needed in such applications.