Fibre101's latest activity
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    I agree. Having an AMT is like a different flavour to my collection. I've listen to many planars and dynamics and although there are...
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    yeah sub bass. Don't get me wrong, bass is still deep and punchy though. It reminds me of what a dynamic can do with bass. Planars are...
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    Just got these headphones and I'm quite impressed. At first I was not used to the unique presentation of the music but the more I listen...
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    Fibre101 replied to the thread Audio-GD Master 9.
    Tbh, their so close in sound when you have really clean power. If you dont have the cleanest power, I'd recommend the M9
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    Fibre101 reacted to LetTheKidsTechno's post in the thread Audeze LCD-4 with Like Like.
    I go back and forth on EQ. I've tried a number of different EQ profiles, and have come to the conclusion less is more with the LCD4...
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    Fibre101 reacted to Hengstenberg's post in the thread Audio-GD DI-20 with Like Like.
    lol, bud, i don´t blame AGD :beyersmile: R1-NOS sound is so incredible, it don´t need a DDC, DI20/24 or pink faun snake oil 😂 Audio GD...
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    Fibre101 reacted to yodas's post in the thread Audeze LCD-4 with Like Like.
    Anyone else listen to the lcd-4 stock, no eq applied? I know most people eq it, and say it is tonally completely wrong, but that just...
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    Fibre101 reacted to TheAbyss2022's post in the thread Audeze LCD-4 with Like Like.
    I am running the Cayin HA-3A which doesn't have a ton of power but pushes out a ton of voltage which is what the LCD 4 likes and it runs...
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    Fibre101 reacted to Lokust's post in the thread Audeze LCD-4 with Like Like.
    Hi! No, too big of a chicken$hit to run the LCD-4 off of the speaker taps. Run the LCD-4 exclusively from the Wells Audio Milo. Run...
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    Fibre101 replied to the thread Audeze LCD-4.
    Hi, I see that you use high powered amps. Do you use the pass labs for the LCD 4? Do they respond well? I assume they do since more...
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    Fibre101 reacted to walterboss's post in the thread Audeze LCD-4 with Like Like.
    Own(ed) both. Using oracle1992 EQ for LCD-4. MR without EQ. MR brighter in the treble, which is why it went. I found it fatiguing...
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    Fibre101 replied to the thread Audeze LCD-4.
    Has anyone compared the LCD 4 to the Abyss Diana MR? Any opinions on this comparison? Thanks
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    Fibre101 reacted to devilboy's post in the thread Audio-GD Master 9 with Like Like.
    100% yes. I have then under all four components in my rack including the power distribution. They made an audible difference for me.
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    Fibre101 replied to the thread Audio-GD Master 9.
    Do the vibration isolators help the performance of the m9?
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    Fibre101 replied to the thread Audio-GD DI-20.
    I have an r8 dac 2021 ver