Fibre101's latest activity
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    Fibre101 replied to the thread Audio-GD DI-20.
    Out of all firmware, I prefer the one your on right now cause its "just right". 4.076 is much more forward/analytical. 3.933 is unique...
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    Fibre101 posted a reply to a review on the item Audeze LCD-4.
    I got the Audeze 2021 pads. Mids are a bit more forward and a bit airier in the treble. The bass is just a bit less deeper but details...
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    Fibre101 posted a reply to a review on the item Audeze LCD-4.
    Hi was wondering which new pads your using?
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    Fibre101 reacted to arielext's post in the thread Audio-GD Master 9 with Like Like.
    The difference is noticeable but surely not night and day. Have the feeling that the M9 can handle complex bass tones better, they sound...
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    Fibre101 reacted to arielext's post in the thread Audio-GD Master 9 with Like Like.
    I just got a m9, replacing a m19. The m9 is bigger and heavier and sounds a bit beefier compared to the m19. I never had the time to do...
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    Fibre101 replied to the thread Audio-GD DI-20.
    I literally use the short usb cable that came with an old usb regen I had laying around and it was an easy upgrade for the sound. I dont...
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    Fibre101 reacted to rsbrsvp's post in the thread Audio-GD DI-20 with Like Like.
    Uptone Audio has a USB connector which is around 1-2 inches long. It is the second best usb cable I ever heard- but it is short- and...
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    Fibre101 replied to the thread Audio-GD DI-20.
    have you ever tried really short usb cables? like 30cm. I find that really short usb cables cuz of impedance makes my di20 sound...
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    Fibre101 replied to the thread Audeze LCD-4.
    I changed a few cables and had the same experience too. Like power, digital, etc. I could hear changes. I've never experimented yet with...
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    Fibre101 reacted to LowBeat91's post in the thread Audeze LCD-4 with Like Like.
    I run a GSX Mini and an Mojo 2 with it. One of the major upgrades was the Arctic Cables Talos V2 Balanced Cable and also the AQ Carbon...
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    Fibre101 replied to the thread Audeze LCD-4.
    Mostly Audio gd gear like the di20, r8, and m9. Also recently added a ps powerplant, with a morion clock connected to the di20. Its a...
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    Fibre101 replied to the thread Audeze LCD-4.
    I thought the stock tuning was bad at first but then I changed the pads and although everything balanced out, I felt it still needed eq...
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    Fibre101 reacted to Exekuhtor's post in the thread Audeze LCD-4 with Like Like.
    Enjoy! Old can goes BRRRRRRR! I really enjoy it without any EQ!
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    Fibre101 reacted to KaiSc's post in the thread Audeze LCD-4 with Like Like.
    “Minimum Phase“ (EQ) is a physical term, and does NOT mean linear phase response. It stands in opposition to e.g. Linear Phase (EQ). A...
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    Fibre101 reacted to jh88's post in the thread Audeze LCD-4 with Like Like.
    I've owned both as well and agree with pretty much everything you mentioned (both with EQ). The LCD-X is pretty decent for the price...