Evshrug's latest activity
  • Evshrug
    Evshrug replied to the thread Hifiman HE1000-SE.
    Oh wow, I heard a headphone powered with that Milo amp, it’s an amazing brute! ⚡️
  • Evshrug
    Evshrug reacted to kman1211's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
    The Amiron Home imho is a gem among its price range. The DT 880 need the right amp to shine, their treble is very system sensitive. But...
  • Evshrug
    Evshrug replied to the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1.
    I owned the HD 700 for a bit, for me it had a bit more bass than the AKG K712 I was comparing to at home, a little better...
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  • Evshrug
    Evshrug reacted to Rob80b's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
    Their Amiron Home have been on my head of late. :relieved: I could never settle on the HD650, went through 4 pair (includes the HD6XX)...
  • Evshrug
    Evshrug reacted to kman1211's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
    That is definitely another factor. I like my HD 660S2 for a more intimate presentation, though it’s not quite as intimate as the HD...
  • Evshrug
    Evshrug reacted to Rob80b's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
    Also comes down to what the listener prefers.... In the ear.... ...or at a distance. I'm thinking the majority prefer the former...
  • Evshrug
    Evshrug reacted to kman1211's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
    Could be how the treble is presented they didn’t like or something like that. I have noticed they developed stronger opinions about...
  • Evshrug
    Evshrug reacted to Vitaliy Belz's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
    As far as I understand, Grellaudio Consulting will be present at High End Munich 2024 in May?
  • Evshrug
    Evshrug reacted to ThEvil0nE's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
    @Evshrug the "sound whack" actually came from notable reviewers who was in attendance at NYC, even tagged it as worse at the show and...
  • Evshrug
    Evshrug reacted to maegnificant's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
    And most likely no one thought or cared about what kinds of headphones you used on your flight. I think your ego has gotten the better...
  • Evshrug
    Evshrug replied to the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1.
    I saw in a video DMS say he loves Axel, but call out a treble spike? Which… the SoCal prototype DID have an exaggerated spike from...
  • Evshrug
    Evshrug reacted to kman1211's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
    Oh I know the reviewers you are talking about, I think the complaints they had are related to the treble. I found I don't really agree...
  • Evshrug
    Evshrug replied to the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1.
    LOL definitely everyone else was wrapped up in their own thing, or at least nobody decided to chat, and yeah open backs are NOT able to...
  • Evshrug
    Evshrug reacted to Rob80b's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
    Question though, will the average headphone listener take the OAE1 as a novelty item or a potential "go to" for headphone listening. For...
  • Evshrug
    I’m not in the market for one but bought one regardless, the Burr-Brown made me do it 😄