dusty.ro's latest activity
  • dusty.ro
    dusty.ro replied to the thread CHORD ELECTRONICS DAVE.
    In regards to 3): if I were to use this logic for other products we woundn't be buying a lot of other stuff. People buy if they find...
  • dusty.ro
    So there is always quite a lot of confusion about upsampling, with a few recurring areas that people are mistaken or unsure about: -...
  • dusty.ro
    dusty.ro replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
    Gonna grab a beer and do some listening. Happy, of course. :beerchug:
  • dusty.ro
    dusty.ro replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
    The power is used to deliver volume, headroom (peaks) and bass on hard to drive headphones. You now have volume and some bass. Try to...
  • dusty.ro
    dusty.ro replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
    Extension is not the same with slam and force. I used to think that I had enough also until I heard the Susvara on the Ferrum OOR or...
  • dusty.ro
    dusty.ro replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
    Let's not kid ourselves here. You can have the best amp in the world but outputting 1W in 60 ohms and you're still not gonna drive...
  • dusty.ro
    dusty.ro replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
    In all fairness, A90 is not going to make the Susvara bass come to life. You need more power. I'm talking from experience.
  • dusty.ro
    dusty.ro replied to the thread CHORD ELECTRONICS DAVE.
    Excelent stuff! Congrats on the install and thank you for the step by step pictures.
  • dusty.ro
    dusty.ro reacted to zen87192's post in the thread CHORD ELECTRONICS DAVE with Like Like.
    Yes! Now we're talking! Farad Super 3's installed in to DAVE. Very enjoyable job it was too! What does it sound like? Absolutely...
  • dusty.ro
    dusty.ro reacted to GryphonGuy's post in the thread CHORD ELECTRONICS DAVE with Like Like.
    I use the SRC-DX without SOTM gear. My chain is PC, Sablon Evo USB, SRC-DX, Double-shielded studio BNC cables and Finally DAVE. I have...
  • dusty.ro
    dusty.ro reacted to adrianm's post in the thread CHORD ELECTRONICS DAVE with Like Like.
    I'd say plug your mac into a power conditioner and compare it to the Ifi streamer. Src-dx +hqp made me get rid of the M-scaler + Mind2...
  • dusty.ro
    dusty.ro replied to the thread CHORD ELECTRONICS DAVE.
    I am not upsampling. If I am then there is no issue since the sample rate never changes so it does not confuse sotm/src-dx. That's such...
  • dusty.ro
    dusty.ro replied to the thread CHORD ELECTRONICS DAVE.
    This does not work because Roon doesn't stop the signal. The signal path indicator in Roon is stil blue after switching tracks (and...
  • dusty.ro
    dusty.ro replied to the thread CHORD ELECTRONICS DAVE.
    For those who use the SRC-DX with the Dave: do you get noise when switching from a higher sample rate to a lower one? From 192 to 44.1...
  • dusty.ro
    dusty.ro reacted to Triode User's post in the thread CHORD ELECTRONICS DAVE with Like Like.
    I have a solution! Don’t bother putting it in standby. I just leave my Dave powered up 24/7.