DecentLevi's latest activity
  • DecentLevi
    DecentLevi replied to the thread Aliexpress Cables.
    Does anyone recommend using footers under tables that rest on carpet? My entire Hi-Fi rig table including separate wooden ground box...
  • DecentLevi
    DecentLevi reacted to dougms3's post in the thread DIY Ground Box Thread with Like Like.
    I put a baggy in the breaker box. It definitely reduced noise in my system. The noise that my tube amp was picking up is like 90%...
  • DecentLevi
    DecentLevi reacted to Stellabagpuss's post in the thread DIY Ground Box Thread with Like Like.
    And Finally... Started my first trip into RS land today. l am based in the UK, my house set up is a little strange, as l have 3 power...
  • DecentLevi
    DecentLevi reacted to cdacosta's post in the thread DIY Ground Box Thread with Like Like.
    The GBC Enhancement wraps work the same on a ground box with binding post or directly wired. The GBC Enhancement wraps enhance the...
  • DecentLevi
    DecentLevi replied to the thread DIY Ground Box Thread.
    A couple random thoughts. CDA, I was curious do all of the ground boxes you have those coiled wraps installed on, include a binding post...
  • DecentLevi
    DecentLevi reacted to cdacosta's post in the thread DIY Ground Box Thread with Like Like.
    Well I am 3 and 4 days since the first install of the first 3. Then within 24 hours added 5 more for a total of 8. I stopped so I can...
  • DecentLevi
    DecentLevi reacted to cdacosta's post in the thread DIY Ground Box Thread with Like Like.
    Yep tried that, tried larger and small volume versions with exact same mixture. Tried laying straight across the cable, at multiple...
  • DecentLevi
    DecentLevi replied to the thread DIY Ground Box Thread.
    Also CDA, did you happen to try perhaps a medium bag of the mixture or two small bags sandwiched on both sides of the cable as compared...
  • DecentLevi
    DecentLevi replied to the thread DIY Ground Box Thread.
    Finally got around to reading your two posts about the ground box enhancement wrap. May not be getting around to this for a while, first...
  • DecentLevi
    DecentLevi reacted to cdacosta's post in the thread DIY Ground Box Thread with Like Like.
    GBC Enhancement Wrap - Construction continued and Install STEP 5) We are going to wrap the burrito one more time the same way to make...
  • DecentLevi
    DecentLevi reacted to cdacosta's post in the thread DIY Ground Box Thread with Like Like.
    Ok for kicks and giggles, I just ordered 3m of the Ali version. Was cheap and can make 2 cables at 1.5m-ish a piece with connectors...
  • DecentLevi
    DecentLevi reacted to beisen's post in the thread DIY Ground Box Thread with Like Like.
    I use the 8TC has the ground cable straight thur the box. I do not use a binding post.
  • DecentLevi
    DecentLevi replied to the thread DIY Ground Box Thread.
    You said 1-2 gram wrap on the component side. What is the other side? Maybe I just haven't got caught up yet.
  • DecentLevi
    DecentLevi replied to the thread DIY Ground Box Thread.
    Brief update - revoking my hack of mesh tinned copper shielding on grounding box cable ends. More time with the system this way has...
  • DecentLevi
    DecentLevi reacted to cdacosta's post in the thread DIY Ground Box Thread with Like Like.
    Using Rochelle salt to absorb EMI from your homes AC line to supercharge your audio system performance For ones that have been...