Dansus18's latest activity
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    Dansus18 reacted to ToneDeafMonk's post in the thread The PENON official thread with Like Like.
    Now here is someone who understands the PENON ecosystem. My last bought discounted Penon was the Quattro and sure as heck when you put...
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    Dansus18 reacted to metafour's post in the thread The PENON official thread with Like Like.
    No offense, but you seem very naïve. Here are some things to consider: 1) Is this poster even a "reviewer"? How do we know he isn't a...
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    Dansus18 reacted to Leonarfd's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    HIBY R8 II arrived, first listen now is very impressive. Plugged it first in to line out, they have swapped the line out and headphone...
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    Dansus18 reacted to nikbr's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    *cross-posting from The Watercooler Thread* Following post has had my eustress levels on the rise for a while now. I have become a...
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    Dansus18 reacted to Leonarfd's review on item AüR Audio Ascension with Like Like.
    AüR Audio Ascension Disclaimer The Ascension is my fourth IEM from AüR Audio, I bought it with a very small discount. All impressions...
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    Dansus18 reacted to gooberbm's post in the thread The PENON official thread with Like Like.
    I think you’re missing the point: the fact that you unapologetically attacked a colleague, to the point that Head-Fi came in and deleted...
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    Dansus18 reacted to gooberbm's post in the thread The PENON official thread with Like Like.
    You’re announcing your bias to Penon IEMs saying you know it’ll be good, and you’re attacking the credibility of a fellow reviewer...
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    Dansus18 reacted to brsdrgn's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    May I ask one simple question? Is writing the specs in pros and cons section makes your review is an actual review? I wonder if it's...
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    Dansus18 reacted to Nosibilance's post in the thread AÜR AUDIO IEMs with Like Like.
    Having heard Bonneville recently I agree its c**p. Which is why I am a fanboy here as Abel has pampered us with good tuning where other...
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    Dansus18 reacted to 4ceratops's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    Dear Redcamoose. From your advertising input, we learned that you can accurately copy the complete promotional description published by...
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    Dansus18 reacted to 4ceratops's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    I'm sorry to have to say this, but after you posted an obvious advertisement for these IEMs here in your name, I can no longer see your...
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    Dansus18 reacted to metafour's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    like /līk/ preposition 1. having the same characteristics or qualities as; similar to. Come again?
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    Dansus18 reacted to ssantan2's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    https://www.head-fi.org/threads/the-penon-official-thread.934523/post-17834144 Here is the snippet He straight up says the Meaoes...
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    Dansus18 reacted to Danx3k's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    Paying someone in currency or paying someone with free gifts, is still paying someone. They’re not impartial and have an agenda to push...
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    Dansus18 reacted to Danx3k's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
    I haven’t read anyone say anything inappropriate, but let’s be honest, there’s two clear penon promotors on this forum, who are not...