Cuthbert 80's latest activity
  • Cuthbert 80
    Cuthbert 80 reacted to Sonic Defender's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    No you don't. That is an audiophile myth in many ways. While you can have a great sounding $2000 headphone you can also have a great...
  • Cuthbert 80
    Cuthbert 80 reacted to CT007's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    Yep! I just finished writing the notes for my 3 way comparison between 109 - NDH 30 - Modhouse Argon T60RP. Gotta go take the 109 to the...
  • Cuthbert 80
    Cuthbert 80 reacted to arielext's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    Did some quick pads swapping. The Meze pads are sonically very good but I don't like the feel on my 2 day shave. The Dekoni offerings...
  • Cuthbert 80
    Cuthbert 80 reacted to Mhog55's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    I'm so tired of these cable and burn in comments and debates. Just let it go and stick to the theme of the thread. If you want to argue...
  • Cuthbert 80
    Cuthbert 80 reacted to ThanatosVI's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    And shoot me a PM with your finding :beerchug:
  • Cuthbert 80
    Cuthbert 80 reacted to Tada's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    After purchasing the 109 Pro last month, I auditioned them against these headphones. The Arya V2 is my favorite for it's immersive...
  • Cuthbert 80
    Cuthbert 80 reacted to alota's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    I think you have no problem at all with dap driving the meze. I have an amplifier made by a friend. I need to send back to reduce the...
  • Cuthbert 80
    Cuthbert 80 reacted to nijfi's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    Nice one! Thanks for the swift response. That all sounds perfect then. I look forward to heading up there when the finances are in...
  • Cuthbert 80
    Cuthbert 80 replied to the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro.
    Hi mate, You can rock up at Audio Sanctuary and use your DAP for long listening sessions. If you plan on staying for an hour or...
  • Cuthbert 80
    Cuthbert 80 reacted to nijfi's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    Sorry to drag out an old post. I've been working my way slowly through this thread and your post jumped out for several reasons. Loved...
  • Cuthbert 80
    Cuthbert 80 reacted to DrewVz's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    I assume the question was directed at me. My setup is in my signature. I'm using Foobar2000 playing FLAC files through a Denafrips...
  • Cuthbert 80
    Cuthbert 80 reacted to DrewVz's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    I'm in the exact same boat. Went through the audiophile journey with many open-back, closed-back, and planar headphones and sold them...
  • Cuthbert 80
    Cuthbert 80 reacted to kmmbd's post in the thread Meze Audio 109 Pro with Like Like.
    Had a long listening session with the Meze 109 Pros at a friend's home. I really like the staging and imaging on these. Also...
  • Cuthbert 80
    Cuthbert 80 replied to the thread Gustard H16.
    Hey @Pharmaboy thanks for your impressions! Regarding your H16 comparison to your V81...I know this is "snake oil" territory for many...
  • Cuthbert 80
    Cuthbert 80 reacted to Pharmaboy's post in the thread Gustard H16 with Like Like.
    Gustard is a real mixed bag: The H16 (design flaws aside) gives a lot of performance and operational flexibility for very little money...