Head Gear Reviews by coldfish
  1. CVJ Nebula/Interstellar

    4.50 star(s)
    DISCLAIMER I bought the iems with my own money and the opinions are mine. The Nebula/Interstellar can be purchased here at below non-affiliated link: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005584432725.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.23.2c72oiUxoiUx8R&algo_pvid=bc1e115d-c704-4d27-a330-1326fd4beafe&algo_exp_id=bc1e115d-c704-4d27-a330-1326fd4beafe-11&pdp_npi=3%40dis%21SGD%2182.75%2135.58%21%21%21%21%21%402100b0d116873621806261366d0742%2112000033646287175%21sea%21SG%210&curPageLogUid=WNEy57Wy4BhK SPECIFICATIONS Impedance: 22Ω Earphone sensitivity...

    4.50 star(s)
    Intro Hidizs recently reduced the price of the MS3 by a whopping 30%! It is already a very competent performer at it’s original retail price so getting this is really a no brainer. But hey, I digress, this is not a place for sales pitch, then again, read my review and you will know what I meant. Here is the link to the product: https://www.hidizs.net/products/hidizs-ms3-2ba-1dd-hybrid-3-drivers-hifi-in-ear-monitors DISCLAIMER Hidizs’s Zoie was kind to suffice me a copy of the iems for my honest review and the opinions are mine and HIdizs have not...
  3. CVJ KE-S

    4.00 star(s)
    This is my first iem review and for sure it is wildly unpolished, thus, I would love to hear from you on how I can improve on my writings and analysis. DISCLAIMER I would like to thank CVJ for providing this review unit but they have not thrown in any terms and conditions so the opinions are solely mine. The KE-S can be purchased here at below non-affiliated link...