castleofargh's latest activity
castleofargh replied to the thread How do you measure sound stage?.Anytime I read about McGurk effect I think of this song I love the lyrics and often sing along. It starts at around 50s like this...
castleofargh replied to the thread How do you measure sound stage?.Yes and yes. You're welcome. :smile_cat: For DACs, not really unless it's made by an idiot. What counts for a DAC is how accurate the...
castleofargh replied to the thread MDAQS For Beginners With Jacob Soendergaard From HEAD acoustics.When I saw immersiveness I imagined that isolation would rank high. Along with just having more bass as that's a fair way to feel some...
castleofargh replied to the thread Vinyl having better sound imaging?.What he has are the googles of love. He knows more about vinyls than I ever will, but some of what he accepts as fine for audio on it...
castleofargh replied to the thread How do you measure sound stage?.You're talking about acoustic. Is room acoustic still mysterious? While it's a problem to render complex stuff in real time with high...
castleofargh replied to the thread How do you measure sound stage?.The good thing about units is that they can be arbitrary. What matters is only that they are well-defined. I would also intuitively say...
castleofargh replied to the thread Apodizing filter.@KMann isn't saying anything controversial. What do you think of the 20kHz limit given for humans? Is that a clear threshold applicable...
castleofargh replied to the thread How do you measure sound stage?.But what is the credibility of someone saying he's hearing differences between anything and anything else? When do you decide the guy...
castleofargh replied to the thread How do you measure sound stage?.This is going well. You're both very good listeners. :smile_cat: Just a general reminder: the one making a claim must back it up...
castleofargh replied to the thread Matching headphones and amps. Is it a scientific process?.The power of love and friendship. You're told to pay good money by someone who risks nothing, for a vague concept without any defined...
castleofargh replied to the thread How do you measure sound stage?.Right back at you. You have no curiosity about when changing something is audibly different and when it's not? Or when your senses and...
castleofargh replied to the thread How do you measure sound stage?.In this particular thread, I think you only have bigshot making big universal claims about (lack of)audibility. And Funky is doing his...
castleofargh replied to the thread How do you measure sound stage?.I like shows and meetings because it's the opportunity to try a bunch of gears I otherwise wouldn't find where I live. But my general...
castleofargh replied to the thread Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization.Yes, it would be good to have at least some idea of the SPL for the tones or sweep you'll use. In my case, as I stick with barely...