Recent content by bellor_19
  1. bellor_19


    This does become apparent to everyone, but to answer your obviously arrogant and demeaning comment: When did photographers achieve the performance of mirroring different parts of the picture in different ways? Just mirror the image and look at the CD case... is there nothing worng with the text...
  2. bellor_19

    Does iPod get better with burn-in?

    I never said that the iPod will benefit from burn-in greatly. But it is true nevertheless that with any analogic circuit, like opamps, which are the heart of any solid-state amplifier, burn-in does occur. Just go to the Amps Forum and you will see that many experienced Head-fiers relate to this...
  3. bellor_19

    Does iPod get better with burn-in?

    Well... that's not actually true. It is in part but not really. The iPod is a digital music player... true. But the digital part ends when the information that represents the music gets converted into analogic data by the internal DAC. And analogic devices do get burned in. Memories get burned...
  4. bellor_19

    Please help my Orpheus sucks!

    Oh come on people... don't get mad... he must be joking! No one can be this stupid!
  5. bellor_19

    HYPERSONIC SOUND "speakers" are "LIKE" headphones.

    The equipment from Sennheiser I was reffering to is called AudioBeam. It is a speaker system that can play extremely focused sounds that are audible in only a very small cone of space. Outside this cone an observer can hear nothing. Get the catalogue from Sennheiser's webpage and see for yourselves.
  6. bellor_19

    HYPERSONIC SOUND "speakers" are "LIKE" headphones.

    If this invention is recent then the guy is kinda late. Sennheiser has this and has had it for quite some time
  7. bellor_19

    iPod 5G batt

    Power consumption depends on how much you use the LCD. That is the most battery depleting part of the iPod. Still if your battery runs down faster with nothing more than mp3 playback, then this is a problem. Li-Ion batteries don't need priming. They get their full 100% charge from the beginning...
  8. bellor_19

    Is ripping at 48khz better than at 44.1khz?

    I think there is some confusion around here about this 44.1 - 48 kHz thing. This is the sampling frequency. It has nothing to do with the frequencies we hear (which are transmitted by air to our ears). The sampling frequency is the number of samplings per second which the digital coding machine...
  9. bellor_19

    Hair problems

    ok... i get it... this thread is becoming a joke thread. Cool! Do your worst
  10. bellor_19

    Hair problems

    Therefore it is possible to go bald in that area of my head? That would be a problem because i don't like buds or in-ears (don't have the money for them anyway) and i'm not very content with giving up music for my hair Any real experiences from people who have had this problem? And I don't...
  11. bellor_19

    Hair problems

    Don't get mad and start to bash me too much please. I know this is a stupid question but I have to ask it. Can you go bald from wearing headphones? I mean because of the headphone always doing that "headphone hair" thing I repeat... pleeeeeeaaaaase don't bash me
  12. bellor_19

    Listening to loud phones reduces hearing accuracy?

    Quote: Originally Posted by max-9 Tinnitus...I have it. Its from exposure to loud sound . That could be from Drag racing , Motorcycles , Loud music ect. or it could be from other medical conditions. Exposure to loud music aggrevates the condition , listening to earbuds or canalphones at...
  13. bellor_19

    Shuffle on iPod

    Seeing as you have a Shuffle the answer is no, you can't do that
  14. bellor_19

    Listening to loud phones reduces hearing accuracy?

    Hearing loss occurs firstly in the HF domain because the cochlea is constructed in such a way that HF waves resonate inside it and form very powerful vibrations that strike the walls of the cochlea. On these walls are little tiny hairs that are connected to the audio nerve and they transform the...
  15. bellor_19

    Listening to loud phones reduces hearing accuracy?

    It does... but not within 1 week. unless you've been cranking up the volume way past safe limits. Just don't listen to your music for a few days and it should be back to normal