Recent content by Bacon
  1. Bacon

    Hercules XPS 510

    Hey, I got given these 5.1 speakers when my older brother bought some brand new ones, and they are pretty nice, I mean, compared to some old speakers with onboard sound. Anyhoo, on the back is a socket called "G9 in" and looks like this: Does anyone know about this? And more importantly...
  2. Bacon

    Creative Zen Micro - Case Solution They are 20 dollars, that seems a little expensive to me
  3. Bacon

    Creative Zen Micro - Case Solution

    Very nice! Creative too, I may just try this.
  4. Bacon

    choked when i went to buy a DAP...

    The Zen Micro's removable battery, FM Radio, Voice Recorder are all fancy little add-ons which when looking for a DAP, stuff like that was on the bottom of a long list of priorities, but now I've got my Micro, I use the radio all the time, and I'm going to buy a spare battery very soon. As...
  5. Bacon

    Telling Windows What Sound Card to Use?

    Hi, I'll try and give as much info as possible. First up, I'm using a Muse 5.1 DVD Soundcard and XPS 510 Surrround. I had previously been using some old speakers on my on-board soundcard. After installing the Muse 5.1 Drivers from your website, I found that I could not hear music from the...
  6. Bacon

    Photoshopers United - Limited Edition DAPs!

    I may do some iPods soon.
  7. Bacon

    Photoshopers United - Limited Edition DAPs!

    Thanks, I'm not really doing anything too complicated at all, really! First up, I get a good picture. I like using the black Zen, as If I leave any black anyware, it won't look too distracting. Using the magic wand with anti-aliasing on, and a pretty high tolerance, maybe 30 or more, select...
  8. Bacon

    Photoshopers United - Limited Edition DAPs!

    My Second Punk Band ZM, The Offspring!
  9. Bacon

    Photoshopers United - Limited Edition DAPs!

    I'm all for the U2 iPod, despite it being very similar to all other iPods, with nothing really strikingly different (except the colours). Anyhoo, ever wish your favourite DAP could team up with your Favourite bands to make a limited edition player? Well now is your chance! Photoshop at the...
  10. Bacon

    Websites with Zen Micro altoids case instructions?

    Quote: Originally Posted by knuxed Can anyone send e a Altoids tin to malaysia You can find many on eBay, as collectors items.
  11. Bacon

    MP3 Player Questionarrie

    Ok, sweet guys, thats perfect Thanks!
  12. Bacon


    Does anyone know where i can get/have any sales charts/ info on the sales of the Zen Micro, I'd love to see how they are doing.
  13. Bacon

    MP3 Player Questionarrie

    Please answer, its for my Coursework, I'm doing a project on the Zen Micro. Please lock/delete this if you think it is innappropriate! 1. Do you own a portable MP3 Player?  Yes  No (Go to Question 3) 2. What MP3 Player do you own? (If more than one, the one you use most)...
  14. Bacon


    I live in England, and at home, I set all my preset things, but at school they don't work. I got round this problem by having two sets of presets, the ones that work at school name H: Radio Station Name, and the School ones S: Radio Station Name.
  15. Bacon

    Websites with Zen Micro altoids case instructions?

    Quote: Originally Posted by DoNotBugMe i used the case that came with the mp3 player for my lining. very smooth, doesn't hurt the micro, and has the logo! just some cutting and some simple sewing so the edges look good. Ooooh, photos please, that sounds sweet.