Recent content by axe
  1. axe

    Grado PS1000 slippy rod

    The AD suggested sending them in for repair. I don't know if that means they will order a new head band or simply fix the part that is defective. Either way, I'm out of headphones for the holidays (or longer) so I'd rather try alternatives.   The rod lock certainly seems a good idea and it's...
  2. axe

    Grado PS1000 slippy rod

    Haven't posted in a long while (making the wallpapers for HF was fun) but recently bit the bullet and grabbed the Grado PS1000. After falling in love with the Grado sound, thanks to my 225i's, I couldn't hold back any longer and now I'm in audio bliss. But there's a small problem. Unfortunately...
  3. axe

    Headphone Wallpapers

    I´ve been bogged down with a work project but I´m hoping to get back to make some more requests soon. Thanks for all the props. Glad you like em. BTW how interested would fellow head-fiers be in a 2010 calendar wallpaper where each month would showcase a given phone?
  4. axe

    Grado pads

    So far the comfies are the way to go for extended sessions but I still prefer the sound of the bowls which have been getting softer with use. The flats are stored away. I love my 225i's either way!
  5. axe

    Grado pads

    I haven´t. Just wetting them or using some kind of soap? They are comfy but after many hours they hurt the back of my head, next to the ear and they are slightly itchy..... especially compared to the comfies.
  6. axe

    Grado pads

    So having broken in my HD555´s, which are sounding great, I'm now moving onto the brighter 225i´s. I've been using the bowls but recently purchased the comfies and the flats. IMO the bowls have the best sound, with the obvious larger stage but man, they're itchy and slightly uncomfortable for...
  7. axe

    Headphone Wallpapers

    Quote: Originally Posted by ljokerl Not to be pedantic or anything, but your K702 wallpaper reads 'K701' . Fixed.
  8. axe

    Headphone Wallpapers

    AKG 702 ATH L3000C HD 25
  9. axe

    Headphone Wallpapers

    Quote: Originally Posted by ParadigmPenguin The only "freak" here is someone who would take their time to make such an insipid comment. OP is putting a lot of work into these, if you don't like them or appreciate it... then the least you could do is keep your opinions to yourself...
  10. axe

    Headphone Wallpapers

    Thanks to everyone... glad you like em. More: Sony Qualia Beyerdynamic T1 AKG 701
  11. axe

    Headphone Wallpapers

    HD280 HD800 HD650 More on the way....
  12. axe

    Headphone Wallpapers

    Quote: Originally Posted by sampson_smith JECKLIN FLOAT! LOL That´s a tall order. Making a "pretty" wallpaper for those... BTW, it helps if it´s not too hard to find decent resolution images of the headphones.
  13. axe

    Headphone Wallpapers

    Having completed almost all the models in my set of Grado wallpapers on another thread, I was thinking it would be cool/fun to do a series of walls for the top 5 or so preferred phones on HF. Would you guys be interested? Which phones should be included? *Beyerdynamic 880 05 *Senn HD800
  14. axe

    Grado sr225 wallpapers

    Quote: Originally Posted by Ilovebeef Needs more resolution options. NOT ALL OF US HAVE MASSIVE MONITORS :C Tell me which you´d like and in what size. Some more: HF2 MS-1 I need to find some high-res pics of the HP1000....
  15. axe

    Grado sr225 wallpapers

    Some requests....