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      AlternativeNose1 replied to the thread SONY NW-ZX500.
      Fair points. I don't use TIDAL so I can't make the comparisons via spectogram. I despise streaming services personally (only got the 507...
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      AlternativeNose1 replied to the thread SONY NW-ZX500.
      I said I wouldn't respond, but if you genuinely are not trolling. Again I'm giving you the 'benefit of the doubt'. It really wasn't a...
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      AlternativeNose1 replied to the thread SONY NW-ZX500.
      I had a feeling you were trolling me with that second response, throwing in terms in a very confusing and misleading manor (example -...
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      AlternativeNose1 replied to the thread SONY NW-ZX500.
      I was a little confused by some of the points in your reply. So I've tried to respond as best I can. WAV is just file name for a raw...
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      AlternativeNose1 replied to the thread SONY NW-ZX500.
      Those guys videos are AWESOME - great find, thanks for sharing!
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      AlternativeNose1 replied to the thread SONY NW-ZX500.
      Interesting catch and something I hadn't spotted. I wonder then if the frequencies I was capturing above 40kHz were a result of a very...
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      AlternativeNose1 replied to the thread SONY NW-ZX500.
      I see your second point, more psychoacoustics territory. However, I'm not sure why your bringing filter arguments into upsampling...
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      AlternativeNose1 replied to the thread SONY NW-ZX500.
      Why are you obsessed with 'Bit perfect'? For down-samping I can understand. But your aversion to up sampling, I just do not understand.
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      AlternativeNose1 replied to the thread SONY NW-ZX500.
      No problem. If I get another MQA device, I will let you know. My work recently got a Sound Interface capable of 352.8kHz sampling -...
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      AlternativeNose1 replied to the thread SONY NW-ZX500.
      That is the point of MQA - your getting the sound unchanged from the studio. Sony should have worked with MQA on how the Walkman...
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      AlternativeNose1 replied to the thread SONY NW-ZX500.
      This isn't with Tidal. Its with an MQA file via the walkman app. I believe this new firmware the sample rate restriction has been...
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      AlternativeNose1 replied to the thread SONY NW-ZX500.
      I had a look at the file and it looks like there is audio up to 96kHz there. It was very faint at that range and I couldn't get a good...
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      AlternativeNose1 replied to the thread SONY NW-ZX500.
      That is odd. It's been a long time since I did Android development, so I'm not sure which log it is/how to get it to compare. If you...
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      AlternativeNose1 replied to the thread SONY NW-ZX500.
      You're correct on what Nyquist is. Most Audio files report their Nyquist rate in the walkman app - so when figuring out what output is...
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      AlternativeNose1 replied to the thread SONY NW-ZX500.
      Further to this - It appears I have found the answer to what frequencies at which unfold occur...
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