  1. tobprud

    Custom In Ear Monitors

    Hello I just sold me Westone 4r and planning to go custom. My choices are Fit Ear Private 222, Westone ES3, Unique Melody Miracle/Merlin and Jh Audio JH10/JH10X3. The reason I choose these models because my budget is around 900 dollars. I have been reading the reviews but I couldn't find any...
  2. mkarikom

    stateside replacement cables for Unique Melody

    Hello all, I'm getting a replacement cable to fit my UM IEM's and wondering if anyone has tried another source for replacement cables.  UM recommended Westone, but many products are advertised as replacements for "Westone,UE,JHA" and the JHA seem to be the cheapest so I am inclined to purchase...
  3. Unique Melody Miracle

    Unique Melody Miracle

    Flagship 6 driver custom in ear monitor