Mod House Tungsten (DS)
Contact listing creator JacquesCustodian
Listing ID: 60131 Views: 1656
Want To Buy  1.00 EUR
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Ships to
  1. Europe
Hi all,
WTB the Tungsten. Slim, slim chance with the scarcity and hype around these, BUT putting this out there in case anyone wants to part ways with their Mod House Tungsten (DS / Double Sided).

Who knows, finding an amp to drive them properly might not be up everyone's alley.

I'm based in the EU, for reference.
Listed by: JacquesCustodian (0)
Listed: 2024-01-04
Contact listing creator JacquesCustodian


100+ Head-Fier
I believe Mod house is doing a drop tomorrow.


New Head-Fier
They are, and this is not a way for me to 'jump the line' ahead of others, so to speak. Mostly, it's just damn expensive to have things imported to Denmark, where I live, from overseas. So, if anyone within the EU is parting ways with their Tungsten, it'd be a true blessing my way.

That said, I do hope everyone getting a pair gets to enjoy them!