Sold: .
Listing ID: 51221 Views: 1695
1.00 EUR
Excellent/Like new
Ships to
  1. Europe
Listed by: slumberman (44)
Listed: 2023-07-19
Last edited: 2024-05-17


Headphoneus Supremus
One of the most underestimated – or maybe the (!) most underestimated IEM ever. For me, it easily rivals The Bird, Mentor, and other recent TOTLs. Great deal and great seller. Guys, don't miss this!


Headphoneus Supremus
One of the most underestimated – or maybe the (!) most underestimated IEM ever. For me, it easily rivals The Bird, Mentor, and other recent TOTLs. Great deal and great seller. Guys, don't miss this!
Must agree…I think the price got people out of it. But this price here is a bargain if you want an amazing TOTL sound.


Headphoneus Supremus
Must agree…I think the price got people out of it. But this price here is a bargain if you want an amazing TOTL sound.
It should not be forgotten that the stock cable alone - Attila Shielding - costs 1999 USD:

And by the way: fantastic cable, technically considered on the same level as First Times.

Guys, take the offer for this super price and you will only thank us!