Closed: iFi Micro iDSD Signature | Diablo
Listing ID: 38881 Views: 1012
2.82 EUR
Excellent/Like new
Or best offer
Ships to
  1. Europe
Here is the average pricing for devices out of warranty:

Micro iDSD Signature: 350€
Micro iDSD Diablo: 500€

The price can increase if the device is under warranty and/or the seller is trustworthy and knows what product has in their hands and is in excellent/mint-like condition.

Also, if your device has additional items I’m interested in such as custom cables, adaptors, signal purifiers, custom pcb mods and others, I can add an extra as well.

I'd like the seller to send the item from a country within the EU (UK, US, CAN, AUS, NZ and such are not included due to huge import tax, safety reasons, and too long distances).

I’m including next up some links to second-hand pages where they have been sold just for reference and to see where we are coming from:

Micro iDSD Signature: 360€ | 390€
Micro iDSD Diablo: 520€ | 550€ | 560€

When contacting me in DMs I’d like a detailed explanation with photos showing the product and its items as well as possible. Please, employ good light and camera quality when taking the pictures.

Lastly, I want a list of Q&A to be answered so I can get an idea at first glance which state the product is in:

  • Why do you want to sell it?
  • Why did you buy it?
  • Which headphones have you used it with?
  • For how long have you been using it?
  • Is it still under warranty?
  • Have you used it as a desktop device or as portable outdoors too?
  • Did you need to replace the battery?
  • Are you selling it with additional/fewer items? If yes, which?
  • Any other stuff worth mentioning and of interest to the buyer about the product
Listed by: pcsgcs (0)
Listed: 2023-01-01
Last edited: 2023-01-26


I think you will be very lucky to get any of those items for the prices you are offering!!
Answering your original message: "I think you will be very lucky to get a Diablo for 450 or a signature for 350!"

I have seen Diablos sold on Ebay and Wallapop for 550-600eur and Signatures for 350-400eur. As I said on my post, we can discuss the price on dms. It can increase or decrease according to the state of the idsd, the packaging, warranty and so on.


Good luck👍
I have the opportunity to buy an iDSD Silver for 220eur on another platform from someone that treated it very well and knows his stuff around audio.

He has been using it with his pair of Beyerdynamic T1 and they sound as good as in his desktop amp. He also got the chance to try the Black Label and didn't notice a difference.

As you can see, It also depends who you buy it from. The prices I posted there are thought out for devices that are out of warranty which is a huge risk. If anything goes wrong cause you never know, all I will have left is a hugely expensive paperweight from the world famous audio brand iFi.


Yep 550€, that's 100€ more than the €450 you stated that you are willing to pay.
I invite you to read my previous message again and the post message too since I have updated it today with more description in case there is any misunderstanding. If any, my DMs are open.

In those I let the seller understand that the pricing you see is just a mere reference. The final price might INCREASE OR DECREASE according to many factors.

If you are here to troll then please refrain from posting further messages.