Closed: CLOSED
Listing ID: 35267 Views: 933
0.00 USD
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  1. United States of America
Listed by: buenahora (58)
Listed: 2022-10-27
Last edited: 2022-11-20


Headphoneus Supremus
Wow. Astonishing deal.


100+ Head-Fier
While your price is competitive, the manner in which you handle previous for sale ads is concerning. I have never grasped why some folks feel the need to remove price information once they close the sale, your ads are even more mind boggling where you also delete the item and corresponding information. Would love to better understand the reasoning behind it, as it could perhaps change my apprehension on this item.


Headphoneus Supremus
While your price is competitive, the manner in which you handle previous for sale ads is concerning. I have never grasped why some folks feel the need to remove price information once they close the sale, your ads are even more mind boggling where you also delete the item and corresponding information. Would love to better understand the reasoning behind it, as it could perhaps change my apprehension on this item.

People delete price cause lowballers constantly go "I found this one that sold 85 years ago for x within 20 min of being posted, so how about you knock 40% off the actual going rate and be happy about it".


Precisely - couldn’t have said if best myself. If there are any other questions regarding the sale of this item, I’m more than happy to discuss privately. I delete everything after a sale is completed because I value my privacy.


100+ Head-Fier
As a seller, why do you care about someone using your price for negotiating? This system would only work if every single seller on head-fi followed this practice. You are also defeating the purpose of classified feedback by deleting the contents of the for sale ad, which in some states could raise inter-state commerce fraud issues if an audit was needed.

Privacy is more than deleting Information from a for sale ad, this is a cop-out and if you truly valued privacy you would not be selling online to strangers. Trust goes both ways, as a buyer would I choose a person who hides their tracks or a person who demonstrates transparency. The logical answer is the latter.

Also, the sheer number of ads posted within a short period of time indicate a pattern which is suspicious. You may want to research transactions likely to cover various form or wire fraud, laundering, and other behaviors to cover up illicit activities. I’m not saying this is what is going on here at all, only something one should be aware of should they be transacting in this manner.


Headphoneus Supremus
Honestly man, if you don't like it don't buy it. Deleting adds and pricing is highly common amungst extremely prolific sellers here. If you have comments about the practice it's probanaly more pertenant to bring it up in the forums