Closed: Sansa Fuze, Cowon S9
Listing ID: 1385 Views: 336
12.34 USD
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Collecting dust in a box for several years. They do turn on and play, but I haven't tested much beyond that. Not sure what to ask for pricing; open to offers.

Sansa Fuze, silver, has a clear hard case, I recall I tried installing rockbox but it didn't work properly, so you hold left when turning on to load the original OS

I have an assortment of 4/8/16gb microsd cards for this too if interested; we can discuss pricing.

Cowon S9, black, volume button doesn't work but I installed something ages ago so you swipe up and down for volume, I think I paid >$100 for this back in the day; no idea what it's worth now

Shipping is from Canada
Listed by: Armaegis (84)
Listed: 2021-03-25
Last edited: 2021-06-26


100+ Head-Fier
Thanks for the pictures. Description says fair condition. I see this was released back in 2008. Would you take 30 dollars?