Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Oct 29, 2018 at 9:52 PM Post #41,191 of 153,928
Brother, you had me salivating in short order with your talk of a possibly immanent Loki Maxi. Please put a warning at the top of your post next time, I drooled on my laptop.

Yes, I should have. Unfortunately I was too busy furiously typing that post down feeling like I had solved the goddamn Kennedy assassination.

Too much caffein before bed isn't a great idea, it seems.
Oct 29, 2018 at 9:56 PM Post #41,192 of 153,928
Brother, you had me salivating in short order with your talk of a possibly immanent Loki Maxi. Please put a warning at the top of your post next time, I drooled on my laptop.

Jason mentioned that the loki could be fledged out into a full product line in the chapter about the loki, but it would depend on how sales did:
And then, suddenly, I realized, We don’t just have one product. We have a family of products.

That is, if we wanted to go that way. But if introducing one EQ was heresy, introducing three would be lunacy. It would be best to start small, and see if anyone was interested in the product. Hence, Loki Mini.

In the 2017 recap, they mentioned that while loki sales were okay to keep the product available, it wasn't enough to justify expanding at the time:
Loki? Yeah, that one is completely unnecessary. At least by conventional high-end standards. But I thought it would be a real winner—a chance to bring some degree of control back to the listener, together with high-end transparency. And sales have been pretty good. Not enough to flesh it out into a line, but enough to make Loki safe for the future.

But hey, maybe things have changed! I for one wouldn't mind a balanced bifrost-sized loki with 6-bands (pretty please)

P.S. loki is also called "loki mini" in the manual too :)

EDIT: more line breaks for readability
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Oct 29, 2018 at 10:04 PM Post #41,193 of 153,928
But hey, maybe things have changed! I for one wouldn't mind a balanced bifrost-sized loki with 6-bands (pretty please) :)

This is the real point- an EQ that can run in a balanced system is an offering for a different market than the current product. Schiit makes balanced kit that can utilize a Loki Maxi, and so does much of the rest of the high end audio world, and none of the preamps have tone and balance controls. The potential market is worthwhile.
Oct 29, 2018 at 10:10 PM Post #41,194 of 153,928
Brother, you had me salivating in short order with your talk of a possibly immanent Loki Maxi. Please put a warning at the top of your post next time, I drooled on my laptop.

Loki Maxi! Loki Maxi!
Oct 29, 2018 at 10:44 PM Post #41,196 of 153,928
Oct 30, 2018 at 12:04 AM Post #41,197 of 153,928
Replacing the tubes with the LISSTs will give a solid-state option. This can give you a slightly different sound; it can run cooler; the LISSTs won't wear out.

If I was ready to buy the preamp(s), I'd get them with the LISST option. I'll be sad to see them go.

Im very glad I ordered a LISST when I ordered my b stock saga. I haven't used it yet, but its good peace of mind knowing I won't have to worry about it when a tube goes.
Oct 30, 2018 at 12:33 AM Post #41,198 of 153,928
Wow - correct.
HD800 no longer listed for sale on the Sennheiser website.
OMG - the end of the titan!

The Best dynamic headphone ever made. To this day, no real competitor (bring it on).

Well, I'm happy as long as they still make an HD600... :)
Oct 30, 2018 at 6:31 AM Post #41,201 of 153,928

Thank you!

btw, a no-prize to person who can identify the character Thor is speaking to in this quote:

"But, since thou are merely mortal, I shall apply but a fraction of my Asgardian strength.

By Ragnarok! Thy reflexes defy understanding!"

The correct superhero is Daredevil. Spiderman was the best guess, with his spider sense giving him a fast response time. But Murdock's training as a child with his boxing father and his radar sense is what gave Daredevil superhero-y reflexes that impresed Thor.
Oct 30, 2018 at 7:03 AM Post #41,202 of 153,928
Oh gawd, you guys are starting to venture into areas where I'm not sure where to go--specifically, what to do about the next generation of Mjolnir.

Now, before you get too excited, there are exactly zero candidates as of this moment to replace the Mjolnir 2. But that's not to say that I haven't thought about where to go next. Right now, it's a large, hot, tube hybrid amp that isn't particularly desktop friendly. And, now that the LISSTs are going away (too hard to build, too slow to sell), one question becomes: should we stick to a tube hybrid amp, or should we move back to 100% solid state?

Before you answer, consider this: I have some very cool solid state tricks that haven't yet been released. And consider that it might also be a good idea to move this amp to a more desktop-friendly size. And consider that if we don't do tubes, we don't have a tube hybrid balanced amp in the lineup. And consider that solid state always outsells tubes. Aaaaannddd...then you may begin to see why I'm wondering which way to go.

No huge deal. This is pretty far out in the future. I'll probably end up building a couple of prototypes and making a decision based on more data (read: how they sound.) And, as usual, nothing may happen at all. Look how old Asgard 2 and Valhalla 2 are.

I'll preface this by saying I'm probably not your most targeted audience, but I thought I'd toss my two cents into the mix regardless. I bought my Mjolnir 2 purely off hearing how they sounded with my HE6s; a combination of the ability to drive them to good enough volumes and the really nice sound with the stock tubes. I've heard them with the ragnarok before and whilst that amp can most definitely power them, I didn't find the sound engaging. I don't want to start the tube vs solid state sound debate, but if a future Mjolnir 3 is entirely solid state I would likely need some form of EQ or tube pre-amp to achieve the sound I want (unless your solid state tricks changes this). Having to purchase something like a Freya to pair with it would be a bit excessive for my needs, but a Mjolnir/Gungnir-sized EQ would be fine. Balanced is not important to me, but given the options I would obviously run everything in balanced.
Oct 30, 2018 at 7:56 AM Post #41,204 of 153,928
Here's another music recommendation that may be of interest to some of you..... Quite heavy and progressive. Can be got on Spotify for sure.

Earthside - A Dream in Static

You had me at heavy and progressive! Will definitely check it out when I get home (can't listen to heavy and or progressive at work it gets me too pumped up)...
Oct 30, 2018 at 8:12 AM Post #41,205 of 153,928
Pentatonix, an A capella group out of Texas

This particular song may not be to everyone's taste but I think the singers do an amazing job getting the music across, amazingly tight harmony. I'd really like to hear them doing Renaissance music: William Byrd, Orlando di Lasso and others.

I performed with an early music in college, I miss the a capella singing.

Bohemian, baby!


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