ATTICUS and EIKON, the new dynamic driver headphones from ZMF
Jul 11, 2018 at 5:37 PM Post #5,956 of 9,748
@Aornic, no good deed ever goes unpunished.
Jul 11, 2018 at 6:04 PM Post #5,957 of 9,748
Stillhart's above post is right. I have a business to run and enough on my plate in my private life that I really don't want the added perception problem that comes with reviewing rival products. So I've made a decision that I'm announcing on YouTube soon.

I'm going to retire from reviewing full-sized, currently-sold headphones that manufacturers still have a stake in. Sorry for the careful wording, but I feel like I can still discuss vintage or long-discontinued gear someday if I find something interesting.

Also, sorry to anyone else who is just here to read up on Eikon and Atticus :sweat_smile: - I feel like I've unintentionally hijacked this thread and I hope this will make stuff return to normal.
That’s actually a real shame. I found your reviews enlightening, detailed and entertaining, certainly right up there with the best compared to some of the drivel we have to put up with (especially on YouTube).

Hopefully you reconsider and continue reviewing ALL headphones in your personal capacity, just with full disclosure. And hopefully more people on these forums join me in getting you to change your mind.

Best of luck to you either way.
Jul 12, 2018 at 11:20 PM Post #5,959 of 9,748
Copying this from the Focal Elear thread. Just bought a pair of Focal Elear to compare to my normal cans (ZMF Eikon)

First impressions:


More natural presentation, beautiful quality to the sound. Hard to explain. Sound feels kind of closed-in after going from the Elear.


Hits slightly harder in the bass, more higher frequency treble, more instrument separation, less natural sounding (a slight artificial sound when compared to the Eikon)

EDIT: Can definitely hear that mid roll-off around 4k on the track Idaho by Gregory Alan Isakov. On the Elear you are hearing far more bass from the acoustic guitar whereas on the Eikon it's a more rounded sound.

EDIT 2: I enjoy the way the Elear separates the music and it feels more open better than more closed in feeling of the Eikon, but sound of the Eikon is just more natural and pleasing.

EDIT 3: Eikon definitely more dark. Has a buttery layer over the top vs the Elear, which is great for some things like acoustic and vocal but not as good for busier music.

EDIT 4: It's weird, even though there's more slam and a tiny bit more quantity to the bass in the Elear, the Eikon can at times sound less clear and a bit "boomy" in comparison when switching between them.
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Jul 13, 2018 at 4:36 PM Post #5,960 of 9,748
I was wondering if any of you folks could vouch for a portable headphone that has a similar sound to the Eikon? I hope it's ok to ask here, it's just that because the Eikon isn't really a practical option for carrying around with you, then some of you may have secondary headphones that have similar qualities.
From the fair bit of research I've done, i'm feeling that maybe i'd have better luck with in-ears then over-ears.
Jul 13, 2018 at 4:39 PM Post #5,961 of 9,748
I was wondering if any of you folks could vouch for a portable headphone that has a similar sound to the Eikon? I hope it's ok to ask here, it's just that because the Eikon isn't really a practical option for carrying around with you, then some of you may have secondary headphones that have similar qualities.
From the fair bit of research I've done, i'm feeling that maybe i'd have better luck with in-ears then over-ears.

I intend to use the Eikon as a portable headphone haha, as I do with the Ori and did with the Blackwood.
Jul 18, 2018 at 4:42 PM Post #5,962 of 9,748
Question, I’ve basically read this entire thread and saw 1 comment that stated most people like that combo.
I’m referring to the Atticus paired with a Mjolnir 2. If most people like that combo, I haven’t read it. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of Love for the Atticus paired with Schiit gear other then maybe the Valhalla 2 and that isn’t really glowing either.

I’m running with the Gumby and Mjolnir 2 and absolutely love it. Extremely clean, very punchy and tight, Dynamic, full bodied and as non fatiguing as it!gets, great soundstage for a closed back, a black background and outstanding micro andmacro dynamics. In a nutshell, this is a great headphone with TOTL characteristics.

IMO, it competes with many high end HP’s I’ve had the opportunity to listen too. It punches and proves itself well over its price point and I consider it the finest closed back I’ve heard. It’s my kind of sound!

The only thing that matters to me is I like it.
It pairs great with my gear, but I’d truly be interested if there is anyone other then I running with a MJ2/Gumby and Atticus? Would be interesting if it coincides with my impressions now that I’ve had a chance to listen to it non stop for the past week.
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Jul 21, 2018 at 10:51 AM Post #5,963 of 9,748
I've been reading incessantly about the Eikon and Atticus as I am looking for a fun sounded 'super HD650' to compliment my HD800S (mainly for techno and house music). For those that experienced it would you say either headphone's bass compares to the impact and slam of the TH900? Also how does the slam and quantity compare to the HD650? It seems like the Atticus is the overall more powerfully bassy dark headphone from what I read whereas Eikon is more refined with more sub-bass.

I feel like something with the slam and impact of the TH900 but overall better balance is what I am after.
Jul 21, 2018 at 1:05 PM Post #5,964 of 9,748
The Eikon will provide far more bass impact and slam than the 650, but a little less than the 900. It has much more gentile treble than the 900 as well, but maybe a bit more than the 650.
Jul 21, 2018 at 1:31 PM Post #5,966 of 9,748
Hey guys!
I have Atticus and really like this amazing headphones. It was like a...remedy from side effect of audiophilia, when you listen to sounds more then just enjoy the music. Atticus sounds so natural and sweet.
Guys I have a few questions to you:
1) S3 6500 case is great, but may be anybody knows some alternative case, with less size and more portable?
2) What is the good portable/transportable amp with enough power to reveal potential of Atticus (Mojo, iFi iDSD Black Label or others)?
3) And the last but most important question: what is the good and not too expensive tube amp for Atticus in the 700$ price range more or less?
Thanks in advance, sorry for my English and any help is highly appreciated)))
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Jul 21, 2018 at 1:34 PM Post #5,967 of 9,748
Hey guys!
I have Atticus and really like this amazing headphones. It was like a...remedy from side effect of audiophilia, when you listen to sounds more then just enjoy the music. Atticus sounds so natural and sweet.
Guys I have a few questions to you:
1) Seahorse case is great, but may be anybody knows some alternative case, with less size and more portable?
2) What is the good portable/transportable amp with enough power to reveal potential of Atticus (Mojo, iFi iDSD Black Label or others)?
3) And the last but most important question: what is the good and not too expensive tube amp for Atticus in the 700$ price range more or less?
Thanks in advance, sorry for my English and any help is highly appreciated)))

I wish I knew an answer to #1, for #2 Chord is my go to, and for #3 I would get a Bottlehead Crack Crackatwoa for sure!
Jul 21, 2018 at 1:42 PM Post #5,968 of 9,748
Hey guys!
I have Atticus and really like this amazing headphones. It was like a...remedy from side effect of audiophilia, when you listen to sounds more then just enjoy the music. Atticus sounds so natural and sweet.
Guys I have a few questions to you:
1) Seahorse case is great, but may be anybody knows some alternative case, with less size and more portable?
2) What is the good portable/transportable amp with enough power to reveal potential of Atticus (Mojo, iFi iDSD Black Label or others)?
3) And the last but most important question: what is the good and not too expensive tube amp for Atticus in the 700$ price range more or less?
Thanks in advance, sorry for my English and any help is highly appreciated)))

I have the Woo WA3 (single-ended OTL tube amp). It's a great amp. Stock it's $599 new. I got mine with the amperex tube upgrade, so paid $200 more.

I never heard the Eikon or Atticus on it. Hopefully in the fall I'll hear the Eikon. The only high impedance headphone I've heard is the HD650. Tubes are magical!
Jul 21, 2018 at 1:56 PM Post #5,969 of 9,748
Hey guys!
I have Atticus and really like this amazing headphones. It was like a...remedy from side effect of audiophilia, when you listen to sounds more then just enjoy the music. Atticus sounds so natural and sweet.
Guys I have a few questions to you:
1) S3 6500 case is great, but may be anybody knows some alternative case, with less size and more portable?
2) What is the good portable/transportable amp with enough power to reveal potential of Atticus (Mojo, iFi iDSD Black Label or others)?
3) And the last but most important question: what is the good and not too expensive tube amp for Atticus in the 700$ price range more or less?
Thanks in advance, sorry for my English and any help is highly appreciated)))
On the amp,
I absolutely love the Schiit Mjolnir2. You can get one on the classifieds here for about your budget if you wheel and deal.
It sounds sublime with the Atticus and I highly recommend. It’s one Schiit amp
That’s a hybrid that has more of a tube-ie sound versus their others.
Jul 21, 2018 at 2:03 PM Post #5,970 of 9,748
Hey guys!
I have Atticus and really like this amazing headphones. It was like a...remedy from side effect of audiophilia, when you listen to sounds more then just enjoy the music. Atticus sounds so natural and sweet.
Guys I have a few questions to you:
1) S3 6500 case is great, but may be anybody knows some alternative case, with less size and more portable?
2) What is the good portable/transportable amp with enough power to reveal potential of Atticus (Mojo, iFi iDSD Black Label or others)?
3) And the last but most important question: what is the good and not too expensive tube amp for Atticus in the 700$ price range more or less?
Thanks in advance, sorry for my English and any help is highly appreciated)))

For about $750 will get you the basic version of a Glenn OTL amp....probably more tube rolling options than any other tube amp in this price range and maybe of any OTL period.
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