PENON Vocal IEM Cable

General Information

Penon Vocal 4 Shares 60 Cores OCC Silver-plated Plus Gold Foil Audiophile IEM Cable


  • Single crystal copper silver-plated plus gold foil wire
  • 4 strands, each strand contains 60 cores
  • Carbon fiber + aluminum alloy accessories
  • MMCX/2Pin 0.78mm connector
  • 3.5mm audio/2.5mm/4.4mm balanced
  • Cable length: 1.2M


Latest reviews


Headphoneus Supremus
Penon vocal IEM cables
Pros: 4 cores- 60 shares per core of silver plated crystal copper covered in gold foil.
Superior bling.
Sound shaping in the form of enhancing mids frequencies.
Adds note weight and body to host IEMs.
Adds more height and depth to your host IEM sound presentation.
Trebles frequencies provides more of a neutral emphasis vs enhancement
Musical shaping cable vs analytical or neutral
More copper in properties vs silver
versatile for all types of IEMs.
Cons: Not the most resolving of cables ( Not really a con depending on match up)
Not the most stage enhancing of cables.
Superior bling but some might not like gold stripes.
Penon Vocal

Today's IEMs are as varied as the food items you get at the Wynn hotel buffet in Las Vegas. With the sheer volumes of new IEMs in the market, it has become standard that these IEMs come with either the mmcx or the 2 pin connector variety. This of course encourages the end user of said IEMs to explore the myriad of cable choices.

The aftermarket IEM cables serve dual purposes. The idea of changing out the cable be it for aesthetic needs or to get a perfectly matching sound enhancing synergy going on with your favorite IEMs sound signature. Cables themselves have seen an explosion in the market that easily eclipses in variation of the sheer numbers of IEMs they were made for.

You probably know Penon for their IEMs they produce but they have been making boutique level IEM cables ever since they started their business. The folks at Penon are soothsayers of all things that make our music sound the best it can, if you haven’t tried a Penon made IEM or any of their cables and feel that the myriad of the cheaper IEM cables you got to experiment with are just ok. Please read on with my take on a new Penon made cable, with a very clear descriptor of what they do for IEMs simply called.”vocal.”

Penon vocal cables was provided for the purpose of a review. You can look them up on their website here. They have been tested with a variety of IEMs, types and with different signatures for testing.

Unlike manufacturers that name cables with random obscure numbers or with a name reaching for the stars based on some type of mythology. Penon’s naming scheme is a good indicator into what the cables do for your IEMs and or what they are made of. Practical yet serves a clear purpose.

Here is a case where something is called “vocal.” should in theory do exactly that and enhance vocal presentations for IEMs right? The new vocal cable beyond the flashy looks is a serious cable. I know some may judge a book by its cover in this case, yes they happen to be one of the most flashiest of cables in existence. Attractively priced at $69. The Vocal cable is approaching that magical $100 price level in cabledom. So it clearly has to be different and more substantial than budget cable offerings.

Underneath what makes the Vocals are 4 thicker cores, 60 shares per core of silver plated OCC copper. So nothing too fancy or exotic but a 1st for me anyways is the use of gold foil. I have no idea if the gold foil is more for looks vs actually adding to the sound shaping properties for the vocals but I can tell you the vocal cable is a bit different than your standard silver plated copper cable.

Generally in my experience with too many cables than I would like to admit. Silver plating on copper is the foundation for versatility, good transparency, slightly leaning toward technical and transient enhancement yet clearly maintains the dynamics supported from the copper base cores. But forward vocals? Yes, the Vocal cable is different.

Actually much different. They are called vocal cables due to their inherent ability to highlight pinna gain or upper mids of a given tuning on an IEM they are attached to. How is that possible you may ask?

Don't know to be honest but I do know what I am hearing from using the Vocal cables vs standard cables that come with your IEMs, so I will just post impressions of pairings with a variety of IEMs I have used with them to give you a better understanding of what these cables are doing to help infuse some musicality for your dry sounding IEMs.

Thus far; general observations on IEM pairings.

-Moderately increased stage and space presence- Not the most widest presentation in cable pairings forIEMs. I think this is due the vocals more mid focused nature vs treble enhancement like pure silver does which leads to a wider stage for example.

-Increases note weight, fuller, more substantial sound is in order. The Vocal cable is not a thin cable, its thickness will enhance fullness and density for an IEM sound. Which is another reason why mids seem to be pushed or highlighted a bit more so using the vocal cable.

-the 2ndary result of a more substantial note weight would mean you get a more impactful enhancement of the bass end which also gets a bit of a fuller note weight.

-Increases height and depth of the host IEMs sound profile. You have silver cables that enhance the width of the sound stage but ends up making the overall sound thinner in the process. The Vocals is the opposite. Gives more of a forward mids projection which seems to increase the height of a given sound. The good news on the vocals is that it does not hamper the stage design on the given IEM but due to the mids focus ability of these cables. It will seem like the stage is not as expansive vs cables that lean more on technical enhancing values. An interesting trade off. More substantial mids with greater body of sound vs thinner mids with a wider stage?

-Does not enhance treble frequencies for IEMs but does not hamper or smooth trebles either like pure copper cables can. Treble frequencies are not the main focus of the vocal cables. The treble aspect of the Vocals seems to be more neutral in what it does vs pushing treble to be more highlighted like pure silver or higher end silver plated copper cables do. So in general the vocal cable is in a way like a higher end pure copper type cable, definitely leans more toward copper properties vs silver. Again an interesting trade off. But this easily leads to more versatility.

IEM pair ups with the Penon Vocal.

First up is the new darling of the budget world, Simgot EA500. Dynamic
This IEM is a well balanced harmon tuning using a 10mm DLC dynamic.
Adding the Vocal cable immediately creates a more spacious profile. A bigger more substantial sounding EA500, Vocal cable is a SPC type cable so it will encourage technical aspects and due to having some thicker cores for its make up will add a better element of note weight, a denser sound. What I appreciate about what the vocal cable does is, it does not enhance trebles or the bass end as much as it seems to focus its attention to how the mids sound on the host IEM. Adding greater note weight and how your IEMs sound clearly enhances a sound experience. EA500 has never sounded better.

Reecho Spring MK2, hybrid
The new Reecho Spring MK2 is the newest seasonal hybrid IEM from Reecho consisting of a 10mm dynamic and 2 RAD Knowles BAs. While no one knows anything about this particular IEM, I am currently working on a review for this IEM. It was one of the first IEMs I tried the Vocal cables on. As far as cable synergy goes, the vocal cable did for this IEM what the stock cable should have done. Similar to the EA500 pairing, With the vocal cables not only does the Spring MK2 retain its technical ability but then adds a bigger spacial profile with added note weight. It does sound like the vocal cables this time around is adding to the impactful bass of the MK2.

Recently I have noticed an ever increasing movement toward brighter IEM cables. Brighter meaning cables that enhance technical abilities and trebles for IEMs vs adding a musical flavoring to them or any type of warmth. The included cable for the Spring MK2 is a silver plated OFC cable but one that clearly leans more toward the technical sound of the Spring MK2 vs enhancing dynamism and body of the sound. The next IEM pairing is yet another example of a cable that is imo the wrong match up for its sound profile.

GK100 tribrid , 3DD+2BA+4piezo
Ok so here is a very highly technical tribrid from the folks at Geek Wold. These iems uses a lot of drivers for its make up. 3dynamics, 2BAs and 4piezo drivers per side. That is a boat load of drivers and probably a challenge to get it to sound coherent. What was immediately apparent upon first listening to these IEMs is just how detailed and technical the sound is. I do believe Geek folks are trying for a higher end sound and tuning. It certainly has enough drivers to cover the entirety of the sound spectrum for a dolphin let alone a human.

Geek is guilty of what a lot of IEM manufacturers do and that is throw in a more resolving cable which in of itself is ok but throwing in a more resolving silver plated crystal copper cable with a highly resolving sound tuning of the GK100 and you get double dose of auditory information that don’t bode well for listening to your music for longer period of time. So what does the Vocal cables do? Well it added the one ingredient that was purely lacking for the GK100 and that is note weight, fullness, some musicality. GK100 in its stock form sounds dry more analytical using its stock cable. The Vocal cable is actually a much better pair up.

GK100 is a highly technical yet thinner sounding experience with its included cable, the type of cable it really needs is a warmer leaning copper cable but to my surprise the Vocal cables actually improved the listenability of the GK100. It even improved its bass impact but it was that added increase of note weight for its mids that really helped out to inject some musicality for the very analytical GK100.

Penon Serial, 3DD
This IEM needs no introduction. These have become very popular among enthusiasts that want a smoother full bodied musical experience. My prior go to cables for the Serial was the Penon Mix cables as I felt the mix helps with the detail and imaging aspect of the Serial. To my surprise the Vocal cable brings a more substantial note weight for the Serials that proved to be very addicting for the IEM. I am giving up a bit of the stage enhancing element of the Mix cables for a more emotive full note weight experience. More musical sounding is how I can describe the Serail with the Vocal pairing.

The interesting aspect of the Vocal cable is that they seem to synergize extremely well for IEMs with gentle pinna gains like the Serial and IEMs like the ISN EST50

ISN EST50, Tribrid, Dynamic+ 2BA+2EST
EST50 has also seen its popularity increase as they age. It is ISNs bassiest IEM but one that also has some proper mids and treble to go with it. The EST50 has a mild upper mid emphasis and with the wrong cable match up they sound more L shaped meaning bass will be first in line before the mids and the treble. Vocal cable enhances its mids presentation to the point where it sounds way more balanced. Absolutely stunning pairing with the EST50. I would say at this point a perfect match with the EST50.

Tansio Mirai Lands. Tribrid, Dynamic+3BA+2EST
Last is an IEM that I wanted to test out due to being more of U shaped IEM in the Tansio Mirai LANDs. The Lands is Tansio Mirais tribrid that has more focus on its treble and bass with a laid back mid range. The fun Tansio if you will. The vocal cable match up here helped to bring the mids a touch more forward in how I hear the LANDs. Which makes the LANDs more balanced sounding. Its adding a note weight to the mid bands that brings its mids more in line with the rest of the tuning. The treble by default was tuned to be in the forefront of the LANDs tuning and it still has a lot of treble emphasis but with the mids more highlighted the LAND sounds more proper vs its stock cable which I was never a fan of in the first place. Excellent pairing on the Lands.

In conclusion.
The vocal cable is an easy recommend. I know some of you don’t like the way they look. Gold stripes is definitely an acquired aesthetic. However looks aside. What these cables do for IEMs are noteworthy. They help bring a better balance for IEMs with an L shaped tuning. V shaped tuning. U shaped tuning and even a well balanced harmon tuning. That just means they are not a niche type cable, they have proven to be truly versatile. I can’t say that about every silver plated copper type cable I have used. These on the other hand can work with just about any IEM to bring more of what you want to hear. The meat of your music the mids come into focus and brings a better more substantial note weight increasing ability that makes them invaluable.

At the going price to own a set. The value is clearly there, if you are looking for an upgrade cable to enhance musicality to your IEMs base sound. The vocals are a very good pick up for any enthusiast that own more than a few sets of IEMs. These will work their magic on everything they touch and that my friends is a great sign for an IEM cable. Thanks for taking the time to read.
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I would like to hear more from you when it comes to possible alternatives of cable synergy for EST50. I mag consider something like Penon GS849 or GD849. Please do let me know 🙏🏻
GD849 is not ideal for the EST50 due to its darker tonal shifting character due to gold plating. The GS849 is better but I would go OS849 instead. EST50 needs some silver infusion to help with upper details. The other cable I would consider is the Penon Space. Space is a great allrounder cable that enhaces the ability of each IEM adds a enhanced stage perception but does not change the tonal character of an IEM.

If you want more detail out of the EST50 the ISN SC4 with half pure silver in the cores does a great job bringing out better details. I would go OS849>Space>ISN SC4.. GS849 sounds great on the EST50 as well. You really can't go wrong with the any of the cables I have listed on here for the EST50
Ah, yes.. Also, unrelated question but can you recommend me eartips that brings the most out of EST50? Much thanks! 🙏


Headphoneus Supremus
If you can believe it?
Pros: A cable design that centers around promoting the Pinna Gain frequencies
Vocal textures found where they have not been encountered before
Added extra bass attenuation resulting in pace and bass texture
$69.00.......a lot of cable for the money
First of its kind produced for personal audio
A surprise combination of upper-midrange emphasis and thickness
Cons: Best and most effective with neutral or darker IEMs and sources
Looks may be over-the-top for some, especially in public?
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I just bought it, didn’t pay an arm or leg…………and I just can’t stop listening to it.

This designates value, and it happens once in a while.

The Penon Vocal Cable

Like many things in life much depends on how you place the Vocal Cable. Meaning it simply goes better with neutral and darker IEMs to promote Pinna Gain. Now when I say it promotes Pinna Gain you’re probably guessing you have heard this style of cable before. Guess what……you probably never heard the style of fast-footing this cable does to improve vocals or anything else in that region. Truly it’s wild, and effective. I mean two Penon Vocal cables were sent to me with zero information. The first thing I did was photograph them, then when editing the picture in photo-software I saw the word VOCAL on the cable splitter. Not knowing the cost, at least I knew what they were for. Still I had questions, were they designed to sculpt and showcase vocals even better with vocal specialist IEMs, or where they truly designed to promote the Pinna Region when listening to darker IEMs?

Really it’s the 2nd guess. Meaning thay can work (maybe for some people) by making their vocal IEMs even more vocal-dramatic, but (for me) I found the tonal response to be totally beneficial to darker & almost neutral IEM playback. Now here is the kicker, yes they promote vocal presence, except there are good side-effects..........actually profound side-effects to the treble and bass character in replay.

Tighter bass:
So imagine if you will a darker bass heavy IEM….OK. The playback is nice and the bass has detail, except there is a lower midrange and mid-bass bump that results in a lack of pace. It’s not the end of the world here, except the results cause this particular IEM to go with less music genres. Hence the IEM actually gets less ear-time due to these traits. In fact what could happen with the Vocal Cable is a shift, a shifting of not only resulting in refined bass.........except also a forward placement into which the vocals are perceived. So…..the whole demeanor is changed………..thus going with more music.

There can be actual times when the treble personality is also effected, yet for me it’s mainly bass and vocals which are changed. Still there are upper midrange and treble results which are not sibilant or too bright like you may find with certain pure silver mixtures. While the Vocal Cable is still promoting the Pinna Gain in a unique fashion!

How on earth?
Why didn’t this style of cable ever come into existence before? Surely you can see how it looks different. And yes, it really is a little over-the-top as far as looks go. It’s like going to a party and seeing your old friend from last year, only they looked like they just robbed a jewelry store. It’s like what? What are you doing with this jewelry……there is so much of it, and never.........lets hope…….that never your car breaks down on the wrong side of town. What are you up too? “Well I was just being creative, and this stuff sits unused in the jewelry box… I thought I’d put it to use.” And sure enough as the party rolls on you sort-of get used to your friend all over again, and realize the sincere nature and wonderful personality was the very reason you're friends in the first place…………..then you could care less how much gold he or she was wearing, as it didn’t matter. That’s kinda how the Vocal Cable works…..the looks you somehow get used to……a little? The looks means it’s a conversation piece as well as the Vocal Cable adds an air of mystery wherever it goes. You have to remember I received the cable not knowing what it would retail for, and listening at first I thought, well this is a $300 or $400 cable, just by the looks of the whole affair. The main thing that threw me off was the hardware, as normally Penon uses this exact same hardware with way more expensive cables. The carbon fiber plug and 2Pins, the splitter and neck cinch all are from way more expensive cables…… in the end I even thought maybe it could retail for a $1000.00? Except they sent me two of them, and I’m pretty sure if it was $1000.00 they would only send me one?

But it really does sound unique and because of that I view usage to be all over the road. Meaning the Vocal Cable totally went with my $195.00 ISN H40 and the more expensive $449.00 EST50 for starters. My very first IEM to try out the Vocal cable was the $533.00 Earsonics ONYX. So my instincts were right, at first try I found the vocals to be somewhat pushed-up into the mix, also as a side-effect.......the Earsonics heavy bass was trimmed and sculpted into better texture by simply removing the extra bass baggage. I mean short and sweet, that’s all the cable does. You don’t need to read anymore about it………….


Penon Vocal 4 Shares 60 Cores OCC Silver-plated Plus Gold Foil Audiophile IEM Cable

  • Single crystal copper silver-plated plus gold foil wire
  • 4 strands, each strand contains 60 cores
  • Carbon fiber + aluminum alloy accessories
  • MMCX/2Pin 0.78mm connector
  • 3.5mm audio/2.5mm/4.4mm balanced
  • Cable length: 1.2M

Your back………OK?


Normally this is the place I go over Penon Audio’s history. But to save time and ultimately expound on the obvious here, I’m going to talk a little about Penon’s recent success instead. Yep, it has been an incredible 10 months for Penon Audio, an especially the last 5 months…..where if Penon Audio was not a household name in the arena of personal audio, it definably is now. Penon got their start in 2013 making just cables then expanded into IEMs, also (they invented) the sister brand ISN Audio who also specializes in cables and IEMs. Penon not only sells Penon brand products and ISN branded products but has an on-line web site that retails over 120 different brands. Yet as of recent their home brew IEMs and cables have been talk of the town. Yep both ISN cables and IEMs and Penon cables and IEMs have kinda had an extra ounce of vigor and electricity. Electricity is the word that best describes the fame that has bestowed Penon.

Do you know why?
Penon is simply making IEMs and cables that sound great. Penon understands what sounds correct and what replay sounds real. Not only that, but they offer value. It’s (possibly) a $299.00 IEM that sounds like a $600 IEM made by the other guys. Not only that but they are sold factory direct, so that cuts out the middleman. Direct to you with a wide range of products, whether or not this is your very first purchase or 50th purchase, Penon Audio delivers a certain level of quality that is renowned. Renowned and subsequently known about by audiophiles. That is the secret to success plain and simple……..but it wasn’t overnight. Thus this business of audio is an effort that takes time, time to learn about how to make something that actually sounds good.

New brands:
This is why typically a brand new introduction of a IEM doesn’t alway do well. It is just like a skilled woodworker or craftsman, this stuff is truly handiwork and the results end-up noticeably special after seasons of experience. That is what separates the neophyte from the master craftsman. The master craftsman simply understands his job and what it takes to put out a piece of art, and not trash. Often though in the IEM industry there will be secret new IEMs, these are IEMs with a new name, yet they are actually made by a well experienced company. These in-fact will be noted upon release as being a little better or a lot better than what a new company normally offers.

Penon & ISN:
So as far as sticking to a house hold name, IEM companies are a little like car companies, where you already kinda know what you’re getting beforehand, I mean only someone crazy would buy an unknown car product. And it’s believe it or not the same with cables, Penon is not testing the market with new cables at this point………They make 22 different cables and add ISN who makes an additional 20 cables and you have 42 different cables made! At this point do you really think they would test the market with a product they were not sure about? No, they are using their cable skills to offer a product totally unique to the mobile audio world and you can hear it. Not only can you hear it with the Vocal Cable introduction, you can feel it. Yep, just the natural way the Vocal feels in your hand as you grab your DAP/Cable/IEM. They way the Vocal cable lays across your body as you put the IEMs in your ears.

Sound tests:
ISN H40:

There is a magic here. Now it’s safe to say the H40 put ISN on the map, as far as IEMs go. I mean they first made cables and were a successful cable maker…….but then they tested the IEM market……….and they created quite the splash. What is truly heartwarming is when all these years later (and all the IEMs that have come) since 2019 when ISN introduced the H40…….and people still refer it as their deserted island IEM. What I’m saying is humble $195.00 IEMs are not suppose to garner such praise, but the H40 is a legend. And interestingly enough…….the ISN H40 is the perfect IEM for the Vocal Cable!


The ISN H40 has a forgiving darker signature.......where simply due to its tuning, the vocals are not emphasized. Yet still its still playback balanced and somewhat even and correct. But there was room…….to grow…….call it hidden potential.

Hidden Potential:
Maybe I’m not a total bass-head, in that I actually prefer better pace than what normally comes with the extra bass baggage? I mean the hidden potential here first and foremost is located in the Pinna Gain region, as that is the major effect this cables produces. But the side benefit is of course the bass pace that’s added. This parallel add is in combination to events in tone moved way, way forward. So there is that, but then something else happens too, something thats way more subtle in nature, and quite frankly one of my most favorite attributes here.

The reverberations:
Yep, what comes as a direct result of this added boost in midrange is a side-effect of boosted reverberations. This was actually the very first clue besides the Bass and Vocals that lead me to believe we were encountering a more expensive cable than the price asked for the Vocal Cable. So it’s nothing much, but that is kind of what you fall in love with, it’s the little things that matter. What I can guess is happening is the reverberations that were lost in the darkness (of other cables) are now showing-up and revealing their character. They can be found as vocal reverberations or instrument reverberations, but the over all effect is this better imaged soundstage that simply makes way for such items to be heard.

Does pace matter? At times it’s really everything, maybe? Of course much of this is personal taste, but it is always a trade-off. The trade-off of deeper more profound bass, or faster energetic pace. But due to the extra bass the H40 has naturally, there is enough that even if sculpted back slightly, the bass is still heard loud and clear.

Textures now occur in the vocals more because of their positioning into the stage they are more vivid, and because more vivid the texture.......they can be heard clearer………yet there is something more. Meaning the texture it seems is a direct result of the frequency response of this actual cable……..what I am trying to say is I have used other cables to reposition the elements and found forward vocals before…….but not like this…….and not this way? So I will summarize that it’s the texture of the Vocal Cable doing this? Whatever it is, it means that if a person didn’t use their H40 due to finding it less than well-rounded......then now it is revitalized. It still is big sounding and full of bass, but there has been a complete change in how even and accurate it has become. ISN has a neutral model build trajectory, meaning if you have heard their IEMs starting from the first build till their modern creations, they have been on the up-swing to add more neutral and faster pace devices, yet still holding on to an unexplainable consecutive tone!

Really I can’t place a review about the ISN H40 IEM joined with the Penon Vocal Cable without the full-disclosure of size. Imaging size is what is a better word for it. And maybe if you hear of folks wanting to take the H40 away to a deserted island, this SIZE is a big part of the equation? In fact the very next IEM in this story about the Vocal Cable is in fact going to be about ISN’s second creation, the EST50. And the reason I have to bring up size here is due to both IEMs almost being tuned (almost) exactly the same. Only the H40 is so forward with 100% of what it does, that for the ISN EST50 to even exist and to display detail they had to dial the H40 size slightly backwards. Yep, so you may read about IEM freaks who have had the EST50 for years and wonder why they would even travel back to H40 town as a new purchase, it’s number one maybe because they want to experience something different, but also because there is a feature of simply basking in the H40 size, the soundstage size, that makes it all fun and rewarding.

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Yep, there is an avenue to pursue with the signature of the EST50. You may be wondering why I chose to talk about the H40 first? Quite simply, the H40 changed so much and became kind-of an enigma, what the Vocal Cable did resulted in something perfect to my ears. Also the H40 is kind-of an over achiever for what it is, so you can only imagine my surprise at how it transformed. Let me just say that the H40 has no business being a $195.00 purchase, and all those things that become special become just that much more provocative when joined with the Vocal Cable. And so the EST50 is the H40 sound, only brought back to allow room for texture and realism to occur. So kind-of imagine a room full of furniture, that is the H40, where the furniture is in place and serves a purpose, only with the EST50 they went and started to filagree ornate extra details onto that furniture. Yep, same places to sit, only there is a new level of expensive detail, like you went to neighbors house in a tract neighborhood and he had the same house as you, only the furniture has extra details. These details add reality to the music, this realism can’t be argued with, it simply is.

Vocal Cable and EST50:
Something happened, the stage actually sounds bigger? But more than that, the Vocal Cable made the EST50 like a Vocal IEM! Know this sounds crazy but the Pinna Gain is placed in perfect form which in-turn expands the vocals and makes everything sound bigger……….echos off to the sides, and the EST drivers are even more reactive. Meaning ISN has kinda down-played the tonal EST response into a conservative stance, being, yes you can tell ESTs are used as they don’t show any of the brittleness of BAs, still their positioning is one of being slightly held back, compared to some EST driver arraignments. I can honestly say this is by far the one of the best results for the match of EST50 with cables, being an add of simple clarity to be encountered! I could write a whole page about the EST50 and Vocal Cable, but that would be too much, as you have all you need to know. This style of sound, this completeness is a ride-off-into-the-sunset level of win-win. Try it if you don’t believe me!


The Vocal Cable and The Penon Fan IEM:
Strange how the Vocal really is breathing new life into old IEMs. Now to be totally truthful this is very different from the SHOZY B2 IEM and ISN EST50 IEMs I just got done listening to! Yet it still kinda works….it just took me about 3 minutes to acclimate to the sound, and understand what was up! See I know the ropes, meaning I have learned and been told about how Penon is more midrange centered, and ISN is more bass centered, yet here and now I’m slightly startled by it. The Vocal Cable is still possibly a wining combo with the Fan 1. More midrange, but the Fan is kinda a vocal set-back style of playback anyway, so this really works. The greatest attribute is how the Vocal seems to enhance stage width? While this style of playback is slightly underwhelming after the EST50 experience, it’s way less money too!

But…..I’m getting hold of the magic and balance at hand here. Though I wonder if other cables may add to the thickness of the Fan 1 in replay?

Meaning much like the Vocal Cable and Penon Serial combination, some people love the combination, and others question if another different cable may offer more? It really is a question of vocals on the Fan 1, that they are maybe too thin here? Where same as the Serial and Vocal Cable, some loved the combo, but I found the Serial bass lacking?


The Vocal Cable and SHOZY B2 IEM:
No way, no way. To tell you the truth, I didn’t want to take these out of my ears. I literally didn’t want to move-on from what I was experiencing. Now Penon packaged the B2 with the ISN SC4 cable as a route to find more interaction…..and it totally worked. And the ISN SC4 is an expensive cable at $99.90! Yet I truly like this better. The Vocal Cable has more thickness and more dynamics. Sad for me to write this as I have been kind of a promoter of the ISN SC4 as the cure all for so many IEMs. The ISN SC4 and ISN EST50 has been my way of listening to the EST50 for awhile now……yet this Vocal Cable is the new standard by which all pace providing, vocal enhancing and all about detail bringing cables have been compared to! And…….it is the lowest cost cable to do these summersaults too?

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Penon did it again, actually they out-did themselves this time............due to coming up with a cable that not only breathes life into past Penon IEMs, but also never existed in personal audio before. Unique is really the best-est word I have for the Vocal Cable. Arriving by surprise in that…..whoever would even dream of inventing a cable that would focus on the Pinna Gain area of human hearing? I know this sounds hard to believe, and I forgive you for not taking me seriously……but the results are real and soon we will hear more sincere stories of success. The Penon Vocal Cable will end-up the talk of the town, due to cream always rising to the top. Nothing like the Penon Vocal has ever existed before, at least I have never heard anything like it. I’ve lost track of just how many cables I’ve heard, or own……but nothing has ever come this way that does specifically what the Vocal does. Should it cost more? How valuable is it?

“I just bought it, didn’t pay an arm or leg…………and I just can’t stop listening to it.”

This designates value, and it happens once in a while.

There you go……that is maybe what you will be saying after a purchase? Now to be realistic, a lot of this depends on your personal hearing and ear-anatomy…..also which particular IEMs you try to join the Vocal with. For my uses, I have made a list (above) of what worked out, and explained in-detail how things went in use. My personal beliefs are that the Vocal has many uses, but it’s still a specialist cable. That means that with the Vocal Cable you will become enamored by its response in various uses, but not 100% of the time. There could be IEMs and/or DAPs which in combination could result in a response that’s slightly too bright. Again though this is going to be a person by person event, and an IEM by IEM event. It simply proves the Vocal Cable is a powerful tool in dialing-in that tone to your desired taste.

But more than that, the Vocal somehow adds detail at times, which is often what we are going after in-the-first-place. Yep, if you have that IEM that has been sitting in-back of your listening line-up…..that you have put back to into the third-row or second-row and wonder if adding some Pinna Gain spice to the equation may revitalize playback……the Penon Vocal is that ticket-to-paradise. I’ve said all I need to say about the Vocal at this point in time. But you can rest assured that new days are ahead and new discoveries lay to be discovered as this is not an ending task……………more IEMs will be invented and new combinations thought-of. The Penon Vocal is a sound value, it’s also a build value. Simply speaking, it appears more expensive than it costs………of course $69.00 is a lot for a cable, and even more if you figure it is not a match for 100% of the IEMs in the world. But when you find synergy, and it’s not that hard to do here…………you will be glad that you found the Vocal Cable, and be grateful that you took the risk to purchase such an odd-looking cable. Because………..

“I just bought it, didn’t pay an arm or leg…………and I just can’t stop listening to it.”

This designates value, and it happens once in a while.


I want to thank Penon Audio for the love and for the Penon Vocal Cable review sample X 2.

These are one persons ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony TA-ZH1ES DAC/AMP Firmware 1.03
Electra Glide Audio Reference Glide-Reference Standard "Fatboy" Power Cord
Sony Walkman Cradle BCR-NWH10
AudioQuest Carbon USB
Shanling UA3 Dongle DAC/Amplifier 4.4mm

Vocal Cable.jpeg

Vocal two.jpeg

The Earsonics ONYX and Penon Vocal Cable:

Bonus test-out:
Penon Globe and Penon Vocal Cable:

While as of recent I have been a little hard an the Globe when comparing it to the ISN EST50, people asking which is the better buy, and in many ways the ISN EST50 is more flamboyant and goes ahead to ofter that reality in detail, we were talking about earlier. Which when you think about it, enhanced sound quality should come with spending more cash anyway. And while in a perfect world a manufacture would never repeat themselves, and give the buyer a chance to experience many variations of correct. In so many ways I don't want to compare the two. Why? Because one is using BA and a DD, and the other is using DD, BA and ESTs. So why all this talk? Because the Globe really does sound great with the Vocal Cable, now probably a hair different than the EST50 and slightly more brittle due to BA timbre. Still that's nothing to cry over! In fact the way the Vocal handles BA timbre is fine, even though it is boosting the Pinna Gain area. Part of it is the Globe's tuning too, that Penon in their wisdom made a well balanced and hyper-performing IEM. The Globe sound is big, balanced and interactive with the Vocal Cable, but most importantly it's listenable. Yep, it kinda draws you in to the music and accentuates the details in just the right places to have you become smitten with what you’re hearing. In fact the Globe is one of the very best performing IEMs in todays line-up! Still I have a certain affinity for the EST50 playback, and you'll have to agree........there is nothing wrong with having favorites?

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Probably would be better Space. My Neon Pro has good treble:) Thanks.
Anyone tried vocal on h50?


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