Xduoo Amplifiers
Mar 22, 2022 at 12:06 PM Post #1,171 of 2,012
„xDuoo TA20“: I currently use the XLR (balanced) input and the single-ended 6.5mm output for my headphones.
Would there be a sonic gain on the XLR (balanced) output…?
I've tried to use XLR input with single-ended output but sound is very very low (need to put on 95 level)

When I use the RCA input with XLR output or SE output it works fine and sound power is the same on both outputs (max 65)

XLR input with XLR output same volume than for the RCA input on both SE or XLR
Mar 22, 2022 at 12:14 PM Post #1,172 of 2,012
I might have been wrong about an opamp in the output stage. Indeed it is discrete, but it still needs a buffer which will have sonic characteristics. What I don’t know is, maybe the balanced output is buffered too so hard to say if there would be a difference then.

A different point is that balanced outputs double the output impedance, which is actually detrimental. If the output impedance is low enough, as it should be with a hybrid, it won’t really matter, but technically this is a downside to balanced listening. I emphasize technically, and just putting this out here for sake of completeness.
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Mar 22, 2022 at 4:03 PM Post #1,173 of 2,012
Has anyone tried the MU-601 DAC? I suspect it might make quite an effective mini-stack Schiit alternative together with the MT-602.
Mar 23, 2022 at 6:33 AM Post #1,174 of 2,012
Hi, I'm a newbie here and I'm also new to the "space" of tube headphone amplifiers. I have Sennheiser HD600 headphones and I first bought RME ADI2 DAC FS. Then I wanted to "taste" the sound of the lamps and bought a hybrid xDuoo TA-10R, and finally two months ago I became the happy owner of the TA-26. This amplifier is unique in connection with the HD600 and my ears are "in the sky". But I would like to upgrade the default tubes, so I found 6SN7GTB TUNG-SOL and 6AS7GA GENERAL ELECTRIC tubes in our e-shop in CZ, all new production and at a good price. Does anyone have experience with this combination in the TA-26 amplifier?
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Mar 23, 2022 at 8:44 AM Post #1,176 of 2,012
I'm sorry, a little confusion with the translator ...
Mar 23, 2022 at 5:30 PM Post #1,177 of 2,012
Hi, I'm a newbie here and I'm also new to the "space" of tube headphone amplifiers. I have Sennheiser HD600 headphones and I first bought RME ADI2 DAC FS. Then I wanted to "taste" the sound of the lamps and bought a hybrid xDuoo TA-10R, and finally two months ago I became the happy owner of the TA-26. This amplifier is unique in connection with the HD600 and my ears are "in the sky". But I would like to upgrade the default tubes, so I found 6SN7GTB TUNG-SOL and 6AS7GA GENERAL ELECTRIC tubes in our e-shop in CZ, all new production and at a good price. Does anyone have experience with this combination in the TA-26 amplifier?
Hi!, and Welcome to head-fi.org :)

My first Power tube was also a G.E. 6AS7GA, and one of my first Pre-amp tubes were a few VT-231's and a 6SN7GTA SYLVANIA TALL GLASS tube - and I found the best combination of tubes from that 1st batch of tubes for the TA-26, to my ears, was the GE+6SN7GTA... but, all the tubes were measuring "New" and so hadn't been "burned-in" - where the cathode burns off the oxides and coatings that rest on it during manufacturing process. Usually it is recommended to burn-in the tubes for 50-200 hours before critically listening.

Now after running these tubes and more for a few months, I find that the 1944 VT-231 KenRad Black Beauty sounds best in the Pre-Amplifier position - from that same 1st batch of tubes - and for the Power tube position I have a few favorites - it depends on how much solid Bass and "solid-state" sound you want. Some interesting GE => Kenrad history that is good to be aware of when tube hunting:

For me the 1976 Cetron 7236 provides a closer to "solid-state" focus and impact, while allowing the Pre-Amplifier tube to push through with the tubiness air and sound stage. While I do enjoy that, it is also nice to change up that sound by swapping in a Svetlana '85 6N13S or a RCA '61 6AS7G or a 1950 Jan RCA 6AS7G power tube.

I also enjoy the 1957 JAN CBS-Hytron 5692 in the pre-amplifier position, as compared to the 1940's VT-231's it carries more weight and slam, but also has the wide sound stage and airy presentation.

Another great pair of tubes are the Russian Melz 6N8S tubes, a '53 Melz 6N8S and a '54 Melz 6N8S, these have an extended treble range which I do enjoy too. Matched with the 7326 the sound is the most detailed and SS sounding, while still retaining that tubey sound stage and airyness. Subbing in a Russian 6N13S brings back more of the warmth while maintaining the high end extension from the Melz preamplifier tubes.

There is no one tube or combination that I could recommend to satisfy everyone, but I would recommend finding new measuring tubes with 100%+/100%+ of "lifetime" remaining, or 100% of New parameters specific to the tester that the seller lists as the tool used to measure and publish results for that tube.

I found that it helped for me to acclimate to the new sound of the TA-26, listening to the differences I heard in my Dynamic / Planar headphones and my various IEM's for a couple of weeks before ordering more tubes.

Right now I am listening on the TA-26 with a 1961 Svetlana 6N13S and the 1944 VT-231 KenRad Black Beauty...

And, for now, I think I am ok with what I have...at least for a little while... :ksc75smile:
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Mar 24, 2022 at 8:52 AM Post #1,178 of 2,012
Privet guys!✌
So i bought Sennheiser HD 600 as hmscott recomended and what can i say - this is one of the best choise for TA26 on its budget
Sounds pretty awesome !!!👌😁🤟
P/S Great thanks hmscott !!!
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Mar 24, 2022 at 11:06 AM Post #1,180 of 2,012
Hehe thank you too,
hmscott for advice!👌😎
Thats absolutely awesome now 🎶🤟🤟
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Mar 24, 2022 at 12:37 PM Post #1,181 of 2,012
Hi, I happened to see a new Asahi Kasei Microdevices (AKM) DAC video released on AKM and on Youtube minutes ago, along with technical specifications:

AK4493S / AK4490R Advanced VELVET SOUND Technology Developer's Interview

AK4493SEQ NEW 123dB 768kHz / 32-bit 2 channel Premium DAC

AK4490REQ NEW 120dB 768kHz / 32-bit 2 channel Premium DAC

Has anyone seen any new development using the new AKM DAC chips?
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Mar 25, 2022 at 8:33 AM Post #1,182 of 2,012
Ahoj!, a vítejte na head-fi.org:)

Moje první power lampa byla také GE 6AS7GA a jedna z mých prvních lamp pro předzesilovač bylo několik VT-231 a 6SN7GTA SYLVANIA TALL GLASS lampa - a našel jsem nejlepší kombinaci lamp z té 1. várky lamp pro TA. -26, podle mých uší, byla GE+6SN7GTA... ale všechny elektronky měřily "Nové", a tak nebyly "zapálené" - kde katoda spálila oxidy a povlaky, které na ní spočívají. během výrobního procesu. Obvykle se doporučuje před kritickým poslechem elektronky zapálit 50-200 hodin.

Nyní po několika měsících provozu těchto elektronek a dalších zjišťuji, že 1944 VT-231 KenRad Black Beauty zní nejlépe v pozici předzesilovače - ze stejné první várky elektronek - a pro pozici elektronky Power mám několik oblíbené - záleží na tom, jak moc solidní basy a "solid-state" zvuk chcete. Nějaká zajímavá historie GE => Kenrad, kterou je dobré si uvědomit při lovu trubek:

Pro mě 1976 Cetron 7236 poskytuje blíže k "solid-state" zaostření a dopadu, přičemž umožňuje předzesilovači protlačit se vzduchem a zvukovou scénou. I když mě to baví, je také příjemné změnit zvuk výměnou za lampu Svetlana '85 6N13S nebo RCA '61 6AS7G nebo 1950 Jan RCA 6AS7G .

Líbí se mi také JAN CBS-Hytron 5692 z roku 1957 v pozici předzesilovače, protože ve srovnání s VT-231 ze 40. let má větší váhu a bouchnutí, ale má také širokou zvukovou scénu a vzdušnou prezentaci.

Dalším skvělým párem elektronek jsou ruské elektronky Melz 6N8S, '53 Melz 6N8S a '54 Melz 6N8S , ty mají rozšířený rozsah výšek, který mě také baví. Ve shodě s 7326 je zvuk nejpodrobnější a zní SS, přičemž si stále zachovává tu trubkovou zvukovou scénu a vzdušnost. Subbing v ruském 6N13S přináší zpět více tepla při zachování špičkového rozšíření z elektronek předzesilovače Melz.

Neexistuje žádná trubice nebo kombinace, kterou bych mohl doporučit ke spokojenosti každého, ale doporučil bych najít nové měřicí trubice se 100%+/100%+ zbývající "životnosti" nebo 100% nových parametrů specifických pro tester, který prodejce seznamy jako nástroj používaný k měření a publikování výsledků pro danou zkumavku.

Zjistil jsem, že mi pomohlo aklimatizovat se na nový zvuk TA-26, poslouchal jsem rozdíly, které jsem slyšel ve svých dynamických / planárních sluchátkách a různých IEM, několik týdnů, než jsem si objednal další elektronky.

Právě teď poslouchám na TA-26 s 1961 Světlana 6N13S a 1944 VT-231 KenRad Black Beauty ...

A zatím si myslím, že jsem v pořádku s tím, co mám...alespoň na chvíli...:ksc75smile:

Thank you for the answer, tips and links to the vacuum tubes for TA-26! :wink: I see that with the vacuum tubes I have embarked on a long and instructive journey, full of interesting musical and sound experiences. Now I am waiting for the shipment of the mentioned GE and TUNG SOL tubes and in addition I found and ordered the Philips ECG 6080WC tube in the dealer's offer, so maybe I didn't make a mistake with it and it will work in the TA-26? Otherwise, I only found out during a phone call with the seller that GE and Philips are from the NOS category and they were both for an interesting price (in terms of GE for 9.5 USD and Philips for 17USD). But as I wrote above, as a beginner I still have to learn ...
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Mar 25, 2022 at 8:53 AM Post #1,184 of 2,012
Thanks for the next tip! I already thought about it, the rear tube will be drowned. Where can I get such a saver? Or under what "word" should I look for him?
Mar 25, 2022 at 3:33 PM Post #1,185 of 2,012
Thank you for the answer, tips and links to the vacuum tubes for TA-26! :wink: I see that with the vacuum tubes I have embarked on a long and instructive journey, full of interesting musical and sound experiences. Now I am waiting for the shipment of the mentioned GE and TUNG SOL tubes and in addition I found and ordered the Philips ECG 6080WC tube in the dealer's offer, so maybe I didn't make a mistake with it and it will work in the TA-26? Otherwise, I only found out during a phone call with the seller that GE and Philips are from the NOS category and they were both for an interesting price (in terms of GE for 9.5 USD and Philips for 17USD). But as I wrote above, as a beginner I still have to learn ...
Hey that's great, and yes it is a voyage of discovery :)

Here are some head-fi.org threads to read up on, especially the 1st post in each link, which cover the variations of the 6AS7G and 6SN7 series:

For 6AS7G tube rollers here .....

The Reference 6SN7 Thread

Here is some GE / Kenrad History:

It is an interesting way to learn history :)
Just fyi a socket saver is perfect for using 6080 valves in the TA-26 - brings them up to the right height
Thanks for the next tip! I already thought about it, the rear tube will be drowned. Where can I get such a saver? Or under what "word" should I look for him?
I suppose it is a matter of personal taste, but I tried socket savers and found they were more trouble than help, at least on the TA-20.

I bought the socket savers to avoid "wearing out" the sockets of the TA-20, but due to the recessed sockets on the TA-20 the socket savers were difficult to "hold down" while pulling out tubes from them - and in the end the socket saver/tube came out together and the TA-20 socket was still being "used".

After many insertions and removals the TA-20 socket is still just as tight and solid. I use slow care when pulling up and slightly rocking the tube from side to side to "edge it out" of the socket, and that has seemed to be a good gentle approach to remove the tubes. Inserting is simply aligning and gently applying pressure until the the tube inserts. I'm no longer worried about the socket wearing out.

As far as a lower height power tube being behind the front preamp tube, I don't really notice the difference after the first novelty of it wore off.

I've used "step-sided" tubes like the 6AS7G and 6H13C which that position was designed to accommodate, as well as the shorter straight-sided 6AS7G and 7236's, and while the size is different the installation and removal technique are the same.

There are also small 6080 and 5998 straight-sided envelope tubes as well as the 5998 "step-sided" envelope tubes, and they are all easy to insert "blind" with the "key" alignment. It does feel odd the first time trying to find the "keyhole" with such a wide access hole for the socket with a smaller tube, but after the first couple of times it becomes "normal".

I'm installing and removing tubes often enough I found the socket saver was another item that got in the way after a short while. It quickly seemed much easier to insert/remove directly into the amp socket, giving extra care assuaged my anxiety over wearing out the amp tube socket.

I also found ceramic socket replacements with gold-plated lugs, and looked up how to disassemble the TA-20 so that I was prepared should the TA-20 socket "give way" after so many insertions/removals. After a couple of years of use I've still not bothered to purchase replacement ceramic sockets for the TA-20 because I'm no longer worried about wearing them out. YMMV. :)
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