Why extraterrestrial life likely exists, but I still kinda doubt about God
Mar 2, 2003 at 9:25 PM Post #151 of 171

Originally posted by grancasa

Edit: Ahhhhhh, just figured it out. We've all seen your website, and we also seen pictures of plenty of Head-Fi folks from the meets. Trust me, there are many out there that leave you looking like Fabio!

My website? Now I'm confused. I'd never post a picture of myself for fear of breaking the Internet. I only risked my ear/avatar as it has a KSC-35 covering it.
Mar 2, 2003 at 11:56 PM Post #152 of 171
Somebody was in a very bad mood!


Mar 3, 2003 at 12:30 AM Post #153 of 171

Originally posted by Audio Redneck
My website? Now I'm confused. I'd never post a picture of myself for fear of breaking the Internet. I only risked my ear/avatar as it has a KSC-35 covering it.

My bad, I had you mistaken with another Head-Fi member. So for all I know, you may be the ugliest Head-Fi member. That would be quite the acomplishment.
Mar 3, 2003 at 1:45 AM Post #154 of 171
I have to give up at this point. I acknowledge that my belief in science is just as much a matter of faith as is anyone else's belief in evolution, because I haven't verified all the facts myself. I choose this view because I am confident that a few years investigating all of the geology, anthropology, astronomy, physics, genetics etc., would not change my mind - but I'm not going to because I'm a programmer and we tend to have little enough life outside of work already. There is too much volume of argument here to refute, although I'll note that both sides show a willingness to believe those scientists whose work seems to support one point of view while discounting the rest. There is no black and white, only gray.

The recent talk of the age of the world according to theologians is just another nail in the coffin of my credulity. Last I heard Bishop Ussher's calculated 4004 years was the final word, now it's 6000? Until the religions of the world cease arguing and present a united story I'm afraid I can't seriously consider any of it. Given the history of these organizations I really doubt I will ever have to change my ways. I'll have to remain an agnostic, listening with interest but not 100% convinced of anything.

The last time I spent 30 minutes composing a post in this thread, I lost it before posting. It's just getting too time consuming. In fairness to my employer (and wife, when I get home) I have to leave the discussion here - but it's been fun.
Mar 3, 2003 at 2:21 AM Post #155 of 171
Just to toss something out there for the logically-minded, St Thomas Aquinas published an interesting theorem regarding the existence of God.

Its not exactly exciting reading, but it is quite brief and kind of elegant in a way. Its obviously pretty old, and therefore in the public domain. So its probably available freely (and legally) on the net somehere.
Mar 3, 2003 at 3:01 AM Post #156 of 171
The Summa Theologica holds those points. It is his masterpiece as well as one of the greatest works of philosophy and ethics in existence. Outside of his Christ-centric beliefs, his mastery of Aristotilian philosophy, ethics and law easily put him on par if not above Socrates, Plato and Aristotle himself.
Mar 3, 2003 at 5:01 AM Post #157 of 171
One of the reasons Martin Luther formed the Protestant branch of Christianity was that the Catholic church held that the bible should be inaccessible to common people... also, the bible has been translated, retranslated, passed down, edited for political reasons, and generally gone through the equivalent of a several-generation analog tape copy to such a degree that I wouldn't be surprised if some simplification occured somewhere down the line. Even if it hasn't, it would be rather simpler for God to simplify the process of creation down to the point where people could easily understand it instead of talking about metaphysical time-scale differences.

Correct, but... Martin Luther penned his 99 Thesis to the door of the Catholic church because what the church taught and what the Bible taught were two completely different things. He did publish the Bible in German so that everyone would have access to it in a language they spoke and understood, but that wasn’t the reason he did what he did. He saw the hypocrisy of this and wanted things to return to a where they should be: according to what the Bible taught, not what man thought. This period was called the Reformation. The old way of doing things was reformed and was replaced with the proper way of doing things. I am not bashing Catholics here, but I am not a Catholic, and I don’t trust that church nor it’s teachings due to this and a myriad of other reasons I won’t go into publically. These things mentioned here are historical facts, and not a person’s opinion, therefore I talked about them.

And yes, the Bible has been re-translated again and again, but each time using the same original language texts. I don’t see how having different translations from the same Greek and Hebrew texts is a problem? But, by using your own standard of thinking here, all your school textbooks should be thrown away also. Why? Because every few years they are out of date and need to be updated with new evidence. We do the same thing with the Bible. As new discoveries in linguistics are made, we remain intellectually honest and release a new version updating it by incorporating these new changes. Does it change any of the overall message of the Bible? No. A few words here and there are changed, but that’s it.

As I asked aeberbach, please list some of these edits made for political reasons, simplifications, etc. you claim exist. The fact is, we have things like the Dead Sea Scrols and other ancient manuscripts that verify that to this day we have exactly what was used hundreds of years BC, and possibly even further than that with other manuscript discoveries.

Your analogy of an analog audio tape is also not applicable here. Please read my posted reply to aeberbach about how the copyists were so meticulous in their copying methods of the Pentateuch. The New Testament is an entirely different animal. We have copies of the originals that are second or third generation copies. They are from just about 100 years from the time of the actual events. We also have more than 30,000 different manuscripts from that time, so the evidence for their accuracy is so overwhelming as to be staggering. There is more evidence and copies of the New Testament than any other writing in the history of man. It is more accurate than anything else we have discovered in the world by a magnitude that is staggering. So, is our English Bible we have in our hands accurate and reliable: unequivocally yes it is. If it is not considered accurate, nothing else we have in written form where we don’t have a penned original by the author is to be thrown out using this same criteria. You must apply the same criteria to all written works, not just the Bible.

Not having read Genesis, I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about. Could you clarify what you mean by "12 items"?

Since you haven’t read the account in Genesis, I’ll sum it up for you. Ok, the account goes in this order: 1. heavens and earth created, earth was void; 2. light created; 3. light separated from darkness and called night and day; 4. dry land and ocean - a single continent, water mass called seas; 5. waters of the earth separated from the water that surrounded the earth - water canopy; 6. grass, fruit trees, herbs - in other words - grass trees, plants, etc.; 7. our moon and other stars and celestial bodies added; 8. living creatures added to the waters, birds to inhabit the land and air; 9. beasts of the field added; 10. man added. These are the ten I could find quickly in the account, sorry if I missed a couple or remembered the original number incorrectly. Notice the precision of the order listed directly from the Bible. If any one of them was arranged differently you would have a problem. If it said plants before light, problem. Animals before plants, problem. Plants before ocean, problem. Etc, etc. You get the idea. Even with these 10 parts of Creation, the odds of them falling in the right order mathematically is still one in 3,628,800. Not bad for a man who wrote the account around 1500BC, huh!

The thing is, VERY VERY few people live to 120 years. The vast majority die at 70 to 80 in the US, and much earlier in third-world countries. If we are supposed to live to be that old, shouldn't dying earlier be the exception, not the norm?

If you go back and reread my post I think you’ll see something you missed. I never said that everyone would live 120 years. I said that they would live about 120 years. That’s a theoretical maximum lifespan, not an actual lifespan granted to every person who lives. I also misquoted in my post, which lead to your misunderstanding. I meant to say the part about 120 being a limit or maximum, not average or Sorry about that. My wife’s grandma died at 105, so she came close.

Rather arrogant to assume one is the highest/best species, isn't it? (Looking at a lot of organized religion from a cynic's view, much of it seems designed to appeal to the ego, or just to one's feelings in general - not one's brain.)

Not arrogance - fact. Look at your own evolutionary teaching and charts that show higher and higher complexity of life forms, and you’ll see that these aren’t my thought, I’m just repeating what evolution teaches. Man is always depicted by evolution as the pinnacle being of evolution. I never said the best species, since in fact all of our faculties are in some ways inferior to certain faculties other species. Since evolution teaches this, that means that evolution is a religion that appeals to the ego since it is evolution that teaches this concept, not Christianity. Evolution appeals to those people run by their feelings in general, not one’s brain.
True Christianity teaches one to be the best thinker you can possibly be. We are exhorted, encouraged, to use our mind. Historically, look at the list of Christian scientists I mentioned a few posts ago. All of them were way ahead of their times, and they were some of the greatest thinkers of their day. Modern Christianity with it’s touchy feel reliance on feelings and experience to base things is not what we are encouraged to do. It is a new thing, and goes against the grain in what the Bible teaches. The ultimate teleological purpose of our minds is to know the mind of the Creator. (Sounds like VGER, huh?)

Since when does the fact that we're made from atoms have anything to do with it? Atoms combine to form molecules, molecules interact... much of biology is how the different organic molecules and combinations thereof send other molecules back and forth.

The difference between a non-living composition of molecules coming together to form other non-living molecules is not the point as you stated. The point is how any combination of nonliving molecules came together and, poof, suddenly you have life. Having the same combination of these elements come together and form life and at the core of this debate. As I stated, Pastuer discovered the law of biogenesis back in like 1860. Life only comes from life. Never has this been proven otherwise, yet evolution teaches the opposite of accepted scientific principles, this being one of many. Why should I believe something so unscientific as evolution when the whole theory’s basis was blown away almost 150 years ago? Why? According to evolution a bunch of molecules came together in exactly the right combination to form life. Life from non-life. Can’t happen, never did happen, and again flies totally in the face of known scientific fact. The basic building blocks to have life exist can only come from life itself, they can’t come from non-life. The biggest missing link in evolution isn’t some Neanderthal man, it’s how in the world did the dead, lifeless atoms that existed suddenly spring forth into life? Let me explain a couple of things. First of all, evolution teaches that lightning and the lifeless atoms that existed 2 billion years ago came together and formed an amino acid. Is that life? No. What’s missing? Well, other than something living let’s start with DNA. An amino acid is not life, can’t replicate itself, and can’t make DNA. DNA only comes from life, not non-life. Next, every single living cell in the universe, no matter how simple contains one of the most complicated things in existence, and without it no living cell can live. What is that? A complex enzymatic protein metabolic motor. What’s that? That’s how every single living cell extracts energy from it’s environment for cell reproduction and other cell needs. Without this incredibly complex organism, there can be no life. And guess what? Only living organisms can produce this thing, which means once again that evolution can’t be correct. If only amino acids are produced, they can’t produce something infinitely more complex like this protein motor, so how did that amino acid produced live, extract energy, or replicate itself? Answer: it didn’t because it is scientifically impossible for this to occur. The problems isn’t from 92 lifeless molecules to first bacteria, it’s in all the infinitely complex parts of life that are needed for that first bacteria to come about. Study how complex even the simplest bacteria is in existence, and tell me it happened by chance. Tell me how many amino acids there are in even the simplest bacteria? How complicated is just the DNA of the simplest bacteria? All these facts that science has discovered again tell us of how incredibly complex even the “simplest” life forms are. These are questions that show us how absurdly impossible evolution is.

Well, since DNA is by nature random, and only heals through randomness, it seems to belie a random designer, not intelligent design. Intelligent design would include some form of error-checking - to prevent bad errors like deformities et al.

Please do a little more research on DNA before making statements like this. DNA is completely redundant, error checking, and does not heal randomly. Zanth can post more here than I can, but your whole point here is erroneous as what you say it should be is what it already is. It DOES heal itself, but not always like you think. Birth defects and other deformities are, quite often, not genetically passed on, and the offspring of those with birth defects corrects itself with the next generation. If can heal certain anomalies, but others take another combination of egg and sperm to correct for. IOW, once it’s broken too much it can’t fix itself. Very, very intelligent design indeed. IT seems that your idea of DNA is that it would have intelligence in and of itself - that it should find all errors itself and correct for them. Once the DNA is damaged in certain ways, it can only replicate itself with those errors.

I also think you missed my point about the link between a life form’s complexity and the number of DNA molecules. According to evolution’s own teaching, the more complex the life form the slower it evolves. Since DNA is the most complicated molecule in existence, it is an accurate barometer for judging complexity. Humans only have 22 pairs of DNA molecules, and yet we are, again according to evolution, the pinnacle of the evolutionary charts. They themselves use man as the most complicated organism in existence. If this DNA is an accurate barometer, then anything which contains more pairs of DNA is, by definition, more complex. Therefore, how do we explain, using evolution, how the fern existed for millions upon millions of years before man. It has nearly 5 times the amount of DNA molecules that we do, and yet is called “simpler” and less complex by evolution. This is not possible. Everything with more than 22 DNA pairs would be more complex than man and would not exist yet since it takes longer to evolve an organism that is many, many times more complex. The analogy of audio equipment THD is quite horrendous to fall back on. We’re comparing life forms composed of the most complex molecule in existence, the analogy of the audio equipment is from objective design figures to subjective perceived sound. (Some amps with a lower THD are better sounding, but that’s irrelevant.

Please don’t try and cop out on me aby saying we just don’t understand enough about evolution, therefore it is still a viable alternative. Take just the known science we have right now, and tell me how evolution defies and destroys almost every single premise of the known sciences. The point isn’t whether we know everything about what happened in the past. The point is really which explanation is more rational, logical, and scientific to believe?
Mar 3, 2003 at 5:03 AM Post #158 of 171

Sorry to hear that you’ll be leaving the discussion. I have thoroughly enjoyed your questions and have an incredible amount of respect for you after your participation. I wanted to clear up one point in your post, so hopefully you’ll at least stop by to read it!! I also respect your honesty in saying that you won’t change your mind about what you believe because you want to cling to that belief. I applaud your participation, and honest answer. I sincerely hope you at lest spend a little amount of time questioning what you believe. You need not be an expert in all those fields to find the flaws and holes contained in them. Please feel free to pop back in and participate at any time.

[size=xx-small]The recent talk of the age of the world according to theologians is just another nail in the coffin of my credulity. Last I heard Bishop Ussher's calculated 4004 years was the final word, now it's 6000? Until the religions of the world cease arguing and present a united story I'm afraid I can't seriously consider any of it. Given the history of these organizations I really doubt I will ever have to change my ways. I'll have to remain an agnostic, listening with interest but not 100% convinced of anything. [/size]

OK. As I posted earlier, the theologians don’t agree on certain things, in this case the age of the earth, but it sounds like you’re throwing out the baby with the bath water. There’s nothing concrete on which to base an accurate “guess” as to the Bible’s presentation of the age of the earth. Just because a couple of people disagree on what is extrapolated from the Bible doesn’t negate everything else it teaches. They sometimes don’t agree on side issues like this, but this is only conjecture about what is inferred from genealogies, nothing more.

How can we prove that the earth is only about 6000 years old and not billions of years old, and only use science to do so? Anyone curious as to the answer?
Mar 4, 2003 at 11:41 PM Post #160 of 171

Originally posted by ServinginEcuador
And yes, the Bible has been re-translated again and again, but each time using the same original language texts. I don’t see how having different translations from the same Greek and Hebrew texts is a problem?

Well, how do you know that those texts are correct? True, we have the Dead Sea Scrolls, but how do we know that those aren't copies of an even earlier text, which itself might be a copy...

As I asked aeberbach, please list some of these edits made for political reasons, simplifications, etc. you claim exist. The fact is, we have things like the Dead Sea Scrols and other ancient manuscripts that verify that to this day we have exactly what was used hundreds of years BC, and possibly even further than that with other manuscript discoveries. Quote:

Just out of curiosity, when was the Bible written? What's the date of the earliest manuscript that we have?

Consider the existence of the Catholic church. Because it claims it has the authority of God, it must have some biblical grounding, correct? Yet the existence of a huge, world-girdling orginization with heavy centralisation seems quite contrary to the way the early Christians lived, which could be described as a simple peer-to-peer network. (without the music piracy...) Therefore, I suspect the founding of the Catholic church did not occur in the New Testament at the very beginning. Yet if Christ or a prophet did command the creation of the Church, then they would presumably be acting on the orders of God, correct? And God, being outside of space and time as has been discussed many times in this thread, would be able to see the corruption of his word and principles the Catholic Church would bring about - which, despite the Reformation, continues to this day in the recently-discovered protection of child molesting priests. So why was the order given for the creation of the Church? Or was the "order" an 'edit' of the Bible?

Obviously, things like this are only suspicion - I don't have any proof (obviously!), and your description of the New Testament as the most-verified document in existence seems to deny the whole point. But in general, the very existence of the logical arguments like the above, and the two completely conflicting stories of the creation of Man (actually, Woman) (the creation of earth and the garden of eden) make me doubt the tamper-free (or simply error-free) nature of our current texts. (and no, these critera do not apply to all written works, only to those which do not provide logical or factual proof of their arguments - those that require us to accept them on the basis of pure faith, without any means other than the earliest work we possess of checking the accuracy of a given work.)

Since you haven’t read the account in Genesis, I’ll sum it up for you. Ok, the account goes in this order: 1. heavens and earth created, earth was void; 2. light created; 3. light separated from darkness and called night and day; 4. dry land and ocean - a single continent, water mass called seas; 5. waters of the earth separated from the water that surrounded the earth - water canopy; 6. grass, fruit trees, herbs - in other words - grass trees, plants, etc.; 7. our moon and other stars and celestial bodies added; 8. living creatures added to the waters, birds to inhabit the land and air; 9. beasts of the field added; 10. man added. These are the ten I could find quickly in the account, sorry if I missed a couple or remembered the original number incorrectly. Notice the precision of the order listed directly from the Bible. If any one of them was arranged differently you would have a problem. If it said plants before light, problem. Animals before plants, problem. Plants before ocean, problem. Etc, etc. You get the idea. Even with these 10 parts of Creation, the odds of them falling in the right order mathematically is still one in 3,628,800. Not bad for a man who wrote the account around 1500BC,

Well, yes, but to get your mathematical odds correct, you need to leave out the things which can be found by common sense, and/or which can be in more than one order. Obviously the heavens, earth, and light were created first (light could technically be created before the heavens and earth, actually), then night and day had to be created after light and earth, then water had to created after earth but not necessarily after light, then plants had to be created after water and light (farming has been around a LONG time, so this would also be common knowledge), celestial bodies actually had to be created BEFORE plants and BEFORE night and day (since plants need sunlight [sun is a celestial body] and night and day depends on the relation of the earth to the sun, rotationwise.), living creatures (fish, birds, animals) had to be added after all the previous (need food, water, sunlight), and then people (need food, i.e. animals). Not only are there only 5 or 6 things that need to be created in a given order, but one's in the wrong order!

If you go back and reread my post I think you’ll see something you missed. I never said that everyone would live 120 years. I said that they would live about 120 years. That’s a theoretical maximum lifespan, not an actual lifespan granted to every person who lives. I also misquoted in my post, which lead to your misunderstanding. I meant to say the part about 120 being a limit or maximum, not average or Sorry about that. My wife’s grandma died at 105, so she came close.

Just out of curiosity, where does it say that the maximum lifespan is 120?


Not arrogance - fact. Look at your own evolutionary teaching and charts that show higher and higher complexity of life forms, and you’ll see that these aren’t my thought, I’m just repeating what evolution teaches. Man is always depicted by evolution as the pinnacle being of evolution.

Nope. Religion (Old Testament, to be specific) teaches that Man was created "in God's own image", "to rule the earth", etcetera. Evolution teaches that we're the CURRENT "pinnacle being" that lives on land. Not only do I fail to see how, by the principles of evolution, we would be the pinnacle beings of the oceans (since we haven't adapted at all to them), but the whole idea is that evolution is always happening(in fact, one could extrapolate that a species will never notice that it is evolving), and that not only will the beings we call "human" cease to exist at the next global climate change (having adapted to the changes, if they happen slowly enough) but that we could be replaced as the "pinnacles" if the world changes fast enough that we can't adapt fast enough (think cockroaches and nuclear war) - or another species evolves to be superior. Quote:

True Christianity teaches one to be the best thinker you can possibly be. We are exhorted, encouraged, to use our mind.

Except in thinking (well, saying/discussing) that anything Christianity teaches is wrong - that would be blasphemy or something similar. Quote:

Modern Christianity with it’s touchy feel reliance on feelings and experience to base things is not what we are encouraged to do. It is a new thing, and goes against the grain in what the Bible teaches. The ultimate teleological purpose of our minds is to know the mind of the Creator.

I thought God's will was unknowable?

The point is how any combination of nonliving molecules came together and, poof, suddenly you have life.

Well, yes, but it's a variant on the chicken and egg problem, from an evolution standpoint. Just as the answer to the C&E problem would be "The egg, because it would have contained the slight mutations (from the pre-chicken's DNA) that are now what we call 'chicken', although in reality the differences are so small that one could have also called the pre-chicken a chicken, so the question becomes not which came first but instead where do you draw the line?", "life" came together as a collection of molecules that could split in two and then each could recreate the missing half. (or at least that's MY theory!) Quote:

Having the same combination of these elements come together and form life and at the core of this debate. As I stated, Pastuer discovered the law of biogenesis back in like 1860. Life only comes from life. Never has this been proven otherwise, yet evolution teaches the opposite of accepted scientific principles, this being one of many.

I would say that Pasteur was incorrect, even though we have no proof, since life had to come from something that isn't 'life' - but again, where do you draw the line at life vs. non-life? Quote:

Why should I believe something so unscientific as evolution when the whole theory’s basis was blown away almost 150 years ago? Why?

Because it makes more sense than any other theory out there. Until we discover otherwise, it's the only scientific theory we've got. A.C.Doyle was incorrect when he said that "when you remove the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, is the truth," because what if there's something you DON'T know? Something that remains, but you don't see? As long as the theory you're working on can be supported logically and by evidence, it'll be like Newtonian physics - good enough for everyday use, but disproven by Einstein. And who knows - there may never be an Einstein of evolution and instead someone who finds "the missing link" which delivers final and incontrovertible proof of evolution.

And no, Creation isn't a scientific theory, so it can't be accepted as scientific fact - one of the main principles of science is that things aren't just taken on faith without some kind of proof.

All these facts that science has discovered again tell us of how incredibly complex even the “simplest” life forms are. These are questions that show us how absurdly impossible evolution is.

How do we know those are the simplest life forms that ever existed?

Please do a little more research on DNA before making statements like this. DNA is completely redundant, error checking, and does not heal randomly. Zanth can post more here than I can, but your whole point here is erroneous as what you say it should be is what it already is. It DOES heal itself, but not always like you think. Birth defects and other deformities are, quite often, not genetically passed on, and the offspring of those with birth defects corrects itself with the next generation. If can heal certain anomalies, but others take another combination of egg and sperm to correct for.

Well, biology was never my strong subject

IT seems that your idea of DNA is that it would have intelligence in and of itself - that it should find all errors itself and correct for them.

Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of RAID-1 or RAID-5 storage of data... (RAID-1 is where you have two hard disks, each containing the same data as the other so you can keep going if one fails. RAID-5 is where you have X+1 hard drives of equal size, where the +1 stores error checking information for all the others so you can recover data if any one of them fails.) And I also don't think DNA is intelligent - simply the result of a mind-bogglingly small coincidence, that, when distributed over aeons and trillions of organisims becomes odds of 1:1.

I also think you missed my point about the link between a life form’s complexity and the number of DNA molecules. According to evolution’s own teaching, the more complex the life form the slower it evolves. Since DNA is the most complicated molecule in existence, it is an accurate barometer for judging complexity. Humans only have 22 pairs of DNA molecules, and yet we are, again according to evolution, the pinnacle of the evolutionary charts. They themselves use man as the most complicated organism in existence. If this DNA is an accurate barometer, then anything which contains more pairs of DNA is, by definition, more complex.

Since when is there a correlation between number of DNA chromosomes and the complexity of an organism? By your argument a fern is more complex than we are - except you confuse number of chromosomes with number of DNA molecules (while we have 22 chromosomes, we have trillions of DNA molecules since there's 22 per cell IIRC. [again, I might be wrong on the 22 per cell bit]). Even still, an elephant would be more complex than we are by simply counting DNA molecules - though by standards of the bible, man is superior to the elephant. Quote:

This is not possible. Everything with more than 22 DNA pairs would be more complex than man and would not exist yet since it takes longer to evolve an organism that is many, many times more complex.

Yet since things with more chromosomes are more complex and would evolve later, by your reasoning, they would also be better adapted and therefore superior to man. Since they DO exist yet, your measure of superiority is incorrect according to evolution, and also Creationism - we are, after all, created in God's image and superior to the plants and the beasts, aren't we? Quote:

The analogy of audio equipment THD is quite horrendous to fall back on. We’re comparing life forms composed of the most complex molecule in existence, the analogy of the audio equipment is from objective design figures to subjective perceived sound.

That's the thing - your measure of number of chromosomes is not an objective measure of complexity in the same way that THD is not an objective measure of the perceived sound. Quote:

Please don’t try and cop out on me aby saying we just don’t understand enough about evolution, therefore it is still a viable alternative.

Well, I kinda did above, but oh well. Quote:

Take just the known science we have right now, and tell me how evolution defies and destroys almost every single premise of the known sciences.

"almost every single premise"? Like physics, and astronomy, and chemistry, and...?
(yes, smart aleck, I know) Quote:

The point isn’t whether we know everything about what happened in the past. The point is really which explanation is more rational, logical, and scientific to believe?

Well, on one hand evolution has been demonstrated (micro-evolution), on the other, the only proof of creation that we have lies in a decidedly religious text which asks that we take its words by faith. (and we aren't likely to find any proof of creation, either, since isn't it said in the bible that "Proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing"? therefore any proof would be a decidedly fatal mistake for God - and since God is by definition infallible and unkillable [The whole God is dead / Nietsche is dead thing
], any proof of his existence doesn't exist.)
Mar 5, 2003 at 7:50 AM Post #161 of 171
[size=xx-small] Well, how do you know that those texts are correct? True, we have the Dead Sea Scrolls, but how do we know that those aren't copies of an even earlier text, which itself might be a copy... [/size]

Every single manuscript we have is a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy...etc. The issue isn’t whether what we have is a copy or original, it’s how reliable are the copies. If what we have passed down to us is an accurate copy of the originals, it matters little how many times it has been copied. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls added tons of credibility to what we currently use since it is a perfect copy of what we have today. IOW, since what we found is from around 300BC, and it is exactly what we have and use today, even though what we have today has gone thru another 2300 years of copying during the interim of the Dead Sea Scrolls and modern day texts, it lends a massive amount of credence to what we have today. If we would have found something that was different in those Dead Sea Scrolls, then it would tend to disprove and take away tons of credibility from what we have today. Again did you read my post on the types of checks and balances that were used by the copyists of the Pentateuch? If not please do so before continuing on this topic. A lot of answers to your questions are contained there.

[size=xx-small] Just out of curiosity, when was the Bible written? [/size]

The Bible is not one book, but a collection of 66 books, written by 40 different authors, over a period of almost 1600 years, and on at least two different continents. The first five books written, Genesis through Deuteronomy, are the Pentateuch, written about 1500BC, the last book written was Revelation, written in 95AD.

[size=xx-small] ....And God, being outside of space and time as has been discussed many times in this thread, would be able to see the corruption of his word and principles the Catholic Church would bring about - which, despite the Reformation, continues to this day in the recently-discovered protection of child molesting priests. So why was the order given for the creation of the Church? Or was the "order" an 'edit' of the Bible? Obviously, things like this are only suspicion - I don't have any proof (obviously!), and your description of the New Testament as the most-verified document in existence seems to deny the whole point. But in general, the very existence of the logical arguments like the above, and the two completely conflicting stories of the creation of Man (actually, Woman) (the creation of earth and the garden of Eden) make me doubt the tamper-free (or simply error-free) nature of our current texts. (and no, these critera do not apply to all written works, only to those which do not provide logical or factual proof of their arguments - those that require us to accept them on the basis of pure faith, without any means other than the earliest work we possess of checking the accuracy of a given work.) [/size]

Your argument here is philosophical, so I will treat it and answer it as such. Here’s the deal with what you said about God and intervention in the lives of man: If given the choice of a society in which every time you try to do something wrong a divine agent would intercede and cause you to choose to do the right thing, against your own will and desires; or a society in which you had the freedom to make your own decisions, even if it meant the ability for you and all others to choose to do evil and wrong. Would you choose to have no freedom apart from divine intervention making you choose to do right, or would you rather choose to have the freedom to chose evil or good yourself? If you choose the latter, then that is what we have in the world today. You can’t have it both ways. Either we are free to do as we choose, or we are mere robots that don’t have that freedom. One can’t cry foul when God doesn’t intervene and make something happen since one expressed the desire is to be totally free to choose. God entrusted us with His revealed Word. His giving us free choice meant taking the risk that we would corrupt that very teaching, but those are the rules we live by. If one organization choose to abuse, corrupt, lie, cheat, or whatever, God can’t force us to choose not to do so. He is free to punish these wrong doings, but not force a change. If we cry foul when He forced us to choose to do good, we then can’t cry foul when He left us to choose to do evil.

You also mentioned two completely conflicting stories of the creation of man that makes you doubt the tamper-free nature of our current texts. Can you please expound on this some since you lost me at this point. I don’t want to assume what you meant, so clarification on your part would be necessary.

[size=xx-small]Well, yes, but to get your mathematical odds correct, you need to leave out the things which can be found by common sense, and/or which can be in more than one order. Obviously the heavens, earth, and light were created first (light could technically be created before the heavens and earth, actually), then night and day had to be created after light and earth, then water had to created after earth but not necessarily after light, then plants had to be created after water and light (farming has been around a LONG time, so this would also be common knowledge), celestial bodies actually had to be created BEFORE plants and BEFORE night and day (since plants need sunlight [sun is a celestial body] and night and day depends on the relation of the earth to the sun, rotationwise.), living creatures (fish, birds, animals) had to be added after all the previous (need food, water, sunlight), and then people (need food, i.e. animals). Not only are there only 5 or 6 things that need to be created in a given order, but one's in the wrong order![/size]

Common sense you say? Wow, you are giving quite a lot of credit to a man who wrote down this account of creation. Moses wrote that account 1500 years BC! No one, and I mean no one was able to tell how to arrange the account of creation from a scientific point of view since none of the sciences existed at that time. Common sense in no way negates getting something in the right order. There are, as I stated, 10 things that were given in the right order, whether they could be discerned with the senses or not, and the fact that those ten things are in the right order is nearly impossible.

And which one was given in the “wrong order”? The need for heavenly bodies is a wrong assumption since light and the sun were already created. It says that all other heavenly bodies were created, not the sun. There was light on the first day, right where it had to be for all the rest to fall in place correctly. Please explain how light could exist before the sun or any of the other stars were created. If there did not exist a single star to create light for the plants to survive, where did it come from I sufficient quantity for life to exist and continue?

[size=xx-small] Just out of curiosity, where does it say that the maximum lifespan is 120? [/size]

Read the context of Genesis 6:1-8.

[size=xx-small]Nope. Religion (Old Testament, to be specific) teaches that Man was created "in God's own image", "to rule the earth", etcetera. Evolution teaches that we're the CURRENT "pinnacle being" that lives on land. Not only do I fail to see how, by the principles of evolution, we would be the pinnacle beings of the oceans (since we haven't adapted at all to them), but the whole idea is that evolution is always happening(in fact, one could extrapolate that a species will never notice that it is evolving), and that not only will the beings we call "human" cease to exist at the next global climate change (having adapted to the changes, if they happen slowly enough) but that we could be replaced as the "pinnacles" if the world changes fast enough that we can't adapt fast enough (think cockroaches and nuclear war) - or another species evolves to be superior. [/size]

I never said that the Bible didn’t teach that we were made in God’s image, just that I was quoting the teaching of evolution. Man IS, according to evolution, the pinnacle of evolution. They don’t segregate us into land, sea, and air pinnacles, just that we’re at the top of the evolutionary chain, and have evolved the most. The rest of your argument assumes that evolution is a fact, which is an assumption based on opinion and not science or facts. You then state that we are evolving all the time. By this do you mean micro or macro evolution? If micro, variances within a species, we will always be man, apes will always be apes, frogs will always be frogs, etc. But, if you mean macro evolution, then you’ve just made a jump from micro to macro again, and that has never been observed or proven. Tell me how we are “always evolving” please. Show me a single transitional species found in the fossil records. Show me a single link from an ape to us. Tell me why Darwin himself said on page 280 of his book On the Origin of Species, “Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain, and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory” If evolution was true, we should have found millions and millions of transitional species, especially since we are “always evolving” as you put it. Where is the evidence?

[size=xx-small] I thought God's will was unknowable? [/size]

Where did you hear this? It directly violates biblical teaching clearly spelled out in the Bible, so I’m curious as to where you got this info.

[size=xx-small] I would say that Pasteur was incorrect, even though we have no proof, since life had to come from something that isn't 'life' - but again, where do you draw the line at life vs. non-life? [/size]

This is what we call a biased presupposition. Denial of a scientific principle over 140 years old without a shred of proof. Even though it has been proven over and over again that life can not come from non-life, you merely throw out a known and provable science just to cling to a belief that you want. You assume that this had to happen, in spite of known evidences and science just because it had to happen since “evolution is true.” The law of biogenesis has NEVER, I repeat NEVER, been disproven by any scientist, yet you deny it’s validity. Why? Empirical evidence? A new discovery? No, merely a desire to believe that which is unscientific and flies in the face of known science. Creation teaches that life, God, created life. That’s life from life. Evolution teaches that life came from non-life, absurd and impossible.

[size=xx-small] Well, yes, but it's a variant on the chicken and egg problem, from an evolution standpoint. Just as the answer to the C&E problem would be "The egg, because it would have contained the slight mutations (from the pre-chicken's DNA) that are now what we call 'chicken', although in reality the differences are so small that one could have also called the pre-chicken a chicken, so the question becomes not which came first but instead where do you draw the line?", "life" came together as a collection of molecules that could split in two and then each could recreate the missing half. (or at least that's MY theory!)[/size]

The problem you have still not addressed is where did DNA come from? The C&E issue is secondary. No one has even begun to try and tell us how the most complicated molecule in the world came into being. DNA=life, and since DNA can’t come from non-life, where did it come from? Even in the experiments done in a false and controlled environment only produce an amino acid, not DNA. That’s the questions that no evolutionist can answer. No one can come up with anything scientific about the origin of DNA. This is the big leap of faith in evolution.

[size=xx-small]...since isn't it said in the bible that "Proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing"? therefore any proof would be a decidedly fatal mistake for God - and since God is by definition infallible and unkillable [The whole God is dead / Nietsche is dead thing "], any proof of his existence doesn't exist.)[/size]

Please tell where this is in the Bible. If you want to save yourself some time I’ll tell you: nowhere! This is not contained in the Bible. It’s not even hinted at therein. Proof of His existence does exist, and has existed, but it’s a matter of not knowing about them, or denying them off-handedly. Please read Psalm 19 and tell me that proof of His existence is not told of in the Bible. Have you ever studied the teleological, cosmological, or ontological proofs of God’s existence? Even Socrates, Plato, and many others have proved His existence more than 2000 years ago. Have you read anything by them? If not your dismissal of His existence is based on bias or prejudice, and not on a first hand account of the facts.

[size=xx-small]Because it makes more sense than any other theory out there. Until we discover otherwise, it's the only scientific theory we've got. A.C. Doyle was incorrect when he said that "when you remove the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, is the truth," because what if there's something you DON'T know? Something that remains, but you don't see? As long as the theory you're working on can be supported logically and by evidence, it'll be like Newtonian physics - good enough for everyday use, but disproved by Einstein. And who knows - there may never be an Einstein of evolution and instead someone who finds "the missing link" which delivers final and incontrovertible proof of evolution. And no, Creation isn't a scientific theory, so it can't be accepted as scientific fact - one of the main principles of science is that things aren't just taken on faith without some kind of proof. [/size]

You state that creation is unscientific. Please discuss the scientific problems with creation. Please discuss the facts of what creation teaches, and then tell me why it is unscientific. Please don’t throw out opinions that such and such is wrong. Use the known sciences and scientific principles and tell me what creation teaches, and the scientific principle that it violates. And please make your arguments specific, not general. Spell it out like I have done and let’s discuss what’s so unscientific about creation. I hold the opposite view. I say that science proves creation, and totally goes against evolution. I have pointed out at least 5 ways in which science teaches that evolution is false, and will post a single post soon that show at least 10 ways in which science proves evolution is false, and that the earth that is less than 10,000 years old. Even the known sciences can prove the earth can’t be more than about 10,000 years old.

And since you mentioned Einstein, even his theory is now being corrected. The speed of light is proven to be slowing down. His assumption that it was a constant will be radically changed over the next few years as we discover that light is slowing down. This alone has ramifications that no one could have predicted. If light traveled much faster in the past, are we really billions of light years from another planet? How can we say with any certainty that the decay of a radioactive particle is constant when it’s very decay is related to the speed of light?

It takes faith to believe in evolution since it contradicts all known science at every turn. It takes faith to believe in something that’s unprovable. It takes nothing but an open mind to look at the facts and believe in something that is provable and scientific. If you will only believe evolution, in spite of all its contradictions and the evidence that proves it wrong, then you are lying to yourself, and cling only by faith to something your own rules tell you is a lie and unscientific. You already stated you believe something in spite of its impossibility scientifically, why should I believe that you will actually listen to reason and science when it points you to creation and God’s existence? Even Robert Jastrow, an agnostic, says that all of what science is discovering points to creation. We looked at all the astronomical, astronomy that is not a huge amount, evidence of what science has discovered and was at least intellectually honest enough to say that it all fits into a creation model of our existence. Are you willing to open-mindedly look and listen, and come to a conclusion at the end, whether it is the opposite of what you now believe?
Mar 7, 2003 at 8:33 AM Post #163 of 171
[size=small]For those interested, here's a compiled Top 10 List of Why Evolution Is Not Scientifically Valid.[/size]

1. According to the law of entropy, all things go from a state of order to disorder; from hot to cold; from complex to simple. This is observable anywhere we can observe. You car that you own, is it getting better with age, or worse? Are you feeling the effects of aging, and getting worse physically? (If not, just wait.) Does your car run better, get better gas mileage, need fewer repairs at 200,000 miles than when new? This is one of the most widely known and easily observable facts of science. Therefore, what does evolution teach: that all on it’s own, evolution is the single mechanism in known existence that violates this order. It teaches us that we were simple organisms that have gotten more complex, more ordered, and more ordered over time. We have gone from the simplest of organisms to ones magnitudes more complex.

2. Louis Pasteur, in 1860, proved that life can only come from life; that life can’t come from nonliving, inanimate matter. This is also called the Law of Biogenesis. Evolution asks us to swallow the fact that Pasteur was wrong. Even people like Dr. George Wald, Professor Emeritus of Biology at Harvard University, and winner of the Nobel Prize, wrote in an article of Scientific American that spontaneous generation, the idea the life arose from nonliving matter, was scientifically disproved by Louis Pasteur in 1860. In his book, Life, Origin and Evolution, he wrote that, “One has only to contemplate the magnitude of this task to concede that the spontaneous generation of a living organism is impossible.”

3. Since the Big Bang proponents like to teach that the entire universe was a tiny dot about the size of a period on a piece of paper that was spinning, and then exploded. Please explain how the Law of conservation of Angular Momentum is defied by the planets in our solar system spinning in the opposite direction from the rest. (Please don’t confuse the theory about magnetic[/b] poles shifting with the orbital direction doing so.) Since all things will maintain the same direction of spin when thrown off of a spinning object, everything and everything would, to this day, be spinning in the same direction as that little dot that exploded. (Please don’t confuse the theory of magnetic pole shifts with planet rotational shifts.)

4. Current population - the current population growth is about 2%. Assuming a population growth of a mer ½% over a period of 4,000 years gives us our current population, starting with just 2 people to begin with. This ½% takes into account wars, famines, deaths, etc. into the figure. Just using that figure of ½% over a period of 4,000,00 years we would have roughly 1 person/ square foot of the entire surface of the earth. If you want the exact formula for computing this, I will email or PM it to you upon request.

5. Rotational speed of the earth - extrapolating the current speed and rate of slow down of our little blue planet, we can accurately say that if dinosaurs existed about 10,000,000 years ago, the winds on the earth would have been somewhere in the neighborhood of 300mph. The dinosaurs would have been thrown from the face of the earth due to the speed of rotation.

6. Distance and rate of change of the earth to the moon. Since the moon effects our tides and such on the earth, again taking the rate of change as to how much farther the moon moves away from the earth each year, we can extrapolate the data back to the times of the dinosaurs 10,000,000 years or so ago. The tides on our planet would have swept over the entire face of the earth twice a day, and the waves would have been hundreds of feet tall.

7. Helium concentration in the atmosphere - if the earth truly was 5 billion years old, due to the decay of uranium, giving off helium as it’s by-product, the concentration of helium in our atmosphere is estimated to be about 1,000,000 times greater than it is.

8. The fossil records - even Darwin himself states in his work On the Origin of Species, “Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain, and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory.” Found on page 280). So since all of evolution hinges upon what is found in the fossil records, what do evolutionists themselves, in moments of honesty, say that the fossil records show. To quote an famous paleontologist, Steven Jay Gould, who is also a staunch proponent of evolution, has admitted that the fossil record shows: “Stasis. Most species appear in the fossil record looking much the same as when they disappear; morphological change is limited and directionless. Sudden appearance. In any area, a species does not arise gradually. It appears all at once and fully formed.” And this, “The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology. The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils” This is from his book, Evolution’s Erratic Pace, pages 13-14. A colleague of Gould, Niles Eldridge wrote this: “We paleontologists have said that the history of life supports [the story of gradual adaptive change], all the while knowing that it does not.” From his book, Time Frames, pages144-145. Eldredge also wrote this, “Expectation colored perception to such an extent that the most obvious single fact about biological evolution—non-change—has seldom, if ever, been incorporated into anyone’s scientific notions of how life actually evolves. If ever there was a myth, it is that evolution is a process of constant change” In Newsweek magazine, March 29, 1982 in an article titled “Mysteries of Evolution” we read this, “a professional embarrassment for paleontologists: their inability to find fossils of transitional forms between species, the so-called “missing link”. Darwin, and most of those who followed him, believed that the work of evolution was slow, gradual, and continuous and that a complete lineage of ancestors, shading imperceptibly one into the next could in theory be reconstructed for all living animals. In practice, Darwin conceded, the fossil record was much too spotty to demonstrate those gradual changes, though he was confident that they would eventually turn up. But a century of digging since then has only made their absence more glaring. Paleontologists have devoted whole careers to looking for examples of gradual transitions over time, and with few exceptions that have failed.” (In all cases, emphasis mine.) For those of you with access to a library, please verify that what I have quoted is accurate. I don’t want someone to say I lied, since I don’t and wouldn’t.

9. The “Missing” Missing Links - for a list of many of these, which is too long to post here, please see my earlier post where I point out several hoaxes, and tons of bad science used to prove the supposed missing links that join us to an ape. So far there is basically nothing between man an apes in the fossil records. NOTHING, yet out school’s textbooks are filled with known hoaxes and bad science where people purposefully chose one skeleton out of a whole group of skeletons, and tried to say that was evolution. Many times there were human skeletons found in the same strata of rock as these supposed links, yet that info is not as widely published.

10. Evolution also goes against the laws of probability. Evolution teaches that time + chance = life from slime. All we need is lots of time, and lots of opportunities, and we’ll have life spring forth out of nothingness. The premise of evolution is one that random impersonal chance produces complexity and organization. (Direct violation of #1 above) In fact, science and all observable evidence teaches us just the opposite. This also introduces another factor in that longer periods of time actually produce ever increasing disorganization. Try taking a plane up to 5,000ft and drop out a few hundred thousand 3x5 cards and see if it spells out “Welcome To Head-Fi, sorry about your wallet” when they land. Evolution teaches that all we need is more time for this to occur. Ok, this time take that plane up to 25,000ft. Does that make it more or less likely that those same cards will spell this out? More time = less organization and more chaos, not that more time = more organization. Sir Fred Hoyle, one of the world’s leading astronomers and mathematicians, stated before the British Academy of Science, “The probability of life arising by chance is the same probability as throwing a six on a dice five million times in a row.” He went on to add, “Let’s be scientifically honest. We all know that the probability of life arising to greater and greater complexity and organization by chance through evolution is the same probability as having a tornado tear through a junkyard and from out the other end a Boeing 747 jetliner!”
Mar 7, 2003 at 4:29 PM Post #164 of 171
Very good post servingecuador. I have been reading it over and over.. And doing some research on some of your points. I am still on point one regarding the law of entropy. I am in no way a beilever of evolution .. I am just trying to sort through your points to validated their credibility.

The problem with that law in this situation is that the law states that in any isolated system, the degree of disorder can only increase.

The thing is, human beings are not isolated.

here is a clip taken from another site: "The human body acts in conjunction with the rest of the biosphere. We ingest “energy” from food that we eat, which has previously taken it from the sun. So while we are increasing our level of order, that around us is decreasing."

Here is an example from a book regarding the issue of evolution vs. creation :

"For example, an unassembled bicycle that arrives at your house in a shipping carton is in a state of disorder. You supply the energy of your muscles (which you get from food that came ultimately from sunlight) to assemble the bike. You have got order from disorder by supplying energy. The Sun is the source of energy input to the earth's living systems and allows them to evolve."

This somewhat empasizes the point that humans are not a closed system...

Im not sure but it seems like the law of entropy is somewhat debatable on this subject: http://www.panspermia.org/seconlaw.htm
Mar 7, 2003 at 8:16 PM Post #165 of 171

Originally posted by Nefarion
Here is an example from a book regarding the issue of evolution vs. creation :

"For example, an unassembled bicycle that arrives at your house in a shipping carton is in a state of disorder. You supply the energy of your muscles (which you get from food that came ultimately from sunlight) to assemble the bike. You have got order from disorder by supplying energy. The Sun is the source of energy input to the earth's living systems and allows them to evolve."

This somewhat empasizes the point that humans are not a closed system...

Ok I'm going to tackle this one. In the bicycle example, you did not get order from disorder by suppling energy, you got order from dissorder by the intelligent and preciseuse of energy. A torch could supply the same amount of energy, but but not in the require changing levels and constantly varying directions of motion. Without intellegents, even a simple machine like a bike is impossible.

And this bicycle is a none life form. Look at the difference between the simplest of life forms and the most complex of non-life forms and the life form is thousands (if not millions) of times more complex. To say that simply adding energy to chemical mix makes life requires more faith than I have.

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